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Everything posted by loler43214

  1. Dose any body knows why my account not logging in when I confirmed my password? P.S love the site:cool:
  2. What happens when the game loads and all of the sudden its stops when loads the pwings? dose it supose to stop there?
  3. I hope that there be a tutorial on pod racer and remakes from the n64 game
  4. What happens if the anti-virus warning comes on when downloading the dill and deletes itself?
  5. The .25 dill is given me a weird virus protection warning during download and can't download
  6. InfinteDice, would there be support with EPL so be able to make planes without landing or make a base builder
  7. I would like to see a mortar turret for tanks (like this pic)
  8. Are there going to be more tank cannons, because it will be also nice to have more sized cannons and even a FLAK turret for tanks.
  9. Would considering structure parts for helicopters to hold the missiles and more tank sizes. P.S This mod is EPIC:)
  10. Is this going to work with other mods. It would be great for FS and LLL
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