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Everything posted by nli2work

  1. probably something to do with the way IVA is oriented. I do wish Internal and Part modules worked across the board. IVA props could would be much more interesting of some part modules also worked in IVA.
  2. stock props are limited, but it's not hard to make your own. No animations needed (can't do any even if you wanted to), everything is done with internal modules. most useful ones are Navball and Compass modules ( you want to check the IVANavBall folder instead of NavBall, that's the 0.25 one with some extras) IndicatorPanel module is only partially working. then you have Internal throttle module; 3 modules that's used in the Pitch/Roll/Yaw indicators. an atmosphere depth module. and internalSpeed that lets you switch between surface/orbit/target. Altimeter 3 hands you can do a odometer type prop using Altimeter, but limited to displaying 3 digits. Vertical Speed Indicator module and Radar Altimeter modules; they let you specify angle for altitudes, so it's easy to calibrate. Radar Altimeter should allow much higher altitude than 3km as well, though I haven't tested that yet. there's also an Internal Light switch module that I haven't tested. and lastly a text module that lets you print text on a game object; useful for labels and such. limited to default KSP font and white text. I have a short video covering the indicator panel prop as example.
  3. there's nothing to turn off the outside far as I know. I could be wrong. since you are modeling the outside, there's not much you can do other than editing the exterior to match the interior. best thing to do is import the interior in Blender and edit your exterior to match.
  4. mechjeb installation is for testing integration with RPM in the MFD prop. and useful for testing VTOL crafts.
  5. Looks great! LiquidHydrogen is in CRS, ~half density of LiquidFuel. Seems like it should be lighter? Assuming Squad's LiquidFuel is kerosene. Looking at Squad's resource definitions, IntakeAir has same density as LiquidFuel, bizarre. it's not much hassle to bundle, just a single resource definition file. the B9 landing wheel fix was to deal with Unity's wheelCollider, sideways slip is friction of the wheel when moving in a direction that's not in the same plane as the radius ring. at normal settings it's incredibly high so any deviation side to side at more the ~50m/s causes the wheel to "snag" on the ground, this was aggravated as vehicle mass increases. the B9 fix lowered it to basically nothing. the B9 "fix" is probably necessary until Unity changes their wheelCollider code to handle higher speeds better. If you use stock wheel module you have no way of modifying it through config, and have to set the values before export from Unity. I set my breakingForce and breakingTorque between 20k to 30k. Surface attach nodes still require some struts. CKAN is released, might consider adding integration. it should make it easier to keep everything updated.
  6. Endurance got into decaying orbit presumably because of the bad docking attempt. I guess they said Stratosphere because more people might know what that is than Mesosphere or thermosphere
  7. I thought I was smart not trying to transition to horizontal flight after take off. but...
  8. you forget the case of the astronaut driving for days non-stop on a revenge trip? they have diapers. it IS the excuse for any sci-fi movie, no matter how much "fi" is in it. Any film, strictly speaking, even documentaries.
  9. They were in a decaying orbit around Mann's planet that was a result of Mann blowing up part of the ship when attempting to dock. The lander docked, gained control, and then boosted out of orbit around Mann's Planet. Which puts them in a stable orbit around Gargantua. From there they planned and executed some dubious maneuver that throws what's left of the main ship on a trajectory to Edmund's planet (that turned out to be Mars). which required a long, and likely not continuous, burn. Afterall, the main ship is powered by plasma drive, the burn would take a long time, as you say, many years in earth's time. plenty time for the teary farewells. Slightly unbalanced, sure. It wasn't intended to drop cargo on all 3 planets. only one. So sure, the entire sequence of maneuvers is "almost as dumb" as Mann blowing the airlock. But again, not impossible within the boundries of the film. The Ranger appears to be slightly more aerodynamically plausible than the X-Wing. Okay not really. but that's besides the point. call it artistic license, one of the last in a long series in the film.
  10. I think you're taking the timing too literally. Film is by necessity sequential, but the events depicted doesn't necessarily have to happen in the same sequence or over the same amount of time that it took for the film to roll through the projector. just because X-seconds elapsed between shots doesn't mean the events took the same amount of time. Remember the ship was already out of balance when Mann blew up a section of the ring when attempting to dock earlier. Sure the space ship maneuvering isn't close to "real". A single ranger took two stages of boosting to get into (low, presumably) Earth orbit; but was able to land AND take off under it's own power (with nearly the same payload as taking off from Earth) on a planet that's 1.3x earth's gravity. Within the bounds of the film's reality, it's not impossible to imagine that one of the docked vessels, the remaining ranger or one or both of the landers, had to fire at less than full throttle to allow the entire thing to be controllable. which would result in sequential separations as one will necessarily run out of fuel sooner.
  11. all that depends on the shader that was used when the MU was first exported. you can guess by looking at existing textures for a model. if there's only 1 texture, most likely it's a simple diffuse or diffuse/specular shader. and the most you can use is a RGB(a) PNG or MBM. _NRM is the required postfix for normal maps. there's no separate spec or alpha map. both are in the alpha channel of a texture. if a specular shader is used, the alpha channel controls spec intensity and color. if a transparency shader is used, alpha controls opacity. specular size/gloss is controlled by a slider. some of that is in the config settings if you look at the strutConnector. but I diont know if they are still working. for KSP shaders you only deal with 3 map types. Diffuse(a); NRM (tangent space normal map); and Emissive that controls self illumination. Normals are converted to DXT5n and if you open it directly after conversion it will look like a gray scale map. you'd have to write your own shaders if you want shaders to work more UE4
  12. I suppose the real back story on Interstellar. http://youtu.be/D6fXiW3oEws?t=13m23s
  13. a split control surface could work. at least I don't see why it wouldn't. FSAirBrake has nothing to interfere with control surface far as I can tell. if I can work it into the procedural control surface it'd be even more better.
  14. last resort is replacing the old texture with new one. or copy the MU and config to a new folder with new textures. strut model doesn't load because the DAE doesnt' actually exist. try changing it to model = Squad/Parts/Structural/strutConnector/model\ using MODEL{} with Squad parts seems to be hit or miss. not sure if it's because the models are hardcoded to look for MBM or something else.
  15. Handrails. like Ladders. stuff you can grab on to while doing EVA
  16. I see. I read somewhere that unused stack nodes generate extra drag when using FAR so I was curious if NodeToggle turned off the extra nodes or not after launch
  17. assuming it all works. strutConnector is really old part looking at the config file, it's still referring to a nonexistant DAE model.
  18. add a line after mesh = blahblah.mu texture = partPathinGamedata/newTexture that should work. or remove mesh = blablah add MODEL { model = muPathinGamedata/muFileName //no need for dot MU extension texture = originalTextureName, newTexturePathinGameData/newTextureName // no need for texture format extension. PNG or MBM is preferable in 0.25 }
  19. what does MODULE[NodeToggle] do? turn off unused stack nodes after launch?
  20. FAR Control Surfaces have flap settings, but nothing to drive an animation that I can tell. airbrake function is part of FS. I could try to tie something up with Kinetech, but again it'd just be cosmetic.
  21. the ranger/lander engines are probably beyond anything that can be considered "balanced" for KSP... but I don't see anything that can't be done with just stock part modules. some creative license will have to be taken. So far this looks great!
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