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Everything posted by AbhChallenger

  1. In my opinion there should be a reason to send a probe to "Reveal" but it should be very simple compared to scansat. Limited FoV and there is a Max height it can be at. But no resolution or major power draw stuff.
  2. Unity 5. It will be of such a benefit to KSP that it alone would make 0.91 worth it. For parts I would like to see Porkjet's station parts included in stock. so 0.91 is a good time for that.
  3. Keep the images small please. If it is standardized. Folks can get used to the various symbols and colors/sizes for planets. That being said this is very interesting. Especially if it can be generated.
  4. *Golfclap* So again. Why is okay to judge people that don't care to break out a slide rule?
  5. Hey OP. Do you mind not judging the way players choose to play their game? Thanks
  6. Still engines from Russia. Wake me up when Taxpayers stop having to pay for engines not made in the USA.
  7. That is why this engine needs to come with code to automatically target center of mass. Otherwise it will again be useless compared to SSTOs because of the control issues. Is it a bit more code? Yes.. However, classic shuttle gameplay SHOULD be part of stock.
  8. Personally I am against the idea of splitting the engine up. The whole idea of the engine should be to enable classic shuttle gameplay on stock. Therefore the engine should be designed (Perhaps auto gimbal that adjusts to CoM on the fly like the SSME) with that in mind. There are PLENTY of other engines in the game for the other spaceflight aspects. All of which do not need a mod to be effective.
  9. I could be mistaken. But anything Steamworks related (Achievements, cloud, etc) is code that is simply ignored if Steam is not running. So if this is the case. SQUAD can put the code in and it would simply do nothing for those who do not use Steam.
  10. I agree that classic Space Shuttle like gameplay should be a viable and fun way to play stock KSP. Instead of the frustrating mess it is now.
  11. Sailor Eve. There is no escaping her... It's attack.
  12. Ban topics and posts about forks that primarily exist to remove locks or enable features that the creator of the project forked had locked for a reason. On this forum and the Reddit. OR the community could just stop acting like they HAVE to have 64 bit and use 32 bit KSP that it was designed to run and be supported on.
  13. All rights reserved indeed sounds like a good solution until Squad steps in about the forks. Or the community decides to stop this madness (It appears that is not happening)
  14. SLS is still crap. A little less crap than "Safe, Simple, Soon" but crap nonetheless. It is very much possible that the next president can end it considering it barely has anything to fly (We apparently don't mention the lack of a lander plan) China knows this. SLS is not getting the public support (Or even two @#$%s) Apollo had. It is like a football game where the opposing team is so far behind it is no longer even a game. KSP is going more for NASA at this point than SLS.
  15. I for one hope that Squad hurries up and steps in BEFORE modders decide to take such actions to preserve their wishes. The simple solution is to ban topics and discussion about these compiles from official squad forums, curse, and the reddit.
  16. And it does not help waiting until things get out of hand to finally decide that indeed something must be done. It is obvious that eventually it needs to be banned.
  17. So this is likely how this is going to go. Controversy grows. Topics locked with no news for weeks. Practice eventually banned. So why not save yourself the time Squad and just ban the practice already?
  18. Well it would be a way for china to be the first humans to reach beyond LEO after Apollo 17 which would make the country look good in the eyes of the world. The problem is funds. To do this would likely gut their station plans for some time. The gov is not going to dump a bunch of extra money for a mission that will be on CNN for a few days. Atleast not until a new US president is known and if that president will support SLS.
  19. That is the thing. The media only used it as a talking point when it was the thing to talk about. You don't usually hear it come up on facebook feeds or at the dinner table much anymore. As opposed to the 60s where it was all talk about moon and mars. Is there some interest? A bit. However, not even close to enough for China or Russia or even the good ole USA to get the funding it so desperately needs to really advance exploration. That is why I feel that this lunar flyby will not happen any time soon. It is not worth a few days of front page news.
  20. I hate to say it. But I also think that 64 bit enabled ports that are against the wishes of the creator are not good for the community and should be banned from the official community despite their open source status. People ARE going to end up going to the official topics and complain. How on earth can anyone expect anything different from an internet where people will ask for support on pirated games!
  21. It won't happen. China's space program has always been starved of funds. Otherwise they would have had manned fights every year with multiple dockings to their space station. There might be a slight possibility of them achieving a flags and footprints mission to the moon before the US returns. However, I suspect it will be limited even by Apollo standards. (One man open lander or something very simple and assembled in orbit) The thing is China is learning that even it's own citizens care very little about manned spaceflight. In 1969 the world stopped and was watching a man step foot on the moon. Today it would be mostly a glance on a smartphone then back to facebook.
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