So you're looking for a technical adviser? I would like to help with that, but I'm not sure how much help I would be. If you need normal editing help, I'm happy to be of assistance.
Always send an engineer with a rover. My career mode Mun rove failed due to a flat tire, as the rover fell off of the lander too fast. Poor Bill (I think it was Bill) was very sad that his rover could not move. I will bring him home in a couple day.
I was going to put a rover on the Mün, but I realized that I had not set up a RT2 satellite network. I will be spending my the rest of today building one.
Kerbin Laythe is just white ground and blue water. Sure, Laythe is beautiful and the view of Jool would be awesome, but I would find it boring after a while. Kerbin is so much more diverse than Laythe.
I have stayed in Kerbin SOI (except for Kerbol contracts). I have built a base on the Mün and Minmus. I am currently working up the tech tree to the nukes, and then I will head out to Duna.
Rate the spaceship above you. RULES: *It must be able to go into space (spaceship). *It can be fictional. *It can be a craft of your own design in KSP *Rate the spaceship, then explain your rating *Ratings from 0-10 *.gif is OK Example: Poster 1: Poster 2: 8/10 Not very realistic.