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Everything posted by sarkun

  1. This is really cool I\'m planning on doing some skids for my pack, will be watching this one closely
  2. I\'ve tried that - it makes the \'seam\' invisible when up close, but when I zoom out in game it becomes very visible still.
  3. Hi there, I\'ve a problem that I\'ve been fighting with for the past 5 hours and I think I will not beat it on my own. So: I have an engine. Engine has a noozzle (gasp!), which was at one point a cylinder that I\'ve bent around somewhat. Now - it looks great until I apply a texture to it - at the .. point where the edges meet (like meridian 0) there is a strange artifact (the yellow line): I\'m 95% sure it\'s the model not the texture, cause I\'ve changed the texture a lot and the effect stays, sometimes less visible but always there. I\'ve checked for duplicate vertices, normals are ok... what else can I try?
  4. Check whether the origin of your part/collider does not fall through the terrain. If it does (cause it\'s positioned at the bottom of the object) then an insta-kill is summoned on the part.
  5. Damn you Nova, for making SOOO many parts! And seriously - yeah, it\'s from SIDR, sorry for the mistake. It\'s just the satellites are the only things I\'m using from that pack.
  6. It\'s one of the satellites in the Silisko Edition.
  7. I\'ll try that, but I\'m afraid that smaller collider meshes may make the rockets wobbly. Will run some tests and see what I get. I have been trying to fix that ASAS for days it actually has attachment nodes INSIDE of the model - but still it seems like the connection isn\'t perfect... damn that ASAS As for the symmetry - I\'ve nailed the symmetry setting required, will be fixed for the next update
  8. I\'ve been totally swamped with work lately, so I had little time to work on this pack But I\'ve finally managed to get some parts finished, so I\'m releasing today version 0.2! (see first post) There are still many more parts to come, so stay tuned
  9. Hi guys, I\'ve got a strange problem that maybe someone solved already. I\'m making a radial decoupler, and everything is fine with it, with the exception of the fact that other parts want to connect to the wrong side of it eg. not [part][decoupler][ship] but rather [decoupler][part][ship]. I\'ve tried rotating the part, cfg edits and I\'m pretty much out of ideas. Attachment has the part zipped. I\'d be VERY grateful if someone could tell me how to fix it...
  10. No worries - when I was modeling my first parts, I assumed that it was 1m high. I loaded the part into KSP, sighed and made another... this time assuming it was 2m... THEN I checked
  11. The stock 1m tank is 1.5 meter high I think. (1.515 if u take it\'s top and bottom node values).
  12. Summers are humid as hell. I\'ve never been to Korea in the summer, but I imagine they must be similar. As for traffic... as most Tokyoites i don\'t own a car ;-) public transportation system is made of pure awesome here.
  13. @stuya1 welcome to the forums My current plans are to make more parts from the JAXA H2 family - the solid booster family for example (and the large radial decoupler). Then I\'ll try to make fairings, some space debris satellites (hayabusa!), maybe the HTV... and then... Hope-X I\'ll be releasing a new version of the pack soon, just have to make a 1.5m ASAS system.
  14. A preview of upcoming parts: The color scheme is based on JAXA H2B series rocket. There are so many soyuz/apollo/nasa/european based mods, so I take it upon myself to do a Japan themed one, seeing as this is the country I live in . Probably won\'t do replicas but rather \'inspired by\' rockets.
  15. Pack updated with small config changes and new mini decoupler. Download link in the first post. Enjoy! :D
  16. I\'ve got that minidecoupler almost finished. Will update the pack tomorrow, for now a sneak peak must suffice: I have to work out the stats for it - ideally I\'d like it to be too weak to be used as anything else than just the last stage separator.
  17. Yes, Blender then Photoshop for texturing. I tried to go for matchy-matchy at first, but I just couldn\'t get the main color right. The I hit the current one and decided to roll with it. The current warning stripes will probably stay too, I like the warm yellow more than the standard cold one. And yeah, a mini decoupler is probably the next part I\'ll be making... Although - I\'ve done some tests and a small lander (tank, engine, 3 legs, pod) will survive landing on flat terrain on a standard parachute. There will be some explosions, but the pod should stay intact.
