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Everything posted by SkyRender

  1. Didn't you know? Moho is actually a cosmic bowling ball.
  2. In the meantime, you can hotfix the strategy system's imbalances by going into GameData/Squad/Strategies/Strategies.cfg and adding an extra 0 after the decimal point on the minRate and MaxRate of Outsourced R&D (0.0027778 and 0.00347) and Appreciation Campaign (0.0041667 and 0.00520), as well as adding a trailing 0 to Fundraising Campaign (70 and 90) and Patents Licensing (80 and 100).
  3. Thanks to the new inline air intakes, it's easy to airhog without clipping and still have a pretty functional-looking craft. Generally I put the airhogging threshold at a flame-out at 24,000m. If you can go higher than that on jet engine power, you've got too many intakes (and if you only flame-out at that altitude, you have quite a lot more than you really need as it is).
  4. Outside of what's been announced, the big thing I'd like to see is more keyboard shortcuts for various Space Center buildings. Mission Control in particular can become an exercise in mouse aerobics if you're trying to find a particular type of contract and keep having to cancel ones you're not interested in.
  5. This definitely falls under the category of "not working as intended". The winch, simply put, will not properly retract. Oh it puts on a good show of it, makes all the noises and sometimes even moves the winch itself inexplicably instead of the connector, but the actual connector is completely unaffected. This happened on about my fourth or fifth Kethane run, and I don't even begin to know what to do to fix it. I've tried messing with the interface, re-docking and changing how I separate the two master craft, even tried to take off with one of them (which caused the Kraken to take a sudden interest past 2.5km and did not affect the connector at all somehow). I can provide the save for dissection if necessary; the only mods I think is needed besides KAS for it to work are Kethane and TAC Life Support. EDIT: Amazingly, I have solved this issue! Somehow the mass for the KAS.Winch2 models both got set to 1 microgram apiece. Setting them back to their proper mass of 0.1T fixed the issue.
  6. Problem there is that everyone has different standards even within those categories. For the most part, the popular mods either play well together or are well-documented in how they don't. That's about the best you can do.
  7. Reputation distribution gets kind of weird. It's not linear like science or funds, I've noticed that much. Certainly I should have hit 1000 reputation ages ago on my latest save, but it's currently stuck somewhere around 900 to 950. You can view your actual reputation up to 950 by trying to start the Aggressive Negotiations contract at 100%, as that requires 950 reputation to run at 100% and tells you how much you currently have if you don't meet that requirement.
  8. The Mk.2 parts all having lift does have a huge impact, but the biggest factor is definitely that RAPIER engines are better turbojets than the actual turbojets now. They are a proper tier above jet engines, and any spaceplane using them is going to have a much easier time than one using a mixture of traditional jet engines and rocket engines. Personally I'm fine with that, as that's pretty much what they're hoping the SABRE engine will do in real life as well.
  9. My own $0.02US on the matter is that SQUAD has assigned a downright anemic team to development by modern software standards. The active development staff of KSP can just about be counted on two hands. The total staff the game overall has had working on it overall has never gone past 20 people, to my knowledge, and I'm pretty sure the current devteam is the biggest it's ever been. Most games these days have development staff numbers in the hundreds, and that's not even including the testers. I don't see the small team size as necessarily being a bad thing (big teams equal messier communications, and can actually increase development times if implemented mid-development-cycle), but it does mean that it takes more time to complete things. Particularly if there's any sort of standards of quality, which clearly the KSP devteam have. The mere fact that they go to great lengths to make sure that their alpha builds go out as stable and playable as possible puts them miles ahead of many game developers.
  10. Well done on your first SSTO! Now go for something tiny: Or something huge: The sky is quite clearly not the limit since all of these craft are meant to get to space instead!
  11. Can you still switch to the craft via the tracking station?
  12. I honestly think that the scale factor on values for science and reputation to/from funds got reversed somehow, because their defaults are 10 times too strong for funds-to and 10 times too weak for funds-from as compared to science-to-rep and vice-versa. Once I adjusted them as I outlined above, they were far more in line with the other strategies and no longer overpowered or useless.
  13. Just a brief but helpful suggestion that would really speed up using certain facilities (especially Mission Control): add more keyboard shortcuts for them. It would be great if we could scroll through the various lists with the arrow keys or WASD, select an item for consideration with Enter, accept with just one quick keystroke, decline with a different keystroke, quickly return to the Space Center screen with ESC, that sort of thing. It struck me as I was repeatedly rejecting contracts to find one I would like to do that the whole process felt very cumbersome with the need to click on the contract, move over to Decline, then move back over to the contract list and select whatever new contract had popped up to assess (and then inevitably have to mouse back over to the Accept/Decline area no matter what I thought of that contract). Just something to consider. Thanks for your time!
