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Everything posted by klgraham1013

  1. Doesn't time warping to a launch window take under a minute? Maybe I just have a bit more patience, or a different definition of dreadful. I think the original post has some good ideas. I don't need much more time with .24 to know I don't like the contracts as they are. Any discussion for improvement is welcome in my eyes.
  2. You've never done it because it's not a good idea. Contracts should encourage and teach smart play.
  3. Kerbal Construction Time has a good implementation for timed test flights. Squad could take inspiration from that.
  4. I don't really want things appearing and disappearing in my game. I run the space program. I put things in space.
  5. Yes. It's made my rockets poorly designed and generally stupid. I'm not testing landing gear in orbit. Sorry. Back to a science career for me. The contracts just haven't lived up to the Hype Train for me.
  6. I actually don't have a problem waiting through a time warp. Just trying to see everyone's point of view.
  7. I actually think both of you, Regex and Kegereneku, are bringing some interesting ideas to the table. Regex is correct that whatever waiting we are doing needs to be fun. The worst part of sports games is waiting for the calendar to go by. If we did have a monthly income, what would we do while we wait for it? Could we have time warp continue while we are in the VAB / SPH? Perhaps Mission Control could have a map of the solar system. You could select dates to see future planet alignments. You could plan orbital maneuvers. See how much delta v a trip to Jool, Laythe, and back again would cost. If a timed income is to be implemented, what we do while we wait should be considered. edit: Kerbal Alarm Clock would be required to stop the warp once new funds arrived.
  8. I actually do think that waiting can be used effectively in a number of mediums, games being one of them. I also understand that some people don't play games, or enjoy them that way. Hitman: Blood Money is one of my favorite games due to it's slow, methodical nature, but some people prefer Call of Duty. That's fine. I personally feel that Kerbal is already leaning towards the methodical, and to deny that waiting is already an intrinsic part of the game is folly. edit: I do agree that waiting is not planning. ...but, I also think adding some time limitations could increase the need for planning.
  9. This thread is kind of hilarious in a very sad way.
  10. My belief in monthly / weekly budgets isn't about making you wait, it's about the time frame between launches. I would argue that this game does require a degree of patience as it is. I agree with your second point. We do need some record of our achievements.
  11. My disappointment is that contracts did change how I play. Instead of setting up satellite networks, building orbital stations, and landing bases, I'm building ridiculous ships for ridiculous tests. This, all in order to do the missions I want and feel are more appropriate for a Space Program.
  12. I understand the points made about contracts forcing us to solve a problem. Firstly, What I'd argue is for contracts that teach valuable lessons on how to actually play. What is a gravity turn and why should I fly on the 90? What are those symbols on the compass? Why should I fly slower at higher atmospheric pressures? Every occasion I've sat a newcomer in front of the game, the compass has been a problem. The only reason I know what a gravity turn is is YouTube. Mission Control is an ideal way of teaching people how to play the game. Mission Control could slowly introduce new mechanics to the player. Having someone go through the tutorials all at once can be overwhelming. This could solve that. Secondly, provide loose mission parameters that would still allow player freedom in what they want to do and where they want to go. The game could even allow us to submit proposals to the Kerbin government. We could make judgments on what we can do, in how long we can do it, and for how much. Succeeding would increase Rep, thus increasing monthly Funds. This would be end-game content, of course, placed after the general tutorial contracts in Mission Control. I'd rather not beat this drum to loudly. These are just my thoughts as of now. I still need to play more and I can understand the appeal of the current setup. It just may not be for me.
  13. My biggest problem with the procedural contracts now is...well, some examples. Setting off SRBs at unreasonable altitudes. Decoupling / activating an engine at a speed and altitude that isn't optimal. Jet engines on the Mun. Being asked to deploy a parachute at speeds above the terminal velocity. These contracts are possibly 5 to 1 to the contracts that would advance a players skill. Altitude goals. Orbit goals. Reaching other planets.
  14. This is a point I'd like to reiterate. Contracts should be there to guide the player. Right now, the guidance / tutorial contracts are buried along with unnecessary clutter (rescue missions, part testing). I propose that Mission Control be a place for guidance where Gene Kerman makes suggestions for future missions. Perhaps you can commit to these, increasing Rep when completed. Much as contracts are now. If you go to Duna on your own, Gene will still reward you with Rep. The tutorial section could be eliminated by being merged into Mission Control. Now, as far as Rep deterioration is concerned. The current talk is about amount of contracts per month /week. Again, this leads to reliance on the current contract system. A system built around randomness and not player choice. I would suggest that as long as you do something (put a satellite in orbit, land on another planet, etc.) the game would see this as worthwhile advancement. This would hold your Rep in place until you made another worthy achievement. Mission Control could have an archive of your achievements (orbits, landings) much as the Science Archive now.
  15. The point is the time in between. You can't immediately send a follow up mission. You must plan. Sure, you could just time warp until you have infinite funds. You can do that in many games. Let the game sit over night and watch the money roll in. ...but, you can't do that in reality. Perhaps your Rep would decay with out launches. If you do nothing for a year, your rep will have deteriorated to nothing, bringing you little to no funds. Imagine the funding cuts to NASA if they did literally nothing for years on end.
  16. Honestly, I think a monthly salary based on rep would have been better. Rep would increase with accomplishments such as reaching orbit / landing on the Mun / Duna / etc. By having funds come in monthly, you're given a natural restriction. You can no longer immediately send a rescue mission unless you have savings. Launching a massive mission may take months of savings. Perhaps this would irritate some players. For me, though, it seems absurd having so many launches so close together in a single Kerbal day. Adding this restriction would make planning that much more meaningful as well. In my opinion, this would make the game feel much more like the Space Program / management sim it claims to be.
  17. Bioware, then. ...or any company which makes anything. I am just reminding everyone how much communication they're actually is between us and Squad. Sure, we have prepaid for KSP. Maybe that entitles us to something. I'm not sure what I think on that. Kickstarter has posed the same question. What I do know is that we hear from Squad every week, whether you think the information in the dev notes is good enough or not.
  18. Watched the new Manley video. Looks like my love of SSTOs will finally pay off.
  19. Let's all remember that Squad still communicates with us more than 99% of other companies, gaming or otherwise. Ask EA for weekly updates. Not going to happen. I'm willing to accept that maybe they really don't know if it will be done today. Saying anything maybe worse than saying nothing at all. I'll stick to my F5 key and try to be patient.
  20. I am resigning myself to a Monday or Tuesday release. Anything before would be a nice surprise.
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