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Technical Ben

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Everything posted by Technical Ben

  1. Thanks for the info. It will help me set up some 'example' scenes in blender. Once I have them, I\'ll upload them here for others to use and modify to add their parts to. That way modding should be easier for everyone. Could not get the material to import by changing the texture location. So deleted the reference completely. I can now import!
  2. I actually got a free version off a Mag (Lite version released for free ages ago ). But I prefer Sketchup for surface tools (plugins for add lines/mesh to surface) and Blender for general modelling, as it\'s the only one with the proper UV and export features. Truespace also went free to download on version 7 a while ago. Not checked if it uses Collada files yet. http://www.caligari.com/downloads.html
  3. Ok. I\'ve got a workaround working in Blender. The bug is not the games fault as such, but Blenders insistence on NOT updating the axis properly on export. Might actually upload a tutorial in picture form if it will help.
  4. Are you sure? There are 2 options. Either use the node_collider and use the lattice to connect on sides as well as nodes. Or set a sideways lattice as a second object.
  5. Wow. Nice. Great detail. Does the game handle all those individual parts well? PS Nibb31, should be easy to make a vanilla rocket get that to the moon. I\'d suggest using the 3 fuel tanks as anchor points for 3 liquid engines and their fuel tanks.
  6. I\'m not sure. I don\'t see many other problems with it really.
  7. I use the latest version. But I cannot import the game files. All I managed was the .obj file left in the parachute parts folder. I sued that as a scale reference, or use Sketchup for imports. Blender works fine for exports, providing you remember... Change the Z axis (height) to match the game. Turn all Quads to triangles (should be automatic on export, but just in case). Add a material and UV map. Combine meshes into a single object to reduce load on the game. Keeping separate parts in separate meshes still though (like parachute 'canopy' 'cap' and 'base' would be just 3 meshes, not any more). And to remember to give the parts the correct name if the game needs it (such as 'node_collider').
  8. Nope. I mean my own parts. My parts export correctly. So Blender is either correcting the rotation, or the game is. It\'s only animated parts (parachutes and strut connector bars) that are rotated 90 degrees as the Z and Y axis are swapped. I\'ve now exported a parachute correctly, but I had to rotate it 90 degrees to the rest of the model (did this by making a separate axis, rotating it 90 degrees and linking it to the 'canopy' part). Perhaps Blender is correcting the 'scene' orientation, so the model exports correctly. Each 'mesh' inside the model still has Blenders opposite rotation though. So when the chutes open, they use the 'mesh' axis and not the 'scene' axis'. At a guess, I\'d say that was the problem. I might be able to go over an change all the mesh axis in my models to fix it. That might be what the other modders have done, but I don\'t see any of them actually giving any helpful advice on it. only 'it\'s wrong' and not how to fix it.
  9. It\'s strange that the game gets it right on the other parts though. Just read on the blender site that it does use a different system. Which is a pain. I am not sure if I can change it inside blender. I will give it a go. Thanks.
  10. I\'ve been having some real trouble with putting anything other than a simple part from Blender into the game. Like parachutes for example. They load up, but come out sideways! The rest of the parts are correct... I mean, my modded boosters are not upside down or anything. But animated parts just go wrong. Struts or chutes are all over the place. I\'ve finally resorted to adding a separate axis for the mesh, and getting blender to export it with the model. Does anyone know an easy way to fix this?
  11. Oh, I get it. So similar to the way everyone else does it, but with a flush connection? The only reason I keep, or prefer, it to be different styles is to make it easy to see where your parts are on the rocket. So perhaps a seam or some paint to show where the two parts separate?
  12. [Edit] That is bizarre. Today, they work. I\'ve changed nothing. But have restarted the pc. I think this game is doing it on purpose. Hmmm. I\'m trying to make some landing legs. But they constantly explode. As soon as they touch the ground. This is extremely annoying. Oh. It may have been because I forgot to turn quads to tris... darn blender. Ok. Seems to be the breakingTorque and breakingForce needed to be upped from the default level. No idea why. Nope. Nothing I do fixes it. I\'m just about ready to give up now. How do other people make landing legs work?!
  13. How did you add engines to the cap? Do you just add a line in the config file? Ps. Great design for a lander!
  14. I think the game engine prefers things like rocket meshs to be above it\'s origin or axis in the 3d program you use. If you put it below, strange things happen.
  15. I don\'t think the game handles concave collision meshes. You may need to change the way you designed the lander tanks. Perhaps make them 4 tanks, in a quad arrangement. Each tank would then have a collision mesh shaped like a pie wedge or similar, and have no concave bits.
  16. I am unable to import collada files from the game to blender. I can export to the game, and everything works. I can import into Sketchup (with errors, but a model is loaded). If anyone can give a run down on how to import into blender it would help. I really need the model details and axis for the Strut connector. Well, if anyone has a .blend file of a sturt connector they can send me, it would be great! Then I can edit the mesh. Currently, I can get a mesh into the game, but the strut sticks out in the wrong direction, because I don\'t know which direction to point it (Sketchup resets all axis on import. ).
  17. Oh, sorry. I never meant to upload that. I\'ve been trying to mod the struts. I\'m new to this. I think I\'ll work on having 2 sets of mod folders on my pc. A stable release version, and the one I continue to add to. Just got to remember to upload the correct folder! :/ I\'ve got the duct tape working, it just ends up too big, too small or rotated wrong. I just cannot get Blender to give the game the correct measurements for a strut. :/ Fixed the parts. Download link now working.
  18. Lol. I will still keep 'Murs' in a soft spot in my heart. Other than that, it\'s a great picture!
  19. Mine does... Not sure if I got it as a free plug in. I only have the free version. I\'ll have to check the forums for plug ins for you. You can export to Google Earth, unzip the kmz file, and then import it to blender. Welcome to the world of free, but only half functioning software!
  20. For some reason blender does not want to import existing game files. You can import them with Google Sketchup. But that program will not let you save back to the game. The long and hard way is to import in Google Sketchup, then export as '3d model: Collada' and then import that model into Blender.
  21. First off. You need to give the mesh that you are editing a name. Does your Autodesk program allow you to name parts or meshes? I use Blender. It\'s free and does most of the things you need.
  22. If it can export to collada then you should be able to use it. Start with making a cylinder with 24 sides and a second mesh called 'node_collider' with 12 sides. they should be 1m diameter. They need a material set and some uv co-ordinates. If your software cannot do this, then blender is free. You could at least import/export to blender to convert the files.
  23. Nice. I\'d love to see lots more fun packs.
  24. Lol. I had an idea to put fireworks into the game... looks like you beat me to it!
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