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Everything posted by AlphaAsh

  1. Another sneak peek at some of the WIP for 0.3.
  2. Currently terrain detail needs to be set to high. If it isn't, you will see buildings sunk into ground that doesn't exist on high.
  3. That's actually something I'm having to work on more than I am used to. With concept and prototyping work, it wasn't such an issue because someone else would worry about that. Which explains a little why I like SketchUp and why I'm a lazy modeller. Removing doubles in Blender doesn't seem to be making any noticeable difference to a model in Unity and KSP. I have finally confirmed that there's no need for reverse/interior materials in a model and that it was a major cause of more than one material appearing on a (sub)mesh. Big "well duh" moment obviously. Combined with not exporting two-sided faces, I'm getting some really good stuff out of SketchUp, through Blender to sort out the hierarchy, into Unity. Colliders are 99% fine now just by avoiding any open geometry colliders.
  4. From the OP: "Version 0.29 features and fixes: - Mod dependencies other than KerbTown and KSC++ removed. - KerbTown and KSC++ included in the download." Could be clearer but nah, that'll do.
  5. You don't need to launch from the alternative sites or land at them. And you don't have to install a mod either. Seriously chap, come on. As for the runway model, I'm just getting back in to modelling so I'm still getting up to speed. You're welcome to make your own runway.
  6. You can. The 'flying in space' bug is the result of KerbTown failing to find the launchsite selected. This probably means you've got a cfg for a kerbtown asset that you haven't installed or kerbtown assets didn't load properly. Uninstall all of your kerbtown stuff (Kerbin-Side, KerbTown, KSC++, KerbCity, Justin Kerbice's various stuff, Devo's various stuff etc.) then re-install them. KerbinSide last.
  7. Effectively clamping the thing to the track. Clever. Speed is still going to be an issue unless you put the crash tolerance on the wheels way up. Especially when it starts vibrating. Box colliders work well but you may need some overlap on long pieces. KSP's physics has a tendency to see gaps and or/walls where colliders meet exactly. IME.
  8. I exaggerated. The model only has nine materials but even with proper intersection, Sketchup likes to break complex models down rather too much. And yes I am a lazy modeller. Game development wise, I did some work for the ye olde MechWarrior arcade pods. Some stuff with BioWare and Microsoft Studios. Mostly donkey work. EDIT - Some environment modelling (aka mapping), concept art and 3D prototyping for environmental and architectural assets (trees, buildings etc.) and some concept art and 3D prototyping for characters. It was not glamorous and it was not fun
  9. Some interesting tips there, thanks Otis. I definitely want to be using Blender more as a post-process for Sketchup models and have no intention of switching to Blender. Like you say in your video, it's waaaay too overly complicated. I was a professional game developer many years ago and whilst I can appreciate that the technology has moved on, my oh my is this a pain compared to what I used to use. Most unintuitive software ever. I'm not seeing a benefit to UV mapping over single texture per material for the stuff I'm currently making, especially since I re-use the same batch of textures and keep all my models in one folder. The memory foot-print for KerbinSide is pretty small and since I have models with hundreds of edges, I'm in no hurry to start unwrapping such monsters. One question, if I may. How the kerbal hades do you remove doubles on everything in one go? Doesn't matter if I select everything in Object Mode. As soon as I switch to Edit Mode, Remove Doubles only works on a single mesh at a time. My current model has 300. I'm not going to be doing them one at a time
  10. And added a user manual to the OP. Ahem. Don't hate me
  11. A sneak peek at one of the many things I'm working on for future releases. Currently hammers my GPU so not done yet
  12. Erm, wow. I need to make sure Lack gets the appropriate credit here too. He's the genius behind the animations at KSC.
  13. Nope. My time is being spent on another mod at the moment (KerbinSide). I'm not nearly done with KAP. Now I'm back in to modelling and texturing I'm also planning on lots of early-tech parts too.
  14. Lack has the timetable. EDIT - Forgot the droll smiley
  15. Credit where credit is due. The animated stuff is by Lack, from KSC++. I've not started on animations with my parts yet.
  16. Okay, confirmed it's terrain rendering. I work with it on high. In future I'll work with it on default. Fixed next version. EDIT - Ninja'd!
  17. TSG, can you risk cranking up some of your GFX settings? I'm interested to see if it's to do with terrain rendering. It's almost like our terrains aren't the same, which is really strange.
  18. Bizarre. The buildings on top of the side-platform, are they 'offset' as well or are they in the correct position as per my screenshot above (separated and floating in the air)?
  19. Nope, don't even know where to begin figuring that out, sorry . Anyone else seeing the same thing?
  20. KerbTown's placement of static objects relies on static/constant co-ordinates and Kerbin-Side is on stock Kerbin, so no, there's no support for any other scale or variant of the planet. " Do you think you could make a base similar to that of the Stennis Space Center? A place to test rocket engines and such. Making sound and effect adjustments would be alot easier if I had a place to do them from." Great idea. Added to the 'want to do' list. EDIT - Really like Better Atmospheres btw. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the next version of EVE.
  21. Two-sided faces was causing issues. I've tried exporting from Sketchup without edges and/or hidden geometry and it b0rks the model in Blender. They've not caused issues in Unity once converted through Blender to FBX. Two materials on a mesh is still happening but can be easily fixed in Unity with no side effects. My collider issues seem to be mostly caused by two things: edges that are too long; open geometry (or flat as I prefer to call them) mesh colliders (or primitive colliders).
  22. What's 6.4X Kerbin? Not a clue. If you mean RSS, then nope, it doesn't.
  23. v0.29 is ready and this time includes KerbTown and KSC++. There are no other mod dependencies so if this is the first time you've installed KerbinSide you can just skip to the installation instructions at the bottom. Upgrading from 0.2 to 0.29: Delete the following folders and their content out of your GameData folder CrashFlyingAcademy KerbiceBuildings KSC2 Wayland_Corp (You may of course re-install the originals. You are only deleting them so any use of the parts by KerbinSide is removed.) Now proceed to the installation instructions below. DOWNLOAD: http://www.kashcorp.co.uk/KerbinSide029.zip INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Drop the contents of GameData in KerbinSide029.zip in to your KSP GameData folder. DO overwrite LackMisc if you have it installed. I use a lot of Lack's excellent parts and overwrite his configs in order to add KerbinSide's instances.
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