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Everything posted by AlphaAsh

  1. KK 0.4PRE4c (the most up-to-date and included in 0.38.2 of KerbinSide) should fix the problem with the base not spawning. The next version of KK (coming soon) should fix the camera sticking issue. Thanks for the support of the idea. I may have to do it as a separate extension to KK though. Not sure yet. Investigating. Can you confirm whether you have used the KK editor at all to add your own bases or not? That'd help me narrow down the issue very quickly. This is a reasonably recent bug that I've been seeing too. medsouz is having trouble reproducing it. Can you try and reproduce it and make a note of how and then pop by the KK thread with a report? That would be very helpful sir
  2. The All of it In 1 has been updated to v0.38.2. Find download links in the OP. Changelog: Included a model that was missed in the previous release. This should resolve any issues with KSC++ not loading or Kerbal Konstructs not working in the VAB or SPH. Sorry I screwed up the last release. I was sloppy and in a rush. I believe so. Come back and let me know otherwise.
  3. Currently rolling another release to include a new model that should have been included. The current version of KerbinSide will result in KSC++ not loading and the KK icon in the SPH and VAB doing nothing. Fix coming very soon.
  4. I scewed up KerbinSide's release this morning and missed a new model. This actually makes KK fall over as you describe. This isn't a KK bug and I'm rolling a fix for KerbinSide right now.
  5. My brain splode. Don't make me get my wife involved. There will be blood-shed My advice, let her fix this one. She's just crashed with the flu atm.
  6. Heh, indeed. I not thing explain me well suck. Truth be told my other half was working on it and I shouldn't claim credit for it. Her fix is the same as yours IIRC. I'll step back from that one and let you deal with it.
  7. Gah. Too many cooks and all that. Justin, I've already got a fix for that 'bug' ready to commit, which I did mention in an earlier post - more specifically, that multiple clicks of snap to surface would increment the altitude. If I'm understanding you correctly medsouz, this is intended behaviour anyway.
  8. There was code in KerbTown that allowed static additions to be saved per save game. That code is not in Kerbal Konstructs. If you want to support individual progress of finding locations for each game save you will need that code or similar back. The old code was not very good and any other feature that might be added that needs to use similar functions would benefit from more flexible and re-usable code. So, something like an API. Anyone else want to step up and translate? I can't make this any simpler.
  9. The All of it In 1 has been updated to v0.38.1. Find download links in the OP. Changelog: Fixed corrupted icons in Kerbal Konstructs.
  10. Most excellent Justin. Keep in mnd that save/persistence support is currently stripped from KK and will need re-instating or replacing if you want to keep track of what's been found per save. If you can make this as re-usable as possible in the code (i.e. as close to another API as possible), it can handle other features in future.
  11. Actually, I've been seeing some issues with camera controls since I started squashing bugs in KK. The bug I am seeing is on the first time you launch on to any custom launch site after loading a save game. The camera just won't budge and it's only after you revert or recover and in the next launch that it unsticks. It's a bug in KK and I'm working to fix it. Thanks chap, not sure what went wrong there. Anyways, I've just released a KK fix for this. I've got a different idea for this chap that I need to get the design accepted by medsouz before I start working on it. I think the approach you describe would be good for Science mode but for Career mode, I'd rather see new launch locations being a funds sinkhole instead.
  12. v0.4PRE4c is now available from KerbalStuff. Changelog: Fixed corrupted icons.
  13. The new icons got corrupted at some point in the release process so expect a fix asap.
  14. The All of it In 1 has been updated to v0.38. Find download links in the OP. Changelog: Included latest version of Kerbal Konstructs (v0.4PRE4b). Old tracking station model replaced with a new one. Old tracking station still included for those who make their own bases. All launchsites now have a category to take advantage of a new filter in Kerbal Konstruct's Launch Selector. Some texture optimisations.
  15. Separate bug and the fix is being prepped. As for regression, no idea chap. I can't read your mind and know about it before I read about it.
  16. v0.4PRE4b is now available from KerbalStuff. Changelog: Fixed launch location not showing when launching from it immediately after recovering from it. Added new icons by CaptRobau. Updated version file.
  17. Nah, I just tend not to worry too much about scaling in preview material. That particular example just isn't finished yet. The next version will be a little smaller
  18. My latest commit to my fork of KK has all of my debug code in it chap. Beyond that, there's nothing extra I can show you to work with. Go nuts. Other than the new Category filter, I haven't had time to work on any new features. Too busy trying to squash bugs. I may have squashed the recovery bug finally. May.
  19. After a lot of coding, testing, coding testing ad infinitum it's time for me to give up on the out of Kerbin SOI issues with launch-sites. I'm 99% certain that KSP's spawn code is hard-coded in such a way that it can't be done using KSP's launch-site elements of the API. I suspect there is an assumption in KSP's code that launching IS happening on Kerbin. If launching also works on Minmus and the Mun this is coincedence because the circumstances aren't different enough for the problems seen on out of Kerbin SOI launch-sites. I'm not pursuing this further. So unless medsouz or someone else wants to prove differently, I don't believe KK can support launch-sites on planets outside of Kerbin's SOI. A totally different approach to spawning from a launch-site, ie a work-around, might find a way but I'm not interested in doing it.
  20. Here's the best way to do it: 1 - Delete KerbinSide directory 2 - Delete medsouz directory 3 - Install All in 1 4 - Install latest Kerbal Konstructs There's no reason to do anything with any other mod. If the latest Kerbal Konstructs is then still giving you problems, then re-install the older version of KK.
  21. This is a good pointer for where I need to look, thanks. This suggests that the surface has in fact moved between the two clicks. Which suggests that planets outside of Kerbin's SOI are doing something differently from Kerbin. We know their size is different. We know their orbits are different. These are useful clues. I'll continue digging.
  22. Depends on what you mean by well. At low speeds, it works. At high speeds, it'll bend more and possibly snap and the vehicle will be a lot more difficult to do anything with other than go in a straight line.
  23. Gah. I'm struggling to be clear. Off-world, I meant off-Kerbin. So on the surface of Duna for example. Not in space. So take any static that isn't something you made that can be set up as a launch site, make a launch-site with it on the surface of a planet outside of the Kerbal SOI, like Duna and test launching off that. If you get a flawless launch, then the problems you are having are likely to be something up with your models. If you still have a flawed launch (something goes boom), then that possibility is eliminated and I know to keep digging.
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