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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. "Oh Hush"... How lovely. So rather than an apology 'oops - I made a mistake', or maybe didn't realize those pesky FTC rules were in place, you decide it's better to just tell your potential userbase to shut up. there's some interesting irony in all of this that I will leave as an exercise for the reader. Please remove my account and my data from KerbalStuff. User name is the same as my forum name.
  2. Looks like you already decided we did. Not cool. Default to opt-in for emails like this. Also not cool. No option to unsubscribe in the email link. Definitely not cool, and in violation of anti-spam legislation. No option to unsubscribe or opt out on the website. Both frustrating and uncool. You may want to sort out all of this before sending bulk emails out in the future. Ironically, I was just thinking about giving this another go (I really had a negative experience when I first tried to use it, but that was early on), but given the points above, while minor, make me raise an eyebrow and I'll be sitting this one out until I see the house is more in order.
  3. Didn't even catch that... Yes, if you are already doing this: PLANETARY_RESOURCE_DEFINITION:NEEDS[SEDI&!KolonyTools] { name = Ore celestialBodyName = Bop resourceName = Ore mapUrl = SEDI/ORS/Bop_Ore_ resourceScale = LOG_SCALE scaleFactor =1.03 scaleMultiplier = 34 displayTexture = SEDI/ORS/OrePoint displayThreshold = 0.00638221186279936 } Then you have a dependency on MKS already. And if you have a dependency on MKS, then they already have planetary resources, etc. So this mod in its current form, with MKS installed, would likely cause serious lag, except for the fact that this looks like a cross between an ORS config and a MM config so it's probably not loading at all (a good thing) hence why people are not seeing resources.
  4. Very likely if you deleted them from the save new ones would spawn. If the issue persists let me know. Pretty much everything, but after some talks with WaRi there will be one more round of rework (we're basically splitting it into two packs - an intro one and one with more advanced stuff). The physics range thing sounds downright magical And I'll look into the AsteroidConverter. It's the same one we use for Karbonite, so more specifics would be good. Granted, that converter is getting a large rewrite anyway
  5. (For the thread in general) I think you're now seeing why I don't want to get in tussles over hoe much hydrogen weighs I did add a column for compression, less for a realism thing, and more so that if people are making tanks and containers, the sizes make sense. But beyond that - I'm ambivelant to how folks choose to measure stuff (the two most common seem to be 200 units per m3, and 1000 units per m3). Basically, once this goes public (and it will by the end of the weekend) nicely request the authors of the mods you use to use this if a conflict happens (or advise folks that there is a conflict). Anecdotal bit... Because I pulled an old TAC-LS file, I probably caused several ships to crash because their mass suddenly increased when they loaded a new Karbonite version. This was promptly fixxed, but it does go to show why this is a nice thing.
  6. Heya! Awesome to see this, but since you are redistributing and modifying assets from Karbonite, can you please follow the terms of the CC 4.0 Attribution ShareAlike non commercial license we're under? This would include derivative works being under the same license, also attribution to the various modelers, etc. WaRi for the Electrolyzer Nertea for the ISFU and Recycler (and his name should be in the config, I make it a point to leave that in for the modelers - saw it in one, not the other) Lastly, you may want to consider using CRP in it's next iteration with the MKS 0.20 update as all of the ORS stuff is being shared... no sense in repeatedly loading the same PNGs, etc. That will probably be out in the next week or two. Thanks!
  7. Compatibility would be nice, especially since TAC-LS switched units
  8. Yes, that would mess up dependencies, etc. since that would imply a dependency on SCANSat, especially given that it defaults to NOT show hotspots, and you can just not click that button. Probably a better alternative would be to use a second part, especially since there will be some additional overlay work, but it will always be a case of all or nothing as that is fundamentally how ORS works (without a fairly large rewrite).
  9. Now I gotta ask what you did with the MKS workspace and that OKS hub bit at the top of your ship
  10. Yup! That's the best option if you want a hunting game. Hence, we can do stuff via extension.
  11. Thanks, I appreciate it Prepping for a business trip, and have to make sure blender is on the laptop
  12. Beautiful Yeah, a rewrite of ORS isn't exactly on my list Especially given that anything done has to extend ORS vs. wholesale change how it works as it's a dependency we have that is used by other people, and if we mess with it, we're forcing change onto other mods, which is not cool. Tweakscale's.
  13. Excellent idea. I'll add it to the spreadsheet. (Edit to avoid double post) Also added compression, an example, and a column to show quantity in an FL-T800 tank. Just to help out folks making tanks and such. Granted I care a LOT less about compression, but it's more of a nice to have.
  14. That's ORS And I really need to see how things shake out with all of it (KSPI, etc.) before deciding to fork. Or build something standalone. (EDIT) Side note - I do have a prototype of something... bear in mind we're still kinda at the mercy of the fact that there is no 'scanning' in ORS... so anything I add in is going to be an overlay of the entire map.
  15. Awesome! People using ORS is awesome. People extending Karbonite is double awesome. Open licenses are triple awesome, therefore you have achieved the awesomeness trifecta.
  16. Thanks! Yep, stock ORS does not come with anything planetary (that's KSPI specific).
  17. It's on my bug fix list Pick up the KAS extensions - it lets you attach the little TAC-LS cans
  18. Heya, my apologies - but can someone please provide me the sensorType bitmask for a scanner that would incorporate all of the ORS and Karbonite resources? Karbonite Ore Substrate Minerals and Aquifer? I could not find the bitmask reference, so figured easier to ask Basically since Karbonite will be bundled with MKS, I am moving everything to the single scanner and deprecating the stock antenna overrides othe than for logistics, etc.
  19. Thanks! Talking to WaRi about splitting this into a couple of pieces, details coming soon, but it will give us some options for filling out some of the pieces. Feedback on gameplay, etc. is always helpful (gotcha on the conversion rates).
  20. That's how ORS works And I for one think our parts are a lot prettier. (Edit) Bear in mind ORS is concentration based - it does not have the 'deposits that run out' thing Kethane does, hence the scanning experience is totally different. Just land somewhere flat reasonably close to a hot spot, and go to town. No missing by one pixel.
  21. Ping me when this happens - I have some issues to sort out with ORS (some philosophical, some technical) and my strong preference is for us not to have two forks
  22. I think we're saying two very different things I have no problem saying that Hydrogen is Hydrogen, but if Mod-A converts it to Liquid Fuel and Mod B converts it to Fluffy Unicorns, that would be out of scope And yep I do hope that folks hop on board and play nice with eachother. Having curation over a couple of large mods helps
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