  14. I don't get why I put off trying this mod for so long. It's pretty much exactly what I was looking for: a scheduling utility so I can run multiple missions at once without potentially forgetting important steps along the way. Thanks for this wonderful mod!
  15. There is a thing in this world called discretion. It's what we engage in when we don't want to come off as jerks, for the most part. And really, all that the rules are asking is that you exercise some discretion in your responses. There is quite a world of difference between declaring that a developer is doing something wrong and inquiring as to why things are different now. Around here, that difference can be the one between getting a warning and getting a meaningful response. Please keep this in mind when you go to write an angry rant, because angry rants serve little purpose save to spread even more anger. Try to be constructive or inquisitive in a non-volatile fashion instead.
  16. Mostly I've spent the last day or so ironing out the latest iteration of my comprehensive Kethane mining operation. It's basically an all-in-one launch of scanner, miner, fuel ferry, and fuel depot (complete with 5 docking nodes on said depot), and struts aside is 100% "reusable" (in the sense that nothing is lost or broken between launch and final destination of its various and sundry craft). The scanner's in its polar orbit looking for future deposits to harvest, the depot's in low equatorial orbit awaiting fuel for its massive reserve, the miner's extracting Kethane and converting it on-the-spot for the ferry, and the ferry's making regular trips between the miner and the depot. It works perfectly, which is quite nice. The whole operation hinges on the KAS Mouse design (pictured above), which are winch-attached rovers which allow two craft to dock from up to 100m apart without having to do any fancy shenanigans or involve any Kerbals.
  17. I ran into a really weird but 100% consistent bug today with KAS. I have a Kethane mining operation, set up to be Kerbal-less by way of little KAS-based rovers I call "KAS Mice". The whole system works perfectly and surprisingly does not run into any glitches... except for one very important point in the process. I discovered that each KAS Mouse has to be undocked from their parent craft and retracted entirely before either of the two parent craft leave the area. If either one is still out, once one of the parent craft gets past the 2.5KM render limit, most of the KSP interface just stops working. Specifically, quicksaving, vessel switching, and returning to the Space Center are all unavailable. There is a workaround for it (make sure all KAS winches are retracted before you have two distinct KAS-winch-equipped vessels get out of render distance), but I figured the developer of the mod might want to know about it.
  18. Fuel-budget-wise, any body with an atmosphere is potentially much 'cheaper' to reach since you can aerocapture and aerobrake (though it usually makes up for that by being harder to reach orbit once landed; see Eve for an extreme example). But in terms of sheer simplicity of mission profile, airless bodies are ideal since you don't have to worry about that pesky atmosphere mucking things up. It will always take the same amount of effort to get to and from the surface of an airless body. It also helps that most of the airless bodies in KSP are also gravity-deficient (except Tylo, which is just nasty for dV budgets).
  19. For all of your synchronous orbit needs, there's a handy tool available: the KSP Orbital Synchronization Calculator. It can even calculate the spacing for multi-satellite arrays in a specific synchronous orbit for you. Quite handy! (Yes, this is a shameless plug for a calculation tool I made.)
  20. Looks like you have Fine Print installed too. Anyway, there could be some pretty fun things to come out of multi-celestial-body-target missions, but the rewards would have to be adjusted quite a bit up from that I think.
  21. They make decent rover shells, having 50m/s impact tolerance. You can cage your Kerbals and/or experiments safely inside, not having to worry about them getting damaged from a nasty tumble that way.
  22. Amazing new breakthrough! Fresh from the labs, I present to you: the Big Tumbler, aka. the Safety Rover! It features 4 mini-SAS reaction wheels and a roll cage, meaning that it's virtually impossible to damage! Even the nastiest tumble doesn't dent this thing. It can withstand up to 80m/s of collision damage on all parts likely to collide! Flipped over? Just activate the mini-SAS modules and roll sideways to right yourself! I suggest you have Kerbals around, however, as those tires do break at far less than 80m/s (though the wheels themselves sure don't!).
  23. I started with 0.11, back in the good old days before the Mun. That was a shockingly long time ago now.
  24. Sure. The design behind it is astonishingly simple in principle. In fact, you can't make a rover much simpler than this. The only real sticking point is that you must assign the reaction wheels to an action group (along with the probe core) and disable torque immediately. Otherwise it will live up to its name and only tumble when trying to rove. Placing the reaction wheels closer to the CoM will allow it to handle steeper slopes, incidentally, but will also put the wheels in danger of destruction during flip-overs (thus defeating their purpose). You can definitely scale it up as well; I'd estimate those tiny reaction wheels can handle up to 3 or 4 tonnes for flip-overs.
  25. Well, thanks to 0.25 at least you can have a launchpad (and potentially most of the rest of the space center) missing after a launch. That's some progress, right?
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