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The Silent Majority

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Everything posted by The Silent Majority

  1. HOW DARE YOU!!!!! It should be worshiped, not deorbited. jking OT, This patch does look amazing, I really hope the optimizations they mentioned make a large difference. Oh, and the new parts/asteroids as well
  2. The square will not change, but the indicator on the navball will.
  3. Ohhhhh... facepalming after making an obvious mistake
  4. You can always use chase view though. It reorients the camera to the reference frame of your ship (that is, if you press up, you will go up, down, down etc etc) To get that press V i(I think, doing it automatically now so am not certain) until it says "chase" under the altimeter. EDIT. Ninja'd
  5. Rune, I have been reading this for months, and can I just ask that you please, please make either a tutorial for large/cargo SSTO's or simple tips. Keep up the great work!
  6. If anything, docking in general. I enjoy it and put docking ports on everything (along with probe cores, and soon... THE CLAW) All of my interplanetary ships are constructed in orbit despite possessing the ability to launch them in one piece. Oh, and stubbornness/Einsteinian insanity when building, if I want it to happen (cargo sstos i'm looking at you) That and actually calculating the D-V of my ships (though i'm sure many others have these exact same traits, and are better at it then me)
  7. For the center of mass, this is not true, if anything, it's the other way around (though ideally you would know both so you could calculate DV or momentum etc etc...) Otherwise, you could have uncontrollable rotation. But for number two, where did you get that equation? M*A=F, not V F is in newtons, or kgm/s^2 speed (or velocity) is in m/s taking your original equation is Kg (mass) * m/s^2 (acceleration) = kgm/s^2 Therefore, velocity is not involved with this equation, if you wanted velocity, you would also have a time variable in there.
  8. Sorry about that, anyway, that's a really nice looking Kessler bomb.
  9. How is that laggy? I don't think i've ever had frame-rates that high.
  10. Okay, I found the person who suggested the name, it was Cal'Mihe. Also thank you for the warm welcome
  11. This is incorrect, at least on Kerbin. I would not be surprised if it also re-balanced Eve. (I don't play with it, however so I may be wrong, though I have looked at the mod quite a bit)
  12. Ok, after that long-winded title, Hi. I stole, uh borrowed this name from a suggestion in the Voyage to the Planets, by Czokletmuss. (if the person who made that suggestion is reading this, sorry) I've been lurking/actually playing for nine or-so months, decided to say hello . (Started playing exactly* in the week before Whackjob, for reference) Here's to an awesome community! *approximatley
  13. Anyone have a picture of Jeb being Uncle Sam (it was a propaganda figure for the US some time ago if anybody doesn't know)? We could put it in our signatures and have a link to the donation site (assuming Whackjob goes along with it)
  14. czokletmuss, I have been lurk-reading this for about six months, just take your time, we know it will be great
  15. Whackjob, Though this is my first post, I bought KSP exactly one week before you posted the famous coffee thread. I have been lurking here since. If you need a new computer, I am sure that this community will help you, as you are an integral part of it. I will help if I can as well. Though I have never been as Kerbal as you, you have given me a keen insight to what is possible within this game. Thank You
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