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Sneaky Bstard Sword

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Everything posted by Sneaky Bstard Sword

  1. will do. The confusing thing is, this happened on a fresh KSP install on a fresh OS install after reformatting my entire filesystem, so i can't see how anything would be corrupt.
  2. just to clarify, I do have the prereq parts, but the contract doesn't even show up in the list of unavailable contracts:
  3. I just started a new career save, and the "wright first flight" contract just never shows up. i've tried restarting the save multiple times, but it never appears. Is this a bug?
  4. I've had a few super light (as in 5 tons or less) 1.25m lifters that had nothing but a kickback SRB for stage 1, but I'm not using anything like that in my current save (I've started using SSTO spaceplanes for payloads that lightweight). Sometimes early on in career if I have a fairly light payload, I can get away with 2-4 Thumpers attached radially to a 1.25m liquid fuel core, and stage it so that the liquid engine doesn't ignite until after SRB seperation. In both of those designs, I've had ascent profile issues with how fast the solids get you going by the end of their burn, making gravity turns difficult due to drag. Most of the time I use SRBs it's for adding a bit of extra DV and TWR to a liquid 2.5m or 3.75m stage, when the launcher i'm using just isn't quite beefy enough.
  5. Isn't that pretty much what OP was suggesting?
  6. I'm assuming map-view based mods (like trajectories, remote tech and precise node) would need to be installed on the client?
  7. Thing is, I'm already on Linux 64-bit. Ah, well, time to spam-click checkboxes in CKAN.
  8. I wish I had known about this BEFORE I doubled my PC's RAM specifically for KSP... Well, I guess 16 gigs of RAM will come in handy some day I hope
  9. One of the biggest issues here is making something that can be shipped out to eve with relative convenience that's still aerodynamic testing some concepts using KER now. EDIT: managed 6895 atmo dV; should come out to around 7.3k since you're doing things like circularization in vac (unless Slashy's estimates included that).
  10. All i can say is I need more rep now to show i've had the game awhile. maybe i'm actually gonna have to post stuff every once in a while
  11. The best way to learn something is to copy someone who's legitimately good, copy them to the letter, then tweak their process/design until you know what effects diferent variables have. This applies to pretty much everything, if you have the time.
  12. Or go the way of League and get Imagine Dragons to appeal to the normal nerds out there (as opposed to space/physics nerds)
  13. We can still observe other stars (such as alpha centauri) via methods such as spectrography and measuring the dimming of the star as it's planets eclipse it, so we do know a surprising amount about other solar systems.
  14. Why, when you can let the suspense of waiting for a post to build up, and feel the unbridled hype? I want an EVGA GTX 980 Classified
  15. I come up with great concepts throughout the day, come home, try to implement them, and what comes out ends up being a not-quite-flying spaghetti monster. I usually abandon these projects in their infancy and repeat.
  16. this can happen in singleplayer, bt it is very rare. It is called the Duplication Kraken.
  17. Fixed a debilitating glitch in which my entire comp would crash whenever I played KSP (bad driver instalations really suck ). After that i failed at making helicopters from the firespitter mod.
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