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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. MOLE 1.8.11 is now available: - All configurable parts now require an Engineer to reconfigure instead of a mix of Engineer and Scientist. - With Pathfinder installed, the DenEye can also perform geo surveys just like the T.E.R.R.A.I.N. in addition to generating ScopeTime and its built-in ground surveillance experiment. It will consume ResearchKits in the process. - Play mode support added. - Added support for Classic Stock play mode and Pristine mode. - CRP is now a separate download. - Updated to KSP 1.3.1.
  2. DSEV 2.4.0: Odyssey Two, is now available: This release introduces the spirtual successor to Multipurpose Colony Modules in the form of new station parts. It also completes the kerbalized Copernicus spacecraft from NASA's Mars Design Reference Mission. Happy 2nd anniversary, DSEV! - Station Modules: This new Tier 6 node gives you new space station parts to play with. NOTE: With Community Tech Tree installed, parts found in the Station Modules node are moved to Short Term Habitation. - Tranquility Mk2 Habitat (Station Modules): Successor to the Pioneer module, this part is a 2.5m space station module that has capabilities similar to the D2 Habitat Module, and can conduct experiment research when configured as a lab. It also ties into Pathfinder's Habitation/Science templates. - Mk2 Ground Hub(Station Modules): A modified version of the Settler, the Ground Hub provides a set of landing legs for planetary operations of the station modules. It seats one kerbal and can be used as an airlock. Its four hatches can be used to attach Pathfinder inflatable modules or Buffalo Mineshaft docking/crew tubes. - Junction Logistics Node (Station Modules): Successor to the Stagecoach, this part offers 6 attachment points for things like docking ports and has storage space. - Short Logistics Module (Station Modules): Think of the Delta-8 tank, but styled like a station part. - Quantum Leap Airlock (Station Modules): This module holds a crew of 2 that are ready to step outside. With EL installed, it can be a survey station. - S2-1 Adapter (Station Modules): This adapter sits between Size 2 and Size 1 parts and has built-in RCS thrusters. - Solar Truss (Specialized Electrics): This dual-axis solar array generates large amounts of power for your spacecraft needs. - Homestead Mk3 (Composites): Successor to the mk2, this inflatable part can be configured for a variety of different functions similar to a D2 Hab and D2 Lab, and ties into Pathfinder's Habitation, Science, and Industry templates. It can also store resources. - Duna Decoupler (Large Volume Containment): This slim Size 3 decoupler is great for getting rid of unwanted parts. - Size 2 Service Compartment (Command Pods): This is a resized version of the 3.75m Service Compartment. New Referenece Designs - Added the Kopernicus, based upon the Copernicus from NASA's Mars Design Reference Mission (https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2012/08/nasa-proposal-to-revive-nuclear-thermal.html). - Added the Deep Space Habitat, based upon NASA's Deep Space Habitat proposal (https://www.nasa.gov/exploration/technology/deep_space_habitat/constructing-demonstrators.html). Bug Fixes & Enhancements - All configurable parts now require an Engineer to reconfigure instead of a mix of Engineer and Scientist. - When Pathfinder is installed, the old Mule 3D model will be replaced with a newer one that matches the new station parts. - Play mode support added. - Added support for Classic Stock play mode and Pristine mode. - CRP is now a separate download. - D2 crewed modules moved to Long Term Habitation when Community Tech Tree is installed. - Clydesdale and Danube Delta moved to Heavy Command Modules when Community Tech Tree is installed. - Updated to KSP 1.3.1.
  3. Buffalo 2.2.6 is now available: - Fixed issues with CompressedAir RCS thrusters that resulted from the latest CRP update. - Play mode support added. - Added support for Classic Stock play mode. - CRP is now a separate download. - Updated to KSP 1.3.1.
  4. Heisenberg 2.8.6 is now available: - All configurable parts now require an Engineer to reconfigure instead of a mix of Engineer and Scientist. - Fixed issues with CompressedAir RCS thrusters that resulted from the latest CRP update. - Play mode support added. - CRP is now a separate download. - Added support for Classic Stock play mode and Pristine mode. - Updated to KSP 1.3.1.
