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Everything posted by FishInferno

  1. well they can't ever compete with that.
  2. Actually this isn't true. If you have Elevons and roll and pitch at the same time, you will notice that one side will "roll" less to help with the pitch
  3. I didn't really know how to word the title, but that sounds good enough. Anyway, until recently, when I built planes I just let all of the control surfaces perform all tasks. I only recently started making it so that the elevators only controlled pitch, the ailerons only control roll, and the rudder only controls yaw. So what do you do? Do you assign control surfaces to specific tasks or let them all do all the work?
  4. I actually find this part very useful when building spaceplanes that tend to require more complex RCS systems that a capsule and fuel tank.
  5. This isn't really a facepalm moment, but I would be interested to see how easy it is to convince someone that the Hubble Space Telescope actually flies to whatever galaxy or nebula to take pictures before flying back to LEO.
  6. You all are complaining about KSP becoming too plane-focused, but here you are asking for a dedicated rover building No offense of course.
  7. Actually it did once. On one mission a single engine failed and they had to ATO (abort to orbit), which means they disregarded the mission parameters and went directly into orbit even if it wasn't the planned orbit. But I elieve that they were able to complete all objectives of the mission regardless.
  8. I cant wait to get IOS KSP, Better start saving fir a new ipad now, because I bet KSP will be the only app the RAM of an iPad allows:P
  9. Honestly why is there such a big fuss about this? I say leave the nosecone built in. Everyone was perfectly fine with the old cockpit having a built-in nose, so why is it an issue now?
  10. I think we need a sleeker MK3 cockpit that fits the spaceplane theme better than a shuttle-style cockpit. The current one just isn't sleek enough. An airline-style one would be nice too
  11. This is only half the truth. Most wings are also build slightly angled to deflect air downward, which we know by Newton's third law, will produce a force pushing the plane up. so you could have completely flat wings as long as they are angled to deflect air down. The Wright Flier's wings were not nearly as "teardrop" shaped as modern wings
  12. Tonight I got my Life Scout rank! And this past weekend I completed my OA ordeal:)
  13. not to be rude, but have you even SEEN SpaceX's plan for Mars? Colonization= people die there eventually. It won't be because of no food or a disaster or no more air, people just die eventually
  14. They won't supply the habs or transit craft, but they would still provide launches if M1 could scrape up the funds.
  15. not ANOTHER Journey To Mars propaganda video. I'm sorry, but the fact that we have been sending robots to Mars for over 50 years, just robots, no people, for 50 YEARS is kind of sad IMO.
  16. I personally think that a 2-man pod is needed only as a bridge between the 1-man and 3-man pods in career mode. I don't really like it when people say "Because we had one in real life and MURICA so we need one in KSP."
  17. That fighter jet. I want. Now. anyway, i see your logic except for one thing: if the entire Kerbal civilization is underground, wouldn't it make more sense if they constructed their rockets underground and launch them in silos akin to RL ICBMs? and why dis they build the Administration building and RND center aboveground?
  18. I still am waiting for them to add a .625 meter SRB, would be useful for 1.25 meter rockets that just need that extra push. The new je tlooks great though, it actually looks like a jet engine
  19. I do not think we would make it, aside from a very small number, mainly because humans in their physical form are not particularly fast or strong compared to other animals. We don't have sharp teeth or razor claws, we have our intelligence, but when you take that away we are all but gone
  20. Yes. I do. I believe that SpaceX is our best shot at Mars, because they have the money (unlike Mars One), but more importantly, they have a true vision (unlike NASA).
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