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Everything posted by AbhChallenger

  1. That is one of the reasons why I wish Squad would delay 1.0 until after Unity 5 is out. With the new content in 1.0 the 32 bit barrier is that much closer and I can understand that people are starting to really get choosy about the mods they install lest they end up with an install they cant use. A 64bit Unity 5 KSP that worked right would really help. As for 7.5 and 10M being a separate pack. I agree. 5m is more than enough for most people. It is just that for folks like me. We want a SpaceY equivalent of the Colonial Transporter launcher.
  2. Considering stock is going with a better aerodynamic system in 1.0 Perhaps you would again consider making a a 7.5 and 10 meter pack for those of us who want to launch absurdly large payloads in a single go?
  3. Thinking about this more. I worry that this is a move that is happening because Squad is running out of development funds. If that is the case and the game gets panned by reviews it could mean that we can forget about future official improvements. I just can't see anything positive out of this. Waiting for Unity 5 alone is worth it. Much less another half year or so of bugfixes and balancing.
  4. Basically leaving Early Access means #1 The game is considered to be ready for the public to purchase and play. It says that the game is in a finished state free of major bugs. #2 Squad can no longer hide behind the "beta" tag. It means reviewers such as Angry Joe are free to either love the game. Or tear a it a new hole in their reviews. That is why I think it absolutely is not ready. Waiting for Unity 5 at minimum would have been much better.
  5. I strongly disagree with the decision to leave early access with version 1. Long story short it means that these brand new features that are only tested internally will be fair game for reviewers to tear apart if they don't work right. Worse than that it means the game is going 1.0 with Unity 4. Unity 5 sure is taking it's sweet time but it's benefits are absolutely worth it for KSP. Before people start saying "KSP is ready!" I invite you to go look at reviews of other games. A reviewer is NOT going to give the game the benefit of the doubt.
  6. Then you are going to be REALLLY livid that they just announced new landing gear and wings for Stock. Ram issues have nothing to do with female Kerbals. They have to do with Unity 4 64 bit being crap on Windows. Unity 5 might fix that considering the 64 bit editor.
  7. I sadly did not remember her name. I hope with the progress made by SpaceX. She does get the change to live on Mars.
  8. I HIGHLY doubt Squad would be stupid enough to give this character a look that would generate controversy. They are not going to give her the Laura Croft chest nor make her thinner than the kerbals already in the game. (Which would break the EVA model) She will be a Kerbal. The same Kerbal we say "Whoops sorry" when we strand them on a planet or forget to pack a chute.
  9. They don't directly name Kerbals after real life astronauts. Also Sally did a hell of alot more for our nation's space program than just her spaceflight.
  10. Because in my opinion they associate developers choosing to implement female characters into their games as caving to feminism.
  11. Clouds are something that would work better after Unity 5. (Which hopefully will end the 64 bit issues as well)
  12. You know. It is really sad how the twitter announcement of a female Kerbalnaut has resulted in such obvious misogyny. I would like to ask of those who think this is some sort of politically correct move. Do you HONESTLY think Squad would cave to such pressure? Do you honestly believe they sat around the table and said "Gosh we better do this now before people compare Squad to Ubisoft" No. They do it the same reason they do any feature in KSP. Because it is fun to do. There are valid concerns. "How much time was devoted to this?" or "Will this bump any features off 0.91?" However, I saw little of that in the other topic.
  13. Agreed. If they don't it being called what it is. They should go ahead and shut down the discussion now because while a few of the ones opposed to this have valid concerns on Squad's time. The others look like something that would normally have a twitter hashtag next to it.
  14. The launch costs alone will make this a non starter. Try convincing the Taxpayers that floating around Venus is better than walking on Mars.
  16. The Dibamus looks insanely useful. Looking forward to using it and the 7.5 meter parts.
  17. In my opinion there should be a reason to send a probe to "Reveal" but it should be very simple compared to scansat. Limited FoV and there is a Max height it can be at. But no resolution or major power draw stuff.
  18. Unity 5. It will be of such a benefit to KSP that it alone would make 0.91 worth it. For parts I would like to see Porkjet's station parts included in stock. so 0.91 is a good time for that.
  19. Keep the images small please. If it is standardized. Folks can get used to the various symbols and colors/sizes for planets. That being said this is very interesting. Especially if it can be generated.
  20. *Golfclap* So again. Why is okay to judge people that don't care to break out a slide rule?
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