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Everything posted by nli2work

  1. Strake basically is a very short wing no? you don't use pWings? DRC MM configs I can promise. Strakes are lower priority, I'm inclined to stick with pWings for all the lifting surface requirements.
  2. Works fine in 0.25; use the updated DLL from this post http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29862-0-25-Procedural-Dynamics-Procedural-Wing-0-9-1?p=1492738
  3. A kitbash of Porkjet's Jack O Lantern and BahamutoD's Cluster Bomb to multiply your enjoyment x42. @KerbalStuff Requires Jack O Lanterns by Porkjet http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98241 BDArmory by BahamutoD http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85209 Instructions: Extract to GameData/Jack_O_Lantern (or where ever you have installed Jack_O_Lantern parts) CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 International
  4. That would mean the stock mk2 bays wouldn't work either? I'll test them some more. I'll look at doing some surface attach missile/bomb bays after I get done with the IVAs
  5. I do 1:1 for everything. model the external @ 1:1; and model the interior inside the external, then scale everything else accordingly. as far as videos I suppose yea that's probably better. I did the engines video because there seemed to be a few questions about it recently. I supposed in the future if there's questions regarding another topic I could make videos if I can.
  6. what do mean not work? the door is too small? it opens too wide? There is a slight lip on the top open bay. A separate bomb bay is unlikely for the near future. I've been using the utility section as open bomb bays for the most part, using I-beams for center divider, couple of those has enough room for 4 cluster bombs along with 8 500lb bombs
  7. take everything I said with a fist full of salt. So far my attempts are unsuccessful. Okay.. just a few grains of salt... I got something working as .caveat is KineTech doesn't work well with stock ModuleAnimateHeat.
  8. word on what? oh yea, basic engine setup video in OP
  9. 3 out of those 5 are already bundled with B9. I don't think you'll have a problem with mod dependency preventing people from using this. Kinetech can help drive the exhaust jets as well if you prefer using geometry instead of particles. I think if you share the same mod dependency as B9 you'd be perferctly fine.
  10. assuming you are not using custom MFDs from a mod in JSI/RPMPodPatches/BasicMFD/MFD40x20.cfg lower the values for refreshDrawRate refreshTextRate refreshDataRate RPM will attempt to update them faster, but it could be counter productive if the computer doesn't have enough resources. Custom MFDs are the same, but their locations vary.
  11. make sure MM is installed. make sure you have the up to date version of pWings if all else fails, follow the directions here and send me your log http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92229-How-To-Get-Support-%28READ-FIRST%29
  12. Hey Ferram can you clarify the variables in BasicDragModel a little when you get a chance? Or if there's a place with a succinct description on the forums or else where. I found one post from 2012, #53. Is that still applicable? seems like quite a lot has changed looking at the newer BasicDragModel settings.
  13. All the RCS parts from B9 use FStextureSwitch2 module; except Port_R1A, which requires Resgen plugin and B9's own resource. RCS blocks should work in B9/Parts/Control_RCS_Blocks once you set up Firespitter DLL (if you don't want the parts from Firespitter); simply rename Port_R1A.cfg to Port_R1A.txt to prevent it from compiling.
  14. you wouldn't have to change multiple gimbal ranges in the future... otherwise it shouldn't be any different using multiple moduleGimbals
  15. well... I should still state the obvious. You won't have slow downs unless you plan on having many smoke trails while not moving. Flame particles are short lived and takes up little screen space and it's very unlikely to cause frame rate drops in 99% of normal game play. To do the mesh way you can use KineTechAnimation modules (bundled with B9). I think with a combination of Thrust; AtmosphericDensity or StaticPressure; and maybe one or two other modules; and animated texture offset, you can achieve pretty good effect. It will take quite a bit of inventive unity setup however, as you will probably have to nest multiple transforms for the different modules to control independently. exhaust damage should still work the same with or without visible FX. I don't think there's any way to define a specific volume for damage, at least not without a plugin. KSP/Unlit Transparent is probably your best bet for shader. in the future if/when SmokeScreen adds mesh emitters, this method could get very interesting.
  16. there is a "TIMETOIMPACTSECS" variable. you just have to add it to a page to display it. [B]TIMETOIMPACTSECS[/B] -- A very, very rough estimate of the time of contact with the ground, provided no further thrust is applied. Does not take atmosphere or slamming into the side of a mountain into consideration, nor does it account for the fact planets are round. Should still be useful. Returns -1 if you aren't falling down yet.
  17. great bit of detective work lo-fi. little bit of undocumented feature no doubt would benefit many.
  18. probably inverted normals. Unity doesn't render back faces.
  19. There shouldn't be any problems if you aren't using features from newer versions. As precaution, I would install 4.2.2 to a different location, export your 4.5.2 project as a unity package and import the package to 4.2.2.
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