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Everything posted by AlphaAsh

  1. Two posters I respect tell me it's a stock bug. You then tell me it's a stock bug. So, what do you expect me to do?
  2. 1 - There was but it didn't work properly. I removed the feature because it didn't work properly. You can try playing around with the Orientation parameter of an instance: Instances { CelestialBody = Kerbin RadialPosition = 156866.5,-271438.8,514765.2 [B]Orientation = 0,1,0[/B] since I haven't totally deprecated it. Unless I did. I'll check. 2 - An instance's render range is determined by VisibilityRange: Instances { CelestialBody = Kerbin RadialPosition = 156866.5,-271438.8,514765.2 Orientation = 0,1,0 RadiusOffset = 2516.78 RotationAngle = 180 RefLatitude = -26.76663 RefLongitude = 73.05223 [B]VisibilityRange = 25000[/B] which can also be set with the Instance Editor. I don't recall there being a hard limit. I'll check that too.
  3. Totally... bizarre. I'm not even going to try and reproduce that. Next time it happens, revert to the VAB, exit to KSC and then go and grab your KSP.log and post it here. I'd like more than one report of this before I even consider investigating. Anyone else?
  4. That is indeed a CKAN error. KerbinSide and Air-Race share a directory, so that they share textures. You do need the all-in-1 if you want the runways and bases. Air-Race just has the air racing tracks.
  5. This. I know for a fact that confignodes got updated in the API with 1.0.x so any career persistency in KK is going to be broken in the latest versions if used with KSP 0.90.
  6. I should warn you the new track at Dundard's Edge is not repulsor friendly. I've tried
  7. I need to know/see: Version of KSP. Windows or Linux. 32bit or 64 bit KSP. Version of KerbinSide. Version of Kerbal Konstructs. List of mods. Directory listing of GameData. Path of KSP installation. KSP.log from the root of that.
  8. How To Make a Race Track You'll need Kerbal Konstructs and you should go check out the various tutorials linked in the OP so you know how to use the editor. This short "tutorial" assumes you have some understanding of Kerbal Konstruct's editor. KerbinSide Air-Race has some statics specifically for creating races. A race track has three elements: the Start Line, the gates and the Finish Line. All of these elements should be in the same Group. The Start Line should have a FacilityType defined as RaceStart. The Finish Line should have a FacilityType defined as RaceFinish. Each gate is a pair, with one side with a FacilityType of GateX, the otherside GateXP. Where X is the number of the gate. So your first gate would have one pole with FacilityType defined as Gate1. The other pole defined as Gate1P. Technical stuff: Start and Finish Lines detect the distance to a vessel from their origin. So that's a sphere. It's a fixed distance right now. Yes this is a lazy solution and I'll be improving it in future versions of KK. Gates calculate a lerp vector between the poles and the distance between the poles. This then determines a point and the range to that point a vessel must be to be considered through the gate. Again a pretty lazy solution I'll be improving. The statics in KerbinSide Air-Race had to have a new version of the start and finish lines created to move the origin, which are in the latest version.
  9. v1.3 of KerbinSide Air-Race available from KerbalStuff. Changelog: - Added a new track at Dundard's Edge. - Additional start and finish models adapted to work with new KK plug-in support. - All track gates updated to work with new KK plug-in support. - Included latest version of Kerbal Konstructs which has support for air racing! - To start the new feature, open the Base Boss in flight and click the button 'I want to race!'
  10. v0.8.3_EX available from KerbalStuff. Changelog: This is an experimental version. That means that you may well find bugs and problems. If you don't want to help test this version, stick with the previous version. Added feature support for Air Racing. Added Group and Facility Type properties to the Instance Editor. You can now set an individual instance's Group and FacilityType. FacilityType has limited use for now but is necessary if you want to make your own race tracks. It's a special tag that tells KK if an instance is a facility and/or has a function of some sort. Re-designed the GUI for the Tracking Station and Map View Base Boss. Added stub for the WIP 'working' tracking Stations feature in the Tracking Station and Map View Base Boss. This is just a preview of an upcoming feature I didn't disable for this release. Began re-organising the plug-in to be more object-oriented. This may mean bugs I miss in testing! Please report them! HOW TO GET AIR RACING If you want to air race you need Kerbal Konstructs and some tracks configued to use the racing feature. Try KerbinSide Air-Race. KerbinSide Air-Race currently has three tracks: KSCRace near KSC (easyish track), Dundards near Dundard's Edge (really very tricky track) and The Krags, near Black Krags (tricky track). To run a race, open Base Boss in flight and click the button 'I want to race!' The Base Boss will close and the race app will open. It'll tell you the distance to the nearest start line. Cross that start line to start the race.
