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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. All of this stuff is downright pretty! Can't wait to use it
  2. A cautionary bit. Overriding other mod's resource configs is very uncool and makes a lot of work for modders, especially when you mess with densities, etc. For your own use is cool, but I would not recommend releasing it into the wild, and if you end up needing mod support, better disclose what you did in your support request. A good example with densities is that some mods use 1L per unit, others use 5L per unit, and changing these can cause very sudden surprises in the mass of saved craft.
  3. As I recall Wave was already looking at changing LqdWater to Water, so TAC would already be there Though ultimately that's Wave's call. NFT is also already on the list for integration.
  4. FYI, you may want to hop over to the OpenResourceSystem thread or the Community Resource Pack thread... reason being that efforts are already underway - specifically, alignment between MKS/OKS/NFT/KSPI and consolidation of the ORS resources. Which mods did you have in mind?
  5. Whoah... axed what? Do not delete stuff in CRP or you're just going to have more trouble later
  6. Parts really would not support that, and you'd either need to be really lucky with docking ports, or use KAS...
  7. Tougher than you'd think, and outside of scope for starters
  8. Do you use the EPL->Karbonite conversion? You have a duplicate ORS config somewhere. Either in USI (Delete and reinstall Karb from release and MKS if you use it), or in someone else's mod.
  9. Excellent question. Going to have to noodle over a parts list. Here's the current ship design as a WIP:
  10. Oh I do all of this for fun, and really it's more like another piece of the grand vision so an extension of other mods I already handle
  11. But isn't this only relevant if all of those resources are on the current vessel?
  12. Will also have to have some high power generators - these will be in-line with NFT and use the same resources, just different form factors (i.e. to fit the Honeybadger's shape/size)
  13. Freighter Transportation Technologies Initial results from the analysis of probe data have revealed an exciting new power source for all of Kerbalkind. Crystalline formations of of pure Karbonium (one of the main elements in the more common compound Karbonite) have been discovered in the Kerbol system. Preliminary analysis shows that small amounts of pure Karbonium can be found on the surface of Eve, Eeloo, as well as trace amounts inside of asteroids. Initial tests of pure Karbonium have proven it to be an extremely versatile and valuable fuel source, and with performance characteristics far superior to traditional liquid fuel engines, may soon usher in a new age of exploration and space travel. Freighter Transportation Technologies is a new add-on for Kerbal Space Program that builds upon the Karbonite and Asteroid Recycling Technologies (ART) mods with new parts, resources, and gameplay options. The centerpiece of this mod is Karbonium, a new and extremely valuable resource, both monentarily, and as a superior fuel source for space travel. The remaining components of the mod will focus on the harvesting, transportation, and use of this new resource. Features/parts: 1. Karbonium: This new resource, when used in engines, maintains the extreme TWR of Karbonite engines, but at a much higher efficiency. These engines will, by their nature, be vastly superior to their LFO counterparts, but are dependent on a scarce resource (Karbonium) that is unavailable on Kerbin except in very small (and expensive) test quantities. 2. Karbo-Electric Engines: Provides thrust by vaporizing Karbonium pellets (2500-5000 ISP). 3. New ORS Maps: Karbonium deposits on Eeloo and Eve only. 4. The 'Honeybadger' heavy mining lander, designed for Karbonium harvesting on Eve, Eeloo, or asteroidal mining based on the configuration. Includes atmospheric and Karbonite-driven 5. Asteroid probes and mining equipment to harvest Karbonium and other resources from asteroids. 6. Larger mass driver engines for asteroidal operations 7. Karbonium extractors and storage tanks
  14. Probably within two weeks, it';s the first bit of some larger things so it needs the correct context.
  15. The entire ship is modular. you can configure it any way you would like. Most modules are 2m-4m long (VTOL thrusters are 2m, the propellers are a 4m part, cargo bay is 5m, cargo pods are also 2m)
  16. But in fairness, don't you only see the resources when they are on your ship? As far as WHAT folks do with it - up to them. I have some ideas, for now just exploring the general idea and getting thoughts (as I need something like this for the FTT mod).
  17. So this is what I am thinking. Now that we have the core stuff out of the way, I'm considering adding a resource with a much more restrictive availability, but one that will behave in superior ways than Karbonite. i.e. go find and mine this stuff, because it lets you do end-game things. It's still ORS, so no running out - the challenge is not in finding the stuff. The challenge will be more about where it is located at. Specifically, Eve's surface (because it's a bear to get anything into orbit from there), and Eeloo (because of it's accessibility, and it currently has no Karbonite). It will also be found in asteroids in small quantities with the right equipment.
  18. Query for the peanut gallery... If a new resource were to be added (say, something akin to a highly concentrated and more pure form of Karbonite), what would you name it?
  19. It will be a combination of reactor-powered electric propfans, then a boost with Karbonite thrusters. Granted, when I say payload I mean a RareMetals or ExoticMinerals payload, or possibly a yet to be disclosed new resource, but we'll see
  20. Yes, it is SSTO. Atmospheric prop engines, VTOL chemical engines, and attachment points for switching from VTOL to horizontal flight. The design goal is to have it capable of getting a mining harvest off of Eve's surface under it's own power.
  21. No worries, both of those should be taken care of since I'm switching completely to the new converter used by Karbonite, MKS, etc. Just need to wrap up my texturing for the night
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