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Engineer of Stuff

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Everything posted by Engineer of Stuff

  1. I use many mods too, there are so many good ones out there. The frustrating thing is how some are not compatible. So many mods, so little RAM.
  2. I understand your frustration. I think that a video would be more helpful than pictures. This is such a weird problem that a video with you explaining the problem would be better.
  3. Did any SP+ parts not get implemented with .25? I did not use it until .25 (duh), and I am just curious.
  4. Squad is just churning out updates! It took only two months to get to experimentals. That is really impressive for the amount new, complicated features that .90 will have. We barely got used to all the new features of .25, and then a new update is announced to be in experimentals! Way to go Squad!!
  5. The Orion launch today has been scrubbed! Apparently it was a combination of high winds and a problem with the valves not closing. The launch is re-scheduled for tomorrow. News: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2014/12/04/nasa-to-launch-orion-test-flight-thursday-morning/?Post+generic=%3Ftid%3Dsm_twitter_washingtonpost Official NASA press release: https://blogs.nasa.gov/orion/2014/12/04/managers-tap-friday-launch-attempt/ Friday has a 40% right weather conditions, which is less than today (60%).
  6. I don't have a horse pic. But General Rarity used to!
  7. Oh. I didn't think of it like that. Thanks for your help. Please close this thread.
  8. Imagr albums don't display any pictures for me on the forum. Their website doesn't work either. Is this happening to anyone else? Is there a way for me to fix it? I use Chrome.
  9. I normally don't listen to electronic music, because I think it sounds all the same (dubstep excluded). LIST: Rock Soundtrack Dubstep Some electronic Country And other stuff I like.
  10. This may be an odd question. What is the delta V of each unit of each fuel? Thanks!
  11. Here is mine. It has a large amount of fuel, so lots of room for error. Launch. Separating the launch stage. The transfer stage. Decent stage. Landing stage. Return stage. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zysomnfmxt3ozhv/2%20STOCK.craft?dl=0 I think it is less than 400 parts.
  12. I need some help building a sky crane. Can I have some tips on building them (and flying)? Please post pictures (no .craft, it is for a career save). Thanks!
  13. How do I edit the time in my game? I want to put my save back 30 years (I spent that time on time warp watching asteroids get encounters with Kerbin). I feel cheap that so much time passed, with nothing happening. Can Hyperedit do this? Or do I have to save edit?
  14. I landed on the Mün. Nothing special. I also created my first working plane. I surprised myself, as normally I am horrible at building things with wings.
  15. I use stock so I can abuse the bugs, but am considering moving to FAR.
  16. It would be nice to have MK3 ramps. Instead of dropping rovers out of cargo bays, driving them down a ramp would be easier. Here is a picture of the 'style' of the ramp I have in mind: Anyone up for the challenge?
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