  5. Some time ago you mentioned a need for larger engines, and @adsii1970 spoke about the challenges of making a new star system. The Orion nuclear pulse rocket has been done, so I wanted something different. I’m thinking Epstein Kerman had a breakthrough and improved the Supernova design...
  6. Love the new ships! Really fun to see what you come up with. Unfortunately, I could not get the Estonian done in time for KSP 1.3.1, but it's next on my list after I push out my 1.3.1 updates and finish the post 1.3.1 Pathfinder update (the one with the mass driver). My solution for Eve is a nuclear salt water rocket... You might also be interested that the last major update to DSEV will have some parts inspired by this:
  7. The idea is that you make the base/building in the VAB or SPH, then use the 3D printer to print on site. Think Extraplanetary Launchpads but with a limited printing ability that's restricted to vessels made from konkrete parts. The Ranch House works like the Bison gondola parts; you can collapse them down to a small Buckboard-sized packing box, then haul that box to the desired site, hook it up to a KAS pipe, and assemble the building.
  8. It's an abstracted extension of the resource transfer system. Physical projectiles and such would be cool but also a lot more work for a relatively small feature. I might add some special effects though... Yeah, Sandcastle is still a thing, though it's a backburner project while I clear out my backlog, and that's taking a lot longer than originally planned. Right now I'm doing concept art, finding the right balance between part size/number of parts and part count for the final product. The idea is, like Firma, you use building blocks to make your structures. From top to bottom: 2.5m, 5m, 10m, 20m. I'm leaning towards 5m or 10m cubes, giving you 2 stories or 4 stories, respectively. 5m would make IVAs more reasonable.
  9. Yes, Sandcastle is the top tier in reliability, followed by: DSEV, Pathfinder, Heisenberg , and MOLE.
  10. Thanks! The Ranch House is shaping up nicely. It's 12.5 meters in diameter, which is plenty big for a community center. It'll have that big meeting room in the bottom and a garden on the top floor. It's the last of the inflatable parts for the foreseeable future, and it represents a step between portable inflatable modules and the permanent konkrete structures coming in Pathfinder's Sandcastle release. Like the Bison gondola modules, the Ranch House comes packaged in a Buckboard-sized box that you drop onto the ground. Hook up a KAS pipe or use Pathfinder’s resource distribution system, and spend 20000 units of Equipment to assemble it. Once built the Ranch House cannot be disassembled.
  11. I didn't think I'd get the Ranch House done by the time 1.3.1 dropped, but I got pretty far: Each of those ports doubles as an airlock. More pics: This part is for Pathfinder. It has a big meeting room for kerbals, and it will do things like generate science data for use in the stock MPL, for use in improving your chances of finding a Gold Strike lode, and as trajectory data for the upcoming mass driver.
  12. As mentioned, I didn't think I'd get the Ranch House done by the time 1.3.1 drops, but I got pretty far: Each of those ports doubles as an airlock. More pics: I have a job interview tomorrow so my updates will have to wait until the weekend at the earliest..
  13. For ease of implementation, just a simple transfer of resources. As cool as creating a craft is, that's too complicated to implement. When you load the target craft you get the delivery.
  14. Just thought of a use for Reputation: as a bonus to worker productivity!
  15. Just the baseline Copernicus. It has so much delta v it doesn't need nuclear engines.
  16. There are too many in game settings as it is but I will look into construction worker fixes and improvements this weekend. Gotta get ready for a job interview first.
  17. Yup, you could do things like have misfires that lose shipments, critical failures where the payload canister clips the catcher and it explodes, and so on.
  18. Spent more time planning Pathfinder's post 1.3.1 release, and dusted off some old plans. In a nutshell, the aforementioned Ranch House not only boosts productivity, it generates science data (like you get when you send experiment results to an MPL) that can be used in an MPL/Doc Commercial Science Lab, or used as prospecting data to improve your chances of finding a GoldStrike lode, or as trajectory data for something inspired by this: I've revised an old concept on my drawing boards called Pipelines, which is a mass driver. Essentially, it's a resource cannon that shoots resources between bases or between the ground and orbit. You'll need a mass catcher part on your orbiting station or vessel to receive the payloads. In addition to the requirement for trajectory data, you'll need some LiquidFuel