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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. 0.2.0 IS UP! KSP 0.1.0 Compatibility Now with alternate warp modes! Thanks Helaeon/Serino! Helaeon is now a co-author
  2. 0.3.0 IS UP! KSP 1.0 Compatiblility Removed the 'Recharge' option from the airbags as it caused more grief than it was worth Fixed a bug where airbags would not animate correctly when loading a vessel with deployed airbags
  3. 0.4.0 IS UP! KSP 1.0 Support Deprecated the Maintenance Pod and mini crates Deprecated PackRat KAS assembly as right now it is very beeful. The PackRat RDS and Fairing have been deprecated given the availability of stock cargo modules and fairings Slignt nerf bat to the ducted fan engine
  4. 0.4.0 IS UP! KSP 1.0 Compatibility Ducted Fan engines now produce compressed-air monopropellant Compressor added to the control module All ducted fan engines got a slight nerf bat and had thrust reduced by about 60%
  5. That was precisely my thought when I designed it. Even with SCANSat, we just get into a polar orbit and warp for ten seconds. And best bit is that if you really like sandwiches, all of the hooks are there for modders to tinker with
  6. Not sure why folks would not be happy with that - the challenge is still both retrieving it, and maneuvering it. Tho now the question is whether or not lugging the ISRU gear is worth it vs a regular redirect. But then everyone gets to play with this Monday anyway
  7. Design choice. Given the difficulty of getting an asteroid in the first place, and the fact that they have a limited capacity, they are easier to get ore from. He may have also hit a particularly nice one (no idea as he had no scanner with him) Also - the streamers have uniformly been landing on really lousy resource spots.
  8. It's because you are probably on a lousy spot and below the threshold for that small drill.
  9. What regex said tbh I would not be surprised to see mod parts evolve to leverage the new thermal mechanics.
  10. Except in career, time warping 20 years without doing other things will kill your rep. And also, you have to wait that much longer to get science back, thus hurting your career more. So yes, it's a bit relevant Tho I totally get that it may not be your cup of tea, it is a far cry from 'cheating'. And I'm pretty happy with how the balance worked out.
  11. FYI - update on this tomorrow to coincide with the release
  12. Yes - scientists are incredibly useful as you need them for the updated (and very useful) science lab.
  13. Toss in a pull request - - - Updated - - - Up to the modders - NFT and USI use 1 fund = $5 (2015)
  14. Depends. If you saw it on the drill itself, those are always dead on and it was overheating. If you saw it on one of the scanners and it changed when he did a biome scan, that just reflects going from biome average to the concentration in that specific spot.
  15. I will say that trying to make an all-in-one craft that's both fuel efficient and also hauls around a bunch of ISRU gear is going to be a challenge. Which is how it should be.
  16. The ore does not deplete. What you probably saw with that streamer is the efficiency dropping as the drill overheated. Poor deposits are NOT fun
  17. Also it's not exactly unlimited. You still need to haul down ISRU gear (and they are not light), the power generation to support it, and of course your empty fuel tanks. So for a given mission you will still have constraints, but they will be very different than what we had in 1.0. And although I'm obviously biased, I like that it adds an interesting new mechanic to the game, and opens up options for both stock players and (especially) modders to do some interesting things.
  18. Actually... You can adjust abundance globally with a difficulty slider (which will, if cranked down, result in some barren areas and potentially barren planets). Also, the gear is not light, nor is it exactly efficient (in some ways it's more mass and energy intensive than Karbointe, in other ways it's easier - i.e. orbital or surface are both viable options for refineries). And no, I'd say that using a stock mechanic is not, globally, 'cheating', but it could certainly be a restriction placed on challenges and such. Oh... and it's incredibly extensible, so if it's not your cup of tea ISRU wise, go nuts and make something else - all of the lego bits are there for you, and you can do your own ISRU mod using nothing but configs if you're so inclined.
  19. My fault on that one - I was running the comparisons and the SPP parts were not in the Squad\Parts folder And I think sneaking in 37 new parts this close to launch would not be a good idea...
  20. @Fel, your numbers are a bit off. As a guy who runs a team of engineers, the reality of how much time at the keyboard folks actually get is surprisingly low. On the outside, for a surprisingly industrious engineer, you *might* get 2100 hours a year. If they never get sick or take vacations or attend meetings, etc. Reality is a lot closer to about 1500-1700 per year. It's tangential, but for whatever reason folks assume we just mash on keyboards non-stop. Side note - I don't see what is bad about Sarbian's point of view, it's pretty much spot on.
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