  18. [table][tr] [td][/td] [td] White Monkey Kitchenware and SpaceParts Factory In the White Monkey Kitchenware and SpaceParts Factory, teams of domesticated and highly trained monkey engineers labour every day to bring you parts of the highest quality![/td][/tr][/table] Current version (0.4): DOWNLOAD Experimental (0.4.1): DOWNLOAD This version is still in the works, so some bugs may lurk. Use at your own risk. Parts include Working Cargo Bay - operated by the \'b\' key, and an experimental satellite (v key to extend/retract antenna & panels). Copy all Plugins into plugin directory, even if you have the MultiJoint plugin already installed - included is a slightly updated version. This update contains plugins that make it unusable in the demo version. Changes since 0.3.3: [list type=decimal] [li]Klamshell Fairing redone as side attachable.[/li] [li]Able ASAS - texture update[/li] [li]Able Decoupler - model and texture update[/li] [li]Able RCS tank added[/li] [li]Hope Shuttle Released[/li] [li]Baker RCS Tank - Updated model[/li] The pack is designed to allow constructing small landers of the Baker Patten, Hope Shuttle and medium sized (1.5m diameter) rockets of the Able Class to carry them. It is balanced against the base game parts, and inspired by two sources - the contemporary JAXA* rockets and the retro science fiction designs of the 1960s. *Jaxa - Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Parts Catalog: The Hope Shuttle is a medium sized modular craft, designed to perform various missions at Low to Medium Kerbin Orbit. It is equipped with a pair of moderately powerful vectored thrust engines and RCS systems, allowing for very high maneuverability in space. It is designed to perform unpowered glide landings, and is certified for landing speeds up to 50 m/s. To aid in orbit changes and reentry procedures, an ASAS system has been also installed. A broad line of main body parts is planned. It is designed to be launched atop of an Able Class Rocket, and a carrier rocket .craft file is included in the pack. You can download a flight manual and assembly guide here: Hope Flight Manual. Glide Landing Tutorial: Hope 101 - Glide Landing How to properly load a satellite into the cargo bay: http://youtu.be/cfLGyvzp83k The Able Class is a 1.5m diameter rocket, based on the patented Fuel Tank - Quad Coupler part that allows attachment of no less than four 1m engines underneath a 1.5m stack. There is a wide range of parts available, including liquid fuel tanks, RCS tanks, ASAS system and a dedicated long 1m solid rocket boosters. For protecting valuable cargo, a 1m stack to 2m payload cargo fairings are included, providing safe launch environment for any cargo that will fit. The Baker Pattern Landers are small and extremely maneuverable landers, designed to be as light as possible. With the introduction of the revolutionary DTS Drop Tanks System, they offer great degree of fuel loadout customization allowing for multiple location changes once the Mün surface is reached. Due to weight limitations, there is no ASAS available for the Baker, and landing it may require some practice. Once mastered though, it has good endurance and stability, providing a reliable Mün exploration platform. When flying the Baker, precision mode [CAPSLOCK] is strongly recommended. All comments, feedback and opinions are welcome!
  19. Hi there, I\'m new to the modding thing and I was wondering - what is the best texture size for KSP? Lets assume I have a part roughly the size of a standard tank - how big the texture file should be? is 1024x1024 optimal? Or is it overkill? cheers
  20. So I did what Tiberion suggested with the edges on my rocket and some textures are missing (probably the inverted normals thing?) The question I have: is there a way to see which way the normals point in blender? Cause I can recalculate them a hundred times but I can\'t see anything changing in blender, so I\'m not sure if it actually does anything or maybe I\'m in a wrong mode, not selected enough vertices etc.... One thing I dislike about blender is that it doesn\'t seem to be too keen on giving feedback to the (noob) user - some things change and I don\'t know how I did that, what changed exactly and by how much... And I can\'t believe I just spent my whole Sunday creating an engine for KSP... EDIT: typos
  21. Thanks for the tips Tiberion, but I\'m lost at even more basic level ??? I\'m such a noob if it comes to this whole shading and lightning that I don\'t know what changes to expect... what is currently wrong with the lightning of my tank? If I do what you say - what will change? Also, Technical Ben - in your video you do the whole 'turn faces to triangles thing' - what does it do? What is it for? I forgot to do it last time but my model seems to work...
  22. Thanks! Nope, the can\'t get the cut and slide to work. I did subdivision on cones and removed the vertices manually for the seam in the middle. Once I did a clean rebuild it took only about an hour. I don\'t even know where to start looking
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