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Everything posted by Moss

  1. Sounds fantastic. I'm excited!
  2. Definitely will support. K^2, do you want to make a Kickstarter page? You seem to be the most knowledgable about these things.
  3. 7/10 Definitely seen ye before.
  4. Upcoming fight to the death? Don't cheat, cheater!
  5. They could have it so that anything that passes into despawn range over kerbin is auto-recovered, but you get a massive refund penalty for not recovering it manually.
  6. Not strictly true. Multiple LV-Ns gives you more thrust overall, which is useful for moving massive payloads around. Say you take a fuel tank and a LV-N. The payload weighs a tonne. You have a delta-v of, let's say, 3km/s. Say you want to move a payload that weighs two tonnes. You add another LV-N and fuel tank. You'll end up with the same overall delta-v. Well, I'm pretty sure.
  7. Well, as long as you don't end up like this guy:
  8. Fraps will get you ten minutes for about 5 gigs, if I remember correctly.
  9. True. But any rocket will do for me. The user below me just got out of a long term relationship, but doesn't regret it.
  10. Banned for being part of a fandom that constitutes far too much of the internet.
  11. I'm glad it's coming soon. I have a feeling that players are getting a little bit irritable. (See the "it's in alpha excuse" thread)
  12. Thou shalt not necro-thread.
  13. Granted, and there's no way I can corrupt it without being deliberately hurtful. I wish for a pen that always worked, so I can keep it next to my phone.
  14. 10/10 The amount of times I've been banned... I could never forget that signature.
  15. Waiting for the update. I'm quivering with antici---
  16. Banned for being on more than one internet forum.
  17. Banned for not organising a Brony Team for the Kerbin cup.
  18. Banned because this is the ideal place to contain them.
  19. Mostly it's intuitive. Practice is essential. Here are some common tips: -Let your trajectory either lead or fall short of your target, depending on your heading and the rotation of the planet/ moon. This is because as you're falling the planet may rotate under you, taking the target with it. Also applies for landing in atmosphere, as the map trajectory doesn't account for air resistance and you'll need space to slow. -Some people like to come to a dead stop (no horizontal speed) above their target and then fall onto it. This typically uses a lot of fuel. -Target markers can be helpful.
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