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Everything posted by Moss

  1. I shoot lightning from my hand, disabling the robot. I lob a wrench at the next poster.
  2. I think there's a bunch of things to consider. Firstly, the engines need to be powerful enough so that newer players can build functioning aircraft. Secondly, the stats don't seem unreasonable to me. I've heard that the rocket parts are underpowered compared to their real life counterparts to compensate for the fact that the Kerbol system is really small, and I think the jet engines aren't scaled down as much. Thirdly, and most importantly, the reason players can construct Mach 7 upper atmosphere super-planes is because KSP doesn't make engines overheat despite the fact that the intake air would be travelling at supersonic speeds. This allows them to travel at the speeds they do. Personally, I think they should implement jet overheating that would need to be addressed with a new Pre-Cooler part. (Maybe find a use for the Radial Engine Body?)
  3. Since the logo contest has been resolved (congratulations to the winners- whoever they may be), I was thinking we could start a new thread for everyone else to post their logos. That way we can look at everyone's great ideas despite them not making it into the game! I'd start it off with one of my own but this is the first time I've ever used an internet forum and I don't know how to pictures. Err... Post away I guess! Look forward to seeing what people came up with. (If there's already a similar thread to this one please feel free to delete this one and/or burn my house down) Have fun.
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