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Everything posted by Moss

  1. My first post was a thread with the following heading. This was about the time the logo-design competition was wrapping up. "Since the logo contest has been resolved (congratulations to the winners- whoever they may be), I was thinking we could start a new thread for everyone else to post their logos. That way we can look at everyone's great ideas despite them not making it into the game! I'd start it off with one of my own but this is the first time I've ever used an internet forum and I don't know how to pictures." I think one person replied.
  2. Hello. I was hoping someone could answer this for me. Fuel transfer seems to be not working for me in 0.90. The "In" and "Out" buttons do not appear for me when I have multiple tanks selected with Alt + RMB. Thanks Moss
  3. I'm honoured that you guys chose to launch me into space. I promise I'll do you proud.
  4. Boeing X-32. Just look at how happy it is!
  5. The only appropriate response to this thread that I can think of goes something along the lines of, "Aww, shucks". To be fair though there are much nicer and more active people than me on this forum. So I'd also like to say thanks to them.
  6. I'm not sure- currently I'm imagining a human version of Gyro from Ducktales.
  7. Moss


    I may be late to the party on this one, but having seen this movie I'm convinced me that there should science fiction/ adventure gameplay support in the base game, even if it never becomes stock.
  8. This seems like the sort of thing Squad would add if someone had already made a mod of it.
  9. 1/10 But then again I'm not very active.
  10. I don't have a particularly dirty mind, but when "Luby" and "Jerkin" Kerman both appeared TOGETHER on the to-hire roster, I just had to send them together on every mission I could.
  11. General Rarity was forcibly thrown into the sea.
  12. It's a procedurally generated "Rescue Kerbal" contract. I've done a few. You can view where they are in the tracking station. Launch west to east while he's about 45 degrees behind (west of the space centre) you, then launch orbits. Alternatively you can launch into a massive orbit and then wait for a good transfer angle to happen.
  13. Banned for imposing rules upon me.
  14. 10/10 You leave a distinct trail of carnage wherever you go.
  15. I'm glad you've found a friend.
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