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Everything posted by AlphaAsh

  1. Is there a setting to get rid of the toolbar buttons? I don't need those cluttering up the screen as well as the right-hand pop-in menu. Thanks.
  2. The clipboard resource is tweakable in the VAB. The parts with the resource start with 0 at the moment. Easily fixed in the cfg I'd imagine (will be checking).
  3. Enjoying this mod, which so far seems to be 23.5 compatible. A few initial observations: - Insight is generated far too quickly. - There should be some diminishing return on repeating experiments regardless of the resource requirements. They're still very easy to spam for science. - Haven't confirmed yet but does the lab require 4 kerbals to use? If it doesn't, it should. I'd also add a snacks resource which is consumed as insight is generated and once gone, no more insight. Replace snacks.
  4. NoMrBond sir, how'd you fix this? I've seen this with a few parts in various mods and ran into it in my own mod development. Cheers in advance.
  5. Love this mod but really struggling to understand what many of the settings in the Alt+N GUI really actually do without hours of experimentation. Is there an M I can FR?
  6. I'm also having numerous issues with the latest MechJeb that didn't exist in the previous version. The mods I have haven't changed. Definitely going to be rolling back the MechJeb version and waiting on a version that restores some reliability. I use MechJeb so I don't have to do fiddly stuff and right now I'm having to babysit MechJeb all the time instead.
  7. I need more screenies for comics I have in mind, so busy playing KSP. There'll be more Kerbin Around soon.
  8. Nereid, fantastic mod that's really added something to my game. I'm going to be forking this to make some tweaks and add some extra features for my own use. Keep up the awesome job!
  9. Finished up another for today.
  10. AlphaAsh


    Excellent. What mods were used?
  11. Heya JeffreyCor. Thanks for the interest and reply. I'm busy compiling and tidying up some of my early work, several integrated components to cut down on part counts. I'm re-using Squad assets as much as possible with Project Integral to cut down memory requirements and because I'm out-of-practice with modelling and texturing (I plan to change that). You can find out more here: http://www.kashcorp.co.uk/projectintegral.html I'm sure that others have done similar but this seemed like a good way to get started.
  12. New to the forums, so hi all. Been playing KSP a ridiculous amount and I'm thoroughly impressed with all the mods. I've modded a few games in the past, so I've started tinkering with KSP myself. I'm out of practice with modelling and texturing but will be brushing up those skills. Initial stuff from the mod I'm working on will start as cfg edits with the aim of creating some original parts. With KashCorp (www.kashcorp.co.uk) I've a few goals, including: - Integrated parts to cut down part counts and counter light-amplified-gain (LAG). These will be carefully balanced, mostly through mass. - My own take on nuclear propulsion and related technologies (such as reactors). Shouts out to Interstellar for their ground-breaking stuff but I'm wanting to do something a little simpler, more gamey, less 'realism'. - My own take on offworld fuel-manufacturing/refining processes. I love kethane but I want MOAR. - Space-station and satellite parts. Karmony and toroidal fuel tanks (I forget the mod. Talisar?) have me inspired and again, want MOAR. Keep an eye on the web-site and this thread for progress. I'm hoping to get in touch with a few mod authors out there and I'm always interested in contributing/contributions. Peace!
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