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Everything posted by AlphaAsh

  1. Yup. I'll put some time to this later this evening. Sorry chap, I've had to prioritise my time a lot more than usual these last couple of weeks. Stuff. Excuses. etc.
  2. Daily Digest that won't be daily! Kerbal Konstructs to show bases in tracking station. Awesomeness brought to you by medsouz. Still using KerbTown? WHY? WHY? You make kitten sad. Q Will KerbinSide have destructible buildings? A Depends on how easy it'll be to do and whether the effort is worth the return. So yes, some of them, probably
  3. Eskandare, medsouz will need short modular components. You shouldn't have too much trouble meeting any spec he has; your current models would probably be easily adapted. If you're not keen, I can take it on, no problem chap.
  4. With optimisation and KK eliminating the krakensbane lag, I had been considering it. Unfortunately all of my original source is in a pretty unusable state. Caused by various Unity purges. "Plus I've realized Ben Bay's port isn't big enough to support part of the Oceania project." Coastal Extras 2 is going to put a few more bits around there so that's probably fortunate. "I've already consructed a modular highway system that I was planning to link KSC, KC, and Ben Bay together. " Looking forward to that. I've made a few abortive attempts at similar things but ultimately got frustrated with level changes in terrain over large distances.
  5. Urban Extras is out. Find it in the OP. ... Daily Digest that won't be daily. I'm currently discussing with Lack about contributing to a project he's planning. More on that when there's more to tell. I may be appearing on KSP-TV sometime soon. May. There's still a lot to sort out before that happens. If it does you can expect me to be a patronising git showing everyone just how easy it is to make statics and get them into KSP. So you can all do it. Yay. Fun. Teaching. Industrial and power generating facilities of various kinds are planned. This is on da list.
  6. I'm kinda back-seat modding medsouz anyway. Sorry chap. And apologies Divico. Your ideas are sound also.
  7. With what I sugested, you could just ignore the KSC where more than one recovery zone overlaps. So if it's just the KSC and another recovery zone in range, the latter applies regardless of whether the recovery return ends up less. That's a major nerf and solves BigD145's concern. Although his concern could be met with the configuration options I suggested. Always give options when modding a game. Don't not give an option for fear it will be abused. This isn't competitive multiplayer.
  8. That's why you give the content devs a way to configure the recovery capabilities of individual bases.
  9. Yep, that'd be the best thing to do. Have a default, Squad style, then let base devs have a method to over-ride that. Give the players options to switch them off. A config like this for players would do: UseBaseRecovery = On/Off UseSquadRecoveryRanges = On/Off Then just let developers configure through the instance of an asset. RecoveryRange = Whatever (the maximum range that the asset can recover) RecoveryRate = Whatever (a percentage of the Squad default, can be greater or less than 100%) If two recover zones cross-over, then the best recovery return (actual range modified by Rate) is used.
  10. It may be related to the way objects are re-spawned after KK has finished rendering assets. Basically, KSP's physics looks for nearest collider UP rather than DOWN. So the first collider UP is where it will move the re-spawned craft. That results in boom. I need to do some more testing with the KSC Island hangars to see if they have the issue too. If they don't then Squad's statics have something special going on (probably to do with rendering/loading order). EDIT - Note the issue doesn't exist if there is no collider above the re-spawned craft. It'll happily settle on a static's collider without issue then. Regardless of whether it's a third-party static.
  11. Daily Digest of replies to various requests and suggestions. That doesn't mean it will be daily. And please note that if you pitch your requests as suggestions, then I'm more likely to consider them. I don't do requests. Yup, JKJ and SPC is already on da list. Other corporate HQs may show up at some point in the future. That's a big bit of work. I'm more inclined to expand Area 110011 at some point in the future instead. I've a number of ideas for this purpose in various stages of conception, prototyping and development. I'll bump the priority up on this project. That sounds like a rendering range issue. Pop by the Kerbal Konstructs thread and medsouz might be better able to help. Or he might pop in here. He lurks ... And a heads-up on an issue I've been seeing a lot lately as I make more stuff with more than one level of collider. It may or may not be related to the way Kerbal Konstructs renders static assets. It is very likely related to KSP's current 'issues' with the camera and physics. Either way, it makes it very unlikely I'll be continuing the 'open hangar' project I was working on. Don't park craft 'under' or 'inside' things if you don't want them to spontaneously combust next time you return to them. That should tell you everything you really need to know.
  12. Urban Extras is taking its sweet time getting done. Check out my latest blog entry to find out more and to get a preview.
  13. medsouz is looking into making it possible to have other bases do recovery with Kerbal Konstructs.
  14. Ahhh. Yes, that's the issue there. I've not updated many of the individual packs with what went out with 0.36's All in 1. It's a rare case where the All in 1 is more up-to-date.
  15. WIP means work in progress. They're not ready to release yet.
  16. Did you use the KK editor in version 0.2 at all? There was a bug in that that can result in all configs having some fields reset to defaults. Grab the latest KK, delete and reinstall KerbinSide and see if the logos and descriptions in the launch selector are back.
  17. Airfield Extras 3 has been updated to version 1.2. - Added an FX to some of the radar stations. - Added a warning beacon to the top of some of the water towers and fuel depots. Find it in the OP.
  18. Old KSC will be getting a draw-bridge and/or more up-to-date VAB. I'm ho-humming over whether to add a freight lift and a helipad to the KashCorp Tower. Already on da list. So yes, I hope to do something like this. ... Arctic Extras has been updated to version 1.1. I finally finished the bio-dome that I had wanted to include originally. It's located at the North Pole base and has a helipad on top from which you can launch. Yes, you can see into the bio-dome but no, you can't go in it. Find the update in the OP.
  19. RT2 generates its cfg after first use, I think. You should then be able to edit that. Drop by the RT2 thread, I'm sure someone there will be able to help.
  20. Residences has been updated to version 1.2. More lights, more detail. KSC++ compatibility is now standard and the variant config pack has been discontinued. Find the update in the OP.
  21. I'm planning on doing some variant config sets to allow this sort of thing. For now, open up a cfg and where you see LaunchSiteType = SPH, change that to LaunchSiteType = ANY EDIT - LaunchSiteType not LaunchPadType
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