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Everything posted by nli2work

  1. pretty much. This is one of those things where I went... WTF why didn't I know this sooner?? Actually Ferram did say the same thing back in 2013... had I read it more closely I would have realized what he was talking about. Now that I think about it... 0,0 would mean the in/out slopes for the keys is flat... so the curve would have a staircase shape. which would still be off.
  2. 1. Yes. the LookAt constraint points along the +Z direction. the way to position the mover transforms was: create empty object; child it to the piston arm; reset the mover transform's Rot/Pos using the cog icon; (now position matches exactly so the arm won't shift position when the mover rotates) rotate the mover transform so the +Z is pointed along the piston arm (+/- 90 degrees around X); child mover transform to same parent as piston arm (now it has the odd rotations because the parent changed); child piston arm to mover transform. (now when LookAt constraint is active, the piston arm will point in the correct direction because the mover's +Z will point at the piston sleeve's pivot) You have to adjust the pivot of the piston arms in Blender, so their +Z are pointed along the piston rod/sleeve, if you want to use mesh objects directly with LookAt constraint, perfectly fine, as long as the pivots are oriented correctly. Depending on which direction the +X is pointed at the piece may be flipped when the constraint is active, easily fixed by rotating the pivot 180 degress around +Z. Or if the mesh is symmetrical around +Z, it still looks the same. Starting rotation doesn't matter, and no need to animate them. The LookAt constraint will take care of all the movements. 2. no, they can be whatever you want, as long as you feed them to the respective variables in Wheel or LandingGear modules as you've named them in the MU. 3. nope. see 1. The transform were necessary because the local pivots of many mesh objects were aligned to world axis; not very useful for animating. Generally I find it easier just to position the mesh object's pivots based on how the piece is supposed to move. align them correctly if they are used for constraintFX stuff. Saves some work in creating mover objects in Unity.
  3. your wheel was goign out too far because the transform you were using for suspension was at the tip of the piston rod. all you needed to do was move the suspension parent to where the wheel axle is; and child the suspension assembly to it.
  4. yeah, I flipped the coin on which direction to spin, and ended up tails. I'm gonna fix it across the board. I should have save the craft file on this one.
  5. velocityCurve { key = 0 0.9 0 -0.0014 key = 234 0.75 0 0 key = 825 1 0 0 key = 945 0 -0.022 0 } so what's the significance of the 3rd and 4th numbers in each key? old config documentation says they mean nothing. all the squad engines don't use them.
  6. speaking of wheel module plugin... does yours force the wheels to rotate at the same rate? I discovered stock module wheels don't rotate at the same rate when on the same vehicle.
  7. the Mislyn-12 is my Mustang knock-off. the r10 was meant to be a corsair knock-off... but it got a little out of hand. I'll just put the two spinners/hubs I have and the blades into a single part and tie it all up with meshSwitcher. shouldn't be too hard. You can set up the engine part however you want.
  8. what do the "kinda-spinner" look like? I can give you a part with the 2x,3x,and 4x blades tied to FSmeshSwitcher. you can configure their engine settings as you like? There's some kind of propeller customizer in FS dev I think. haven't messed around with it yet.
  9. what do the Aerodynamic failure numbers mean? if the part has more that force applied to it during flight it breaks off?
  10. ModuleAnimateGeneric will automatically reverse the clip. No need for reverse animation.
  11. If you want it done right you gotta do it yourself. or find a different game... I hear flightsim X has those planes.
  12. really liking the simplified upload, and progress bar too! Thank you sir!
  13. f- waiting, it was this or watching boring Zbrush tutorials for the billionth time . Here's the setup using the file you posted couple pages back. If you set the pivot of the parts to match how they should move, you would save yourself the trouble of adding all those extra transforms in Unity. but be that as it may... I just rigged this and animated it in Unity. The suspension piston arm needs to be a bit longer. you can see the tiny gap in a few instances. I didn't do the bay doors, they are easy though. The lights will dim if you key them in the animation clip. Otherwise they will stay on all the time. The status light color change is hard coded in the landing gear module. bright spot light is free to animate and color. Check your PM for Unity and Part/config file.
  14. I don't think underscore is the problem. FS docs says it only matters if the MU name has underscore. I use underscore in texture names and never had this issue. My MODEL{} blocks look like this MODEL { model = NohArksPnP/Parts/Engines/jeyTew/jeyTew texture = UHB_props_DIF, NohArksPnP/Parts/Engines/noseMountUHB/UHB_props_DIF texture = UHB_props_EMI, NohArksPnP/Parts/Engines/noseMountUHB/UHB_props_EMI texture = UHB_props_NRM, NohArksPnP/Parts/Engines/noseMountUHB/UHB_props_NRM texture = rectFuselage_NRM, NohArksPnP/Parts/rectFuel/rectFuselage_NRM texture = rectFuselage_DIF, NohArksPnP/Parts/rectFuel/rectFuselage_DIF texture = rotorDisc, NohArksPnP/Parts/Engines/noseMountUHB/rotorDisc } is there a flag transform? does it have a dummy texture assigned?
  15. I'll take a look at the blender file tonight from couple pages back if there isn't an updated one. You are 95% there. in the mean time few things to change if you haven't already. the gif is correct behaviour since KSP doesn't have setting for Up-target. the lookAtConstraint will remain in the same plane as start, only rotate around X to point at the target.
  16. what textures were exported with "Cockpit_MK1/model"?
  17. you shouldn't need the Position constraint for steering as your steering module already moves the Steering parent object. you can child the wheelcollider to NoseGearSteeringOrigin. you wanna set the steering object to NoseGearSteeringOrigin. that's the transform that contains all the stuff. NoseSteering will only move BottomArm_LookAt and NoseTorqueArmTop.
  18. you are very close. you want to set the starting position of the suspension mesh objects to full compression. the suspension piston mesh needs to be longer. The wheelcollider should be rotated around the X-Axis so the ray is pointed along +Z, away from the gear bay. you also need two layers, layer 26, WheelCollidersIgnore. wheelcollider will pass through any collider set to this layer. Mesh objects in this layer will be invisible. layer 27, WheelColliders, wheelcollider(s) set to this layer.
  19. well, not much more I can help then. never had the issue you are having.
  20. the wheelcollider looks like a circle with a ray from the center. The ray should be pointed down at the ground. the circle aligned to plane of travel, direction doesn't matter, as long as it's aligned. suspension distance setting is the distance from tip of the ray (target position 0) to where it intersects the wheel circle (target position 1). When the gear is loaded, suspension parent object is placed at the target position you've set, default is 0 (tip of the ray, full extension). wheelcollider will ignore other colliders set to the "wheelcolliders Ignore" layer. typically other colliders near the wheelcollider on the landing gear part. but other parts, like wings or fuselages, are not set to wheelcolliders ignore and they will push the landing gear "in" when the wheelcollider contacts their colliders. basically it means it's best to make the gear bay large enough to hold the gear at full extension; or you'll likely see the gear pop into place as the retract animation finishes. probably because suspension parent object is not at the same starting point as center of wheelcollider. or wheel collider is not at the same position as vertical axis.
  21. the suspension parent is tied to wheelcollider and not affected by animation. When there's no weight on it, the wheelcollider suspension goes to full extension, and only gets pushed into place by some other collider (whatever the gear is mounted on) when the animation gets to fully retracted postion.
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