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Everything posted by FishInferno

  1. welcome to the club:P I lost her when I attempted to suicide burn land on the Mun
  2. i think they should make all of the wings contain fuel. even the small ones. and you should be able to put oxidizer in them as well
  3. When people see a problem, they usually try to find someone to blame. So when there were lots of bugs, people blamed the testers. I am not saying it is right, but it is human nature. I personally think that 1.0 looks great, and yes there is room for improvement, but nothing is perfect and you guys did a great job!
  4. actually, I would leave it if I were you. This would give us a good reason to use the radiators you talked about adding. As of now, I cannot really think of a use for dedicated radiators. - - - Updated - - - also, kind of off-topic, but will parts overheat if they are exposed to too much sunlight in space?
  5. i got it for $27, but I was honestly surprised, my first thoughts when i go ton ksp.com were "well this is probably about 50 bucks"
  6. you may have just started a debate as controversial as "How many spaces go after a period?"
  7. yes, because space exploration may very well force us to solve some of these problems
  8. SpaceX will do it. The Musk is strong in them, I can sense it... - - - Updated - - - on a more serious note, NASA's problem is that they are using 1970s technology to build the SLS, while SpaceX is being innovative with modern technology.
  9. maybe they would have watney's voice narrating the movie as if we were listening to his logs
  10. this. this. this. and alot more of this if you look at space exploration in purely monetary terms, you are not going anywhere.
  11. as long as you can skip it. imagine doing that for every single launch
  12. this. so much this. constellation was way better than SLS in my opinion.
  13. Well, I wouldn't skip school, and it wouldn't make a difference anyway, because my KSP computer is getting fixed:/
  14. Title says it all, should NASA change its plans and preform a moon lading rather than the ARM mission? I personally think that a return to the moon is more important than the ARM for a number of reasons: -Landing on the Moon would surely reignite public interest in space exploration. -An Apollo-style landing could be achieved with a single SLS launch, rather than one SLS launch and one Atlas V launch as ARM proposes. -There is still more science to be done on the Moon -Landing on the Moon does a lot more to prepare us for Mars than ARM EDIT: i also added a Mars flyby option to the poll
  15. proper parachutes. just implement realchute, dangit:P
  16. 50/100 indifferent soviet union gets to Moon first. America arrives shortly after. Space Race continues to Mars, but both countries make it there as well, so space race continues to Saturn, etc Pros: Further expansion into the cosmos, probably no shuttle Cons: Only "flag planting" missions, no legit colonies
  17. Why are people against time-based mechanics just because of timewarp? Even if you warp, the time has still passed.
  18. Do we age twice as slower on Mars? -Yahoo answers is the best
  19. well at least they dont have the stupid "no guns" stance like they did in the first movie
  20. New trailer released. this looks epic
  21. I have never calculated my delta V. Ever.
  22. a second home for humanity so that when (not if, when) something happens to Earth we can survive as a species
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