### Download all here ### http://benart.www.idnet.com/TBKSPMOD.zip You can now use the nose of the command pod to launch satellites! Now includes: Kaplunk Micro Space Probe Nose cone Payload fairing Stackable Parachutes (to stack or add micro payloads and Launch Abort stages to) Tiny landing legs Nano Fuel tank Impact bags (replaces parachutes for last second impact cushion, mostly assists powered landings) Heatshield/landing retro rockets. Heatsheild/orbit decay solid rockets. Experimental Orion atom bomb rocket and an impact plate to connect it to. Some duct tape just in case... Video of rockets used to land: http://youtu.be/mcK7VJl0c7s Here is a video of an Orion style capsule launch. I am not sure if you can get an interstellar Orion ship in space in a single launch. You can hit escape velocity for small craft though! http://youtu.be/y95MnAk5hwI [update as of 29/10/11] Two new parts to add to the Command Pod landing mod. A solid state landing thruster and landing cushions. It\'s hard to get the numbers correct, I may have to adjust them still, so any feed back is welcome. Landing retro rocket. 'Fire and forget' landing. That\'s 'Forget about ever getting out alive'! Landing cushions. Opens at the very last moment, but helpful if you\'ve just run out of fuel in your landing exercise, and a parachute will not open in time. The rockets provide a small thrust and use little fuel. They come with a micro fuel tank to place under the command pod. It provides just enough thrust and fuel for landing in the atmosphere. Use at 'about' 600m and at half throttle. I suggest trial and error in getting a clean landing, but so far, no pilots have come back to complain of failures... Hope everyone likes it.