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Everything posted by FishInferno

  1. Even so, I think it would be harder to convince ULA to buy SpaceX engines, given their history and current status...
  2. I don't think SpaceX would do this, mainly because they have maintained a very independent attitude (making almost everything in-house). And going along with Frozen's point, not many people would be interested in purchasing such small engines. I do like SpaceX's setup though. They seem to have found the sweet spot between too little engines (no engine out capability) and too much engines (increased risk of failure).
  3. I see your point, I didn't mean it like that. We did talk to him and explain some reasons why it actually did happen.
  4. They might yet have a slideshow ready to go at the next launch and if the first stage lands OK then they just present it right then:D
  5. Necro here, but I figure it's OK in the space lounge. A couple weeks ago me and my friends (all space geeks) were eating lunch at school and one of my friends admits to not believing Apollo happened. And we just stared at him in disapproval and shamee.
  6. I like this, but I think the parts should still explode. Maybe after they get to a certain temp, the break off, and when they get to an even higher temp they explode?
  7. They just keep growing the same exact presentation at us over and over again. We can't get to Mars on a jobs program. www.SpaceX.com
  8. It did not go to space, like a similar design would have done in KSP;). The rocket is about a foot tall, and It is powered by a C-class model rocket motor. The video in the thread I linked shows the launch. There is a football field behind the parking lot. That is my backup launch site, my primary one is a bunch of sports fields across the street from there but on that day there was an event going on there.
  9. I have made a model rocket based on a KSP design. I suppose the airframe would be more or less accurate, but the weight and thrust would not be. Click the image for the dedicated thread
  10. No, I remember it said something along the lines of "For the short stay that was planned, the airlock would be fine. But it was bound to fail eventually..." SO NASA only designed it to hold up for 31 days
  11. The Dragon V2 is not meant to go to mars, they will use the MCT for that. And Musk has made it clear that Mars will NOT be a "comfy place". It will be hard, probably miserable at times, especially with the initial settlers, but someone has to go first. And the whole hype about SpaceX, I understand when people say that it is too much. But frankly they are making much more progress in the way of technology than NASA is. And I don't blame NASA, it is because Congress is in charge of the money.
  12. The general consensus on Reddit is that SpaceX is using all the recent hype from The Martian to boost the attention they get from the MCT reveal. But is is also very possible (and more probable IMO) that SpaceX waits until the first stage landing to reveal the MCT, as this would make global headlines.
  13. https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/651429449406222337 For anyone who doesn't know, he runs NASAspaceflight.com
  14. This is one of my (many) issues with Orion and SLS. The mentality that we are redoing Apollo with Mars needs to end. That kind of infrastructure will never support a large-scale colonization. We would have a plaque and a pretty flag on Mars and that's it. SpaceX knows where its at.
  15. I am not yet in college, but I plan to get my bachelors (and maybe masters/doctorate) in Aerospace Engineering and go work for SpaceX before becoming an astronaut.
  16. My one complaint is how they used stock footage for the rocket launches. The Atlas V I can understand, but using an Atlas as the Chinese booster, really? Surely there is a video of a they could have used. And the Delta IV at the end? It is basically confirmed now that humans are never going to fly on a Delta IV.
  17. This game is more fun than it should be. The numbers just keep. Getting. BIGGER!
  18. Never really been into it, but always been kind of intrigued. What should I do if I want to get started? Is it easy enough to learn on your own? Do you have to get into shape first or do you kind of get in shape whilst doing parkour? (I'm in OK shape but I'm no athlete)
  19. That honestly isn't that bad of an idea. Sure, it may take longer to get places, but you can just work on a space station or something. And if it's just a small server with you and a couple buddies, you could just ask them to not launch for a minute so you can all timewarp.
  20. I don't know if we would completely lose our "jerk" tendencies. We would definitely have to become cooperative to ourselves, but once humanity is working together the competitive drive will be replaced by other interstellar civilizations.
  21. What is the model? Looks a bit sophisticated for a first plane. Sill cool though:)
  22. they WILL be designing their own EVA suits for the Mars missions
  23. SpaceX has said that they want to make the suit look cool (read: sci-fi), so it will probably look more like a space suit and less like a marshmallow costume
  24. Now, this debate is cool and all, but has anyone given any thought as to how we would actually communicate with said aliens to arrange a trade deal?
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