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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Thanks I think the whole 'I only sleep four hours a day' is becoming a meme
  2. My turn Here's the generator I helped Reign of Magic finish off.
  3. Honestly, absolutely none. I'd try a reinstallation of the different mods.
  4. Generally there are two main mods that interfere, and two procedural things KSPI (which is broke now anyway) MKS/OKS if you have an OLD version Not being on 0.24.2 (yes, we get this...) A bad Karbonite install (either not cleaning out older versions before 0.1.2, or putting stuff in weird places). Beyond that - I'll always ask... WHICH mining part. Did you try with an inline tank. What do you see when you right click? etc.
  5. yup, at least the last time I checked, provided he doesn't suck away more than 50% of the mass.
  6. Oh.. speaking of the generator... Had to take some liberties to drastically reduce the poly count, tweaked a few other things, going to move onto the joy of unrwapping. Will be adding a lot of glowy effects on this one to show operation.
  7. Pretty Side note - helping finish up the generator.. just spent the evening on rework and poly count reduction Textures and unwrapping next. I'm thinking we get the legs, new engines, and generator in the next pack.
  8. I may not have, my bad. Don't touch ORS - we'll deal with what we're dealt with Need to work on the next release anyway so I will do a recomp then
  9. Gimme another pull request, I trust you - - - Updated - - - Yes, next release (via MM)
  10. Already started, and I expect folks are already used to my track record of stuff getting done The first cut will be going out with the next major release of Karbonite and MKS/OKS (since I have to fix all of my own stuff to work off of a common core).
  11. I don't control ORS. So even if I had a fix for this (which raises other issues - i.e. which map do you use? How do you display it? What do I call it?), it would be moot since anyone using KSPI would quickly cause everything to explode again. 'Willow bending with the wind, not the oak that gets blown over' and all that jazz.
  12. Honesltly, I think trying to make this more than a 'lets not break ORS' and 'here's a reference list of resources a lot of people use' is as far as I plan on going with scope. Anything beyond that puts this project in a bad place that I'd rather not take it.
  13. I'm not going to stop someone from making their own spin. A better question would be to see which mods currently use Hydrogen and have signed up, and it looks like Universal Storage is the one I have. But for the sake of argument, let's say a new mod came on board that allowed the harvesting of, say, Potassium. Perhaps in relation to the Banana For Scale mod. If that modder said 'hey, I want to be part of the CRP and here's my new resource, and I will at the same time not stomp over other stuff' then rock on. If, later, someone making the RealWorldBananas mod feels that the Banana For Scale mod has it all wrong, and makes their own mod, I'm not going to even try to stop them. But it may cause people to have issues with their mod, at which point I'd say 'sorry, we're not compatible with RealWorldBananas', and KSP will just do what it does today... it takes the first one it finds without erroring out, and people get confused. At the same point, if someone said 'Hey, here are twenty new resources... oh, but I have no mod to back it up' I would say 'thank you, come see me when you have a release thread'. Otherwise I will get swarmed with theorycraft. Now, back to Hydrogen. If someone were to say 'Hey, mod X also uses Hydrogen and has done so for decades' then we're in a point where we ask folks why they use the units they do and try to sort it out, but in the end there will only ever be one Hydrogen in CRP. So someone is going to be incompatible. Again, same issue we have today. And IMO adding even more resources and asking mods to make some pretty serious breaking changes is a lot less likely than people making the less breaking change of a cost or mass modification.
  14. Zero intention of doing that by the way. Again, way beyond scope. Let's be clear - the goal here is not to DEFINE resources. The goal is simply to say 'hey, before you add tha thing to your mod, you might want to know that someoene over here already did that, and you guys are gong to collide - so you may want to talk about that'. This is no different than what I did when I made MKS/OKS - I went through great pains to make sure my stuff did not collide (it's why I switched from MetalOre and MineralOre to Minerals and Ore - to maintain compatibilith with EL). Now, I can't force people to play nice (and have no intention of doing so). But it's amazing what public pressure can do, especially if your mod is the odd man out.
  15. I'd say how foks use stuff is up to them - not a concern of the mod, and I pretty much refuse to step into that briar patch It's surprisingly simple. Any non-stock resource had an origin or canonical source. It's up to that canonical source to determine their rates, etc. (i.e. TAC-LS is the canonical source right now for Food). So if someone decides they want to change the value for food... they do so at their own risk, since there's a pecking order to how resources are loaded. I consider point #2 'suggestions'. So if you are making a brand new mod, please don't make another value for the weight of Metal - Extraplanetary Launchpads already has that one covered. IF someone blows the values out of the water and enough people complain, I expect someone will end up changing their stuff. See point above. If someone for example wants to change some of the values that Nertea set up for NFT, nothing can stop them. But it would be kinda rude, and you have what we have today, which is multiple people making the same resource independently, and causing conflicts. Not going to stop that. Rather, I'm asking folks nicely that you should kinda try to stick to the same thing, and go with the guy or gal that did it first. If folks choose to disregard that, then they can deal with the support questions (at best), or folks just uninstalling or hacking at their mod (at worst) because they are causing a conflict. In either case, it's just the goal of CRP to be a clearing house of information, not to handle enforcement.
  16. If anything we can just change the number to say EC and solve the conversation
  17. Good stuff but totally out of scope CRP has two very simple goals, and I consider one of those optional. First. keep multiple mods that use ORS from crashing or causing stuff to lag into oblivion. This is the case when there are duplicate ORS keys. That is the primary purpose of this, and if that's all it accomplishes, I would consider that a good day's work. Second. Since folks are extending Karbonite, MKS, etc. provide a list of the resources everyone is using, and identify conflicts. Then ask people nicely to play nice with eachoter. If this goal is achieved, I'll be downright pleased, but it is a secondary and optional goal of this. And that's where things pretty much stop. Anything beyond that is up to the mod. If somone wants to convert Hydrogen into Fluffy Unicorns, and combine Fluffy Unicorns with XenonGas to make LiquidFuel, rock on. But let's first make sure that three different people don't define a FluffyUnicorn ORS planetaru resource, and let's also at least try to agree on the density and cost of Hydrogen.
  18. MW is the conversion everyone else in KSP uses. While I will keep KSPI compatibility when I can, if there's a conflict between stock (or for that matter, the majority of the community) and KSPI, the former will win.
  19. Not for the ISRU collectors - I know this, because these are the ones Karbonite uses
  20. Your edit is correct - this is being moved around a bit (talking with WaRi on this). Bear in mind this is still a pre-release Everything is subject to change, and if you are on a dev version, things may break for release.
  21. - See below RE clipping, it's on the list, but was not a priority for launch - Air and oceanic are flat rates - Karbonite engines are designed to overheat quickly - don't run them at full throttle, it's a design choice - ORS bug, not my code Define stops working? And right now, we do not have resource extraction on rails - it's being worked (I have a pull request but I'd like it broken out a bit more). And yeah, I'll probably go see how TAC did it, generally the question is how to simulate things like solar panels, etc. Awesome - maybe set up a set and make a parts pack and I can link it?
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