  11. Welcome to the forums. More likely there are missing textures. Try re-installing KerbinSide first. Then update Kerbal Konstructs. If that doesn't help, then you can find help with ATM compatibility in the first post of the Kerbal Konstructs thread.
  12. As promised, coming soon, plug-in support for Air-Race! A few little tweaks still to make and this feature will be shipping with the next version of Kerbal Konstructs.
  13. Something isn't right with either the .mu or the .cfg. Package them along with the needed textures in a .zip, host it somewhere and then PM me the link and I'll take a look. If it isn't the .cfg at fault, then KSP didn't load the .mu properly which means there's a problem with the model. EDIT: Problem 1 - mesh = in your config must have a value the same as your model name. So if your model is mymodel.mu, for example, then in the config it should be mesh = mymodel.mu Problem 2 - Don't include a stub for instances. KK will try to load an instance with no data and will crash. This: Instances { } shouldn't be in your config. KK will write the Instances as you spawn them in-game.
  14. Thanks chap. I'll take a look at fixing this today. - - - Updated - - - This is something my wife wanted to implement awhile back but we never got around to it. I'll put the foundation in for something like it but I'll probably extend group methods to handle it, since some of that is there already.
  15. Just flew the course in a slightly modified version of JackDugan's craft in 3 mins 40 secs. Ludicrous speed. Well done Jack, this thing is insane. I added a few struts for more robustness on ground impacts and lowered the repulsors down and in.
  16. Yep I've been fiddling around with your design. Chap, keep it on the ground and you'll still top the board with this thing. It's seriously swish. Now I just need to actually control the thing. And I am very sorry i called shennanigans on you. I'm an a***.
  17. Really? Wow. I'll have to try that. I'm having to cover my craft in power generators. EDIT: Okay yup. I don't even see an air intake on your craft. EDIT: Ah the precooler is an intake neat. Question, how do you stop the craft smashing down on the runway on launch? I can't get the turbojet started quickly enough and it's driving me potty. EDIT: I stuck a battery on it just to launch. last question, you have to keep the throttle up high for the alternator to push out enough juice? I just tried something very much like your craft and it wiped out as soon as I throttled down Oh and I owe you an apology. This thing is surprisingly aerodynamic. As you say, it's the TWR that seems to do it.
  18. Take a look at the StaticObject class. You'll need to use getSetting, or the properties of the instance. Depends on the circumstances but you can see examples in EditorGUI.cs. All instances are positioned using KSP's PQSCity functions. The same functions that handle the stock statics/buildings in KSP. Also bare in mind I haven't updated Git in a while because... well, I'm lazy. And also bare in mind there's a lot of KerbTown (and then medsouz) legacy in the code and it's structure will confuse you. I am in fact right now re-organising the entire project to use OO more... correctly. Kerbal Konstructs may as well have been developed in C, the way it's currently structured.
  19. Yeah the little repulsors just can't cope with the water. Love your RCS system there btw How the heck do you control that? - - - Updated - - - Huh? That still looks like flying in the first section. How are you managing to control that so well? That SAS and a few mono RCS seems to be very agile. I tried similar with SAS and mono RCS and got nowhere. It was vernors or nothing. And how are you powering the repulsors?
  20. Something else to muddy things a bit - most of the stock spaceplane parts that Porkjet did provide decent lift. My Repulse Mk5 used them and could easily fly without much hassle. I didn't bother running the race with it in the end.
  21. Second run. New craft. 6 mins 19 secs. The doughnutting really cost me. The boosters were worth the extra weight I think. There's a couple of jumps where I'm relying on proper aerodynamics to keep control so I am concerned that's considered flying and disqualifies me. Your call judge. There's four control surfaces on the craft, they are under 0.5 lift.
  22. Oh, yes quite. I was using Plutonian Quasi-maths at the time. Or something. Yes.
  23. 8 mins 3 secs, give or take half a second for the lack of precision using F3 crossing the start and finish. Lots of ways I can improve this time I think.
  24. Multiple fails and a few gigs of messy video later... I'm going to try again This is insanely fun.
  25. CamStudio is a no go as BitDefender identifies the download repository as having malware. Shame really.
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