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    Curious George
  1. Any chance for this mod to be updated to 1.9.1?...I cant wait for it, so i can start another carrier game...:)
  2. Same problem here! Buttons disabled for further flights, except Record and Help...
  3. Thank you, SpaceTiger, i`m already using it on my 1.2.2 career...the mod is fantastic..and since DMagic is here, i want to say thanks to him too, i am using all his mods!...nice job, guys!
  4. May i ask if it is working with KSP 1.2.2?... Thank you in advance!
  5. Awesome mod! As a career player, iti is very usefull... i consider that this one should be in vanilla
  6. Excelent job! Ai facut o treaba minunata! Ma bucur sa vad si romani implicati in KSP. Toate bune!
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