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Engineer of Stuff

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Everything posted by Engineer of Stuff

  1. I think that Squad will give PC first priority. They are NOT giving up on us. They have given a lot of thought to this, and if they think that it is worth the investment it probably is. I have faith in you Squad!
  2. I have compiled all of the old windows versions into a single download. Link: (give me a little while to upload it) I also have the old widows demo. Link: http://files.starfireaerospace.com/ksp/other/KSP_demo_win_pre_1.0.zip
  3. My first rescue was retrieving Jebediah Kerman from Mun orbit after his lander was under-built (). It was easy once I learned the steps!
  4. I am not a lawyer and I find that offencive. - - - Updated - - - Did you have to talk to other Squad employees before posting that comment?
  5. Put the solar system inside of a spherical space station.
  6. I love the animatics! I am equally excited for them as the actual game update.
  7. They do that because you aren't supposed to fire it inside the VAB. But seriously, I have never tried it.
  8. I don't know what is wrong, but pull in your panels before trying again. They might break.
  9. So the conclusion is, um, less struts is good? That does not sound right.
  10. The paragraphs are very entertaining.
  11. I'm Star. Working on life. I am defiantly going to be getting Eagle, I will not give up.
  12. Have you notified the containment team? Memorie leaks are dangerous.
  13. ATM is doing that. It is normal, and if you hate it, get a less aggressive version of ATM.
  14. I haven't gone to any. I have spent my time improving my skills, and I am positive that I could go to any if I tried. I just have to decide to to it.
  15. Was present to build and decorate with theme Focus during planning times Communication with group Group decision making Present at coaster competition at Stuff for school.
  16. Just wanted to let you know this, and I think that you really don't care, but your website takes a while to load. Once it has been cached, it is faster (obviously).
  17. Um, what did I just read? Is someone hatin' on fins?
  18. 7/10 Nice vintage feel. Real quick, what's that from?
  19. I completely agree with Kasper and Ted. The community response to new bugs is sometimes annoying. I opened up 1.0 for the first time expecting bugs. I did not expect it to be perfect. When I found one, I continued playing. The only bug that has ever been game-breaking for me was the Claw.
  20. It is in the NASA folder (it was in .90), and a .cfg called " Potatoroid".
  21. This might of been said before, but you could just edit the ion engine to have those properties.
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