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Everything posted by SkyRender

  1. Space is not hard as long as you're a good engineer working with reliable parts. If only we were so lucky in real life. While it may be said that life is about the journey, if you don't know where you're going on that journey, you're going to get nowhere fast. Have a goal to shoot for, no matter how far off it may be. With enough thrust, anything can fly. It probably won't fly for long if you don't steer it or it's not aerodynamic, however. There is no accomplishment so grand for you to achieve that you will be unable to think of a way to one-up yourself. The only real limit is what you can bring yourself to do, given the trouble it would be to do it.
  2. That's because "decoupler" is not the correct term for those devices. The correct term is "pyrotechnic fastener".
  3. I wish Tales of Xillia 2 had a better postgame that didn't demand I either replay the entire game or grind for hours to make it actually doable. ...What? The thread title didn't say it had to be complaints about KSP.
  4. There's really not a 1:1 conversion of prices between KSP and real life. Especially not for building upgrades, as at the moment a fully upgraded space center in KSP costs almost an order of magnitude more than the entire Apollo program cost back in the day.
  5. I don't tend to run into that sort of situation with rockets any longer, but I sure as hell do with spaceplanes (at least, when working with FAR). I've launched more than one aerodynamically unsound spaceplane into orbit under the influence of FAR, which is no small feat. I've landed many of them safely and intact too, also no small feat.
  6. It is down, yes. For future reference, this is a fantastic site for checking if a site is actually offline: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ The easiest way to get ahold of the site's maintainer is to contact them here on the forums. I'm pretty sure the site's maintained by the author of MechJeb.
  7. To me, the greatest form is that of function. Nothing is more beautiful than a device which can perform a task efficiently and with similarly efficient contingencies in place to deal with potential problems. It's far more impressive than a massive space-waster that just sits there and does nothing of use.
  8. The main concern with 1.0 stability is that they're adding a plethora of new features combined with extensive bugfixes for older features. Generally in software development you keep the tasks of new implementation and bug-hunting separate. Certainly you don't try to do them simultaneously under normal circumstances, as new systems can cause synergistic bugs in old systems and lead to a massive amount of rework in the process.
  9. I don't think Kerbals count in base 3, but it would explain why we never see a third game in a Valve series if Gabe Newell only counts in base 3. (Yes yes, obligatory "Half-Life 3" joke. It had to be done.) The whole split-into-thirds thing with the thrust meter never bugged me. I mostly never even noticed it, to be honest.
  10. Wow, that is one absurdly complex-looking craft... You might just want to get the TAC Fuel Balancer mod and not have to hassle with figuring out the logistics of the fuel lines. Because trust me, those logistics will be a nightmare with a configuration like that.
  11. Because it has a healthy root system and steady access to sufficient water and air that are not overly polluted. Water vapor hanging in the air is hit by sunlight at an angle that causes the light to refract in a manner similar to that of a prism. "Positraction", more technically limited-slip differential, works by utilizing fairly complicated machinery to sense when one or more wheels has lost grip with the road and adjusts the grip on the remaining wheels to compensate. Why yes, I did completely miss your point entirely on purpose. Not knowing and being unknowable are quite different things. My own reasons for loving KSP are many, but the big one is that it doesn't abuse the randomizer to compensate for a lack of complexity in design systems. This makes for far more predictable, consistent, and interesting mechanics.
  12. Your K and H keys seem to have been arbitrarily swapped there. Interesting design otherwise, though.
  13. Some days I play for hours, some days I play for minutes, some days I don't play at all (and those are the days that never end). Maybe I'm crazy, but it's crazy and it's true: on average I play KSP about an hour a day, and that's enough for me, too.
  14. That's actually a very standard design of ladder for fighter jets. The real version telescopes out extremely fast as compared to the KSP variant too, mostly because it's a passive telescoping mechanism (ie. gravity does all the work for getting it to extend).
  15. I've never once used any autopilot, and can do all of the tasks listed in the checklist and thensome. Of course, I have something of an advantage over many players in terms of how much time I've had to master those skills, admittedly...
  16. You may want to look into the Interstellar mod. Basically all propulsion technology to date still relies on chemical reactions (even ion drives are still chemical-based, they're just much more efficient about it in exchange for practically no thrust). The Interstellar mod adds future technologies such as fusion and antimatter drives, which are much closer to full electric and actually more practical than ion thrusters since they can provide meaningful TWR.
  17. My computer can't handle rockets much bigger than 500 or so parts without turning into a slideshow. That's about the only limitation I've run into.
  18. Don't say his name three times or he'll come for your daughter, Chuck.
  19. Sounds like an official (or unofficial) highlight reel on YouTube for each Squadcast is what you're suggesting here. And I can see where you're coming from on that. Most of us commenting on this thread about not watching it don't watch because we just want the information (which your summaries handily provide). Having a highlight reel that covers that information would pretty much do the same job.
  20. I always miss them. As for the past broadcasts, make sure you're checking the right channel. Be sure you go to /ksptv/profile/past_broadcasts or you won't find the actual past broadcasts for KSPTV.
  21. Because creativity is much harder than just randomly slapping the letter K in place of (or in front of) the first letter of a given word and saying it's Kerbal-related. Not that creativity is really the goal of a lot of those struck with K Syndrome.
  22. I think he's referring to the fact that air intakes can be set up to gather and compress air in in real life instead of feeding that air into an air-breathing engine. Of course, you'd still never get a jet engine to spool up on stored compressed air like that, but you could in fact use air gathered in this fashion with a chemical rocket. It's not outside the realm of possibility to do that sort of thing in real life, just outside the realm of practicality to use that sort of thing on spacecraft at the moment.
  23. There is one solution to low-light situations that works well: Be nice to your Kerbals, put lights on their ships.
  24. It also goes by the name Jeb's Coffee. They serve it in the Astronuat Complex. No wonder the crew's so jittery all the time.
  25. The biggest problem with rovers is the bug that causes suspension to vanish for about 15 seconds when you cross between two polygons. I'm not kidding, you can even see it in action: the rover wheels will suddenly push the vehicle up to maximum height and refuse to adjust at all for several seconds. In the process, the vehicle becomes extremely unstable, wobbling easily and potentially flipping at any speed under any gravitational pull. Fixing this is definitely something that needs to happen before 1.0 hits.
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