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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Kerbal won't fit in one - the AES is about as small as you can get without random clipping. Scratching my head on this one. Let me try on a completely clean install for you.
  2. Wow... this one sure got necro'd! Actually it will be tossed in a misc parts pack I am working on
  3. Sure, then as noted you can pretty much do whatever you want via an MM config. It just would not be an in the box thing, since we try to keep dependencies down to a minumum
  4. Karbonite is already in as a high thrust low ISP fuel Engines come in the box, including jet engines. Would just be a MM tweak to add it to other parts, and you can even check for KSPI via MM. Probably the same with Marborundum (again, via MM). In the next patch I even added a dummy DLL specifically to help people do MM stuff
  5. Awesome Always cool when we luck out and get an extra benefit from a change
  6. Sure, let's start with the easy stuff. Can you collect Karbonite on the ground using a drill? Always start there.
  7. hrm... it doesn't show my DLL dates but looks like you at least did these today, which is good. Remind me again what your symptom you're seeing?
  8. The point of the pack is to establish commonality with stuff that we actually use The ones listed either (a) are not used at all, and just have no corresponding resources , ( exist but don't tie to the resource (like CO2), or convert pure elements to an abstract resource (Hydrogen -> LF, Oxygen to Oxidizer).
  9. They are based on the numbers from other mods. KSPI, NFT, TAC-LS, US, etc.
  10. Model nodes are perfectly fine. The mod setup is like that for a reason. And given that it works for most everyone else, we now get to go down the magical journey of figuring out what you have not told me. So as noted below... how about KSP version? What config? etc.
  11. Actually - toss a pull request because it's the same code just moved to a different DLL
  12. Yep. Short version is that VAB wants props one way, FireSpitter to have contra-rotating propellers wants them another way, and I'd have to completely redo the model and some maths to get it to work out so you get symmetry and properly spinning props. It's definitly doable, but not without a model adjustment
  13. Delete packrat first, reinstall manually. It's a non-plugin part so I expect your crash is plugin related. For both of these.... KSP version, screenshots of GameData and UmbraSpaceIndustries folder. And get KSP-AVC if you don't already have it, it makes my job easier
  14. The instant fill up is a known bug - not sure on why you stopped seeing hotspots though - try a toggle/retoggle on the scanner. Can you still extract? Anything in the debug log? hmmm... Can you show me screenshots of both your GameData and your UmbraSpaceIndustries folder?
  15. Screenshot of your GameData folder and your USI folder. And.. I assume you are on KSP 0.24.2?
  16. MKS lost it's TAC hard-link ages ago And actually I'm busy at work making all of the mods in the constellation relatively independent.
  17. Patience... you described about 50% of my next mod....
  18. Probably not as they have a lot of interdependencies... and then I'd just crowd up your GameData folder
  19. Ahhhh... yeah, I can start saving more of these and just toss them on my dropbox for people to stalk
  20. FYI. To fix the version breaking thing, it looks like as long as you reference your DLL by version (not the default OpenResourceSystem.dll) and include your version in your own plugin folder, the versioning issue is fixed. this is what we had to do to get MKS working again with an older ORS
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