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Everything posted by FishInferno

  1. The problem is that NASA seems to only be interested in planting a flag, saying we did it, and have a giant parade. I think that it is very important to have a good colony going on Mars before we depart to Jupiter. This is why I think that SpaceX is a better idea than NASA's program, because they are looking far into the future when we can be a true multiplayer species where anyone could move to another planet. TL;DR: we need to colonize Mars before we go to Jupiter
  2. is this counting reusability or not? A company may very well choose to fly their payload on the overpowered Falcon Heavy if it is cheaper than the Vulcan with reusability
  3. The barge is only to prove that they can land a stage with precision, after that the USAF will let them fly the stages back to the cape
  4. [teacher]: shows picture of Saturn "And these are the rings of the Milky Way Galaxy..."
  5. ULA has said that the Vulcan can carry more payload into LEO than SpaceX can, which is true... if ULA had the Vulcan right now. They seem to assume that the Falcon Heavy will not be successful. the FH will likely fly in 2015, and Vulcan is expected to fly in 2019. By then, I assume SpaceX will be flying reused stages regularly, and ULA will only just be starting on their reusability program. TL;DR: ULA is betting the success of the Vulcan on the failure of the Falcon Heavy. I guess you have engineers write your business plans when your company launches rockets:P
  6. idk if this has already been discussed, but did the rocket tip over because the rocket was moving sideways when it touched down, or did it tip over due to the movement of the Barge?
  7. How much you wanna bet that the ULA CEO is watching this and praying for the landing to fail:P
  8. The first stage dips below the horizon when it lands, so they couldnt stream it even if they wanted EDIT: then again, they do seem to be getting telementery from it...
  9. ULA trying to reuse the engines is proof IMO that SpaceX set the bar and ULA considers them a real threat to their business. And SpaceX has a head start:)
  10. I will call my craft fairing. And then I will separate the fairings. and the fairings inside the fairings, and the fairings inside those fairings, and so on.
  11. At that point, people will probably be less interested. People would casually say things like "Se ya in a few years, I got assigned on a business trip to Titan." or "The Martian government imposed a new tax..."
  12. I just think people consider space to be a special interest group, and they don't realize how much of today's society is dependent on space.
  13. Sigh, and I get weird looks when my classmates see me watching rocket launches on YouTube:/
  14. The Price will probably go up when 1.0 is released. KSP is really a $50 game, if you ask me.
  15. Yeah, It depends on what exactly we are trying to survive. Plague? Yes. Zombies? Maybe. Black Hole? Good Luck.
  16. hey arc, I have a small request here. DO you think you could make a version of the Mk1-2 Command Pod that is just a basic cone, without all of the fine details? That would make it a lot easier to assemble.
  17. It depends on what you would like to do. If you really value my opinion, I would say don't do Minecraft until you get a following, because there are SO MUCH minecraft videos out there.
  18. Oh man, I finished the book last night, and it was amazing! I loved the amount of realism that Weir included. There were always plot twists that I didn't see coming, it really kept me on my toes. I actuality felt nervous when he was gonna launch the MAV:P.
  19. Honestly I'm not that happy with the look of the new fairings. They look too.. artificial, I guess. SQUAD needs to look at KW's Fairings, and I really hope we can have rounded noses for them as well as cones.
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