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Everything posted by JTG

  1. Nothke released this image some time ago, but it hasn't been released or talked about since... http://i.imgur.com/40bGScU.gif
  2. Tanks could be punctured if hit hard enough by a sharp end of an object Windows could be shattered if the capsule gets hit too hard RCS tanks, if punctured, would cause the ship to spin around Stuff like motors for landing legs and solar panels would wear out after too much use
  3. This would only be added after better aerodynamics, though. Since they might be revamping it soon, this could happen.
  4. I think what would make this mod is an in-game slider for random failure frequency, if you want to recreate Apollo 13 in Kerbal form.
  5. I attempted to make an Apollo style mission for 3 Kerbals. It had 2 pods, the command, which fits 3 kerbals, and the lander, which fits 2. I got to orbit, but the command didn't have enough fuel to burn into Mun orbit. I had to ditch Bill and send him into EVA orbit. Then, the lander was landing, and it crashed down hard, killing Bob but Jeb was spared. Now Jeb is stranded on the Mun, and Bill above it. Time for a rescue mission I guess...
  6. I think we need a tutorial for all this, either video or readme style.
  7. How did you edit the textures for the Skipper engine? All I get when I convert it to PNG is a really tranparent diffuse file.
  8. The new windows for the MK1 Cockpit were too dark normally. Props for making the parts look compatible with each other!
  9. For some reason when I play on a Career mode, the TAC button doesn't show up in the toolbar. It does show up in sandbox, though.
  10. I figured out it was DebRefund anyways. I'm not sure how a simple mod like that could break the game so bad.
  11. I have a weird glitch happening on my modded install, where the VAB, when entered, has a shadow in the right corner outside the door. The same happens with the SPH, but a flipped building is outside the door instead. Everything seems to work fine, but when I select some parts, such as SP+ pods, they won't show up. And when I launch a craft, it cuts to the KSC with an invisible ground, but Kerbal Konstructs buildings are visible. You can't move the camera, but the game still works. When you time accelerate, the view goes crazy and you start to fly off of Kerbin. The list of mods and screenshots is included in the Imgur album. This never happened before, and I even deleted some mods after this started, but it was all working fine for a few launches before this. Imgur album
  12. Wow... This makes planes look way better, and more compatible with the new SPP parts. I think the Mk3 parts should be next.
  13. The only thing I think might be weird looking is Laythe. It's a little too blue. Otherwise, great pack!
  14. Brought back the DL link, and started thinking up more planets to make. Something like this might be coming up.
  15. I made a giant plane on a multiplayer server, with 3 MK3 cockpits. It call it the Giga-Plane MK2! I had to empty a ton of the MK3 tanks for it to fly.
  16. I've gotten the fix for 0.24.2, and I've welded parts fine, but when I weld together multiple Tweakscale parts, and try to scale the welded part up, it reverts back to its original size on launch. Such as, welding 2 girders together, rescaling them to 200%, then when launching, they are at 100%. I want to be able to make things like
  17. While I'm at it, is there any way to implement city lights to a building? like the ones at the KSC.
  18. I didn't think to deselect it. Oh, wait, it works. *Facepalm*
  19. I exported the part using Part tools, but I didn't know .DAE files were outdated. Which file type should I export it to? Also, it was using the KSP/diffuse shader. My other model used Alpha/cutoff since it was partly transparent.
  20. I am having a problem with the models of my Kerbtown buildings. The Kerbtown thread is quite inactive, so I decided to ask here. I imported my .DAE files from Sketchup to Unity, and it all looks good in unity, good shading and all, but when I put my building into the game, it turns out super bright and shiny compared to the rest of the place. Screenshot: http://imgur.com/CTqwRAA I'm not sure why, it also happens with all of the other models I try to put into KSP. It is even bright at night. Can anyone help me on this?
  21. Well, since the Toolbar causes this, the helmet off thing must be Texture Replacer or something thinking he's on Kerbin.
  22. I went onto my (heavily) modded KSP installation, and found this guy, doing something really stupid. http://imgur.com/JQJTsao I mean, what? Could it be caused by one of my mods? Why is his helmet off? Where'd the shovel model come from?
  23. Can someone get me a link to the newest version? These cities are AMAZING!
  24. I was just wondering, if I make my own cloud layers, such as 2 or 3 on Kerbin, and save them, will they stay there? Or will they reset when I restart the program?
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