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Engineer of Stuff

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Everything posted by Engineer of Stuff

  1. Yes. 10chr - - - Updated - - - Can you rename this thread to the 'Official' hype train thread?
  2. So Squad stole all of the Steam x64 KSP versions? It is still available on the KSP website store.
  3. What is the Hypetrain speed in PPM? (Posts Per Minute)?
  4. Does Netscape work on Windows 8? I think that it would be fun to have a piece of Internet history.
  5. It's good to be skilled at moving the mouse with your mouth.
  6. Is there room for me? Here is my money to buy a ticket: $€£¥
  7. What coding language does KSP use? C#?
  8. I buy the machine, then go back in time and steal the gold from myself before I bought the machine. I have gold and a time machine. The next poster gets $12.
  9. It is unfortunate that we cannot.
  10. Welcome aboard! The KSP community is something special.
  11. Moderator, please delete this thread!!!! The Devs could fix this exploit in 1.0!!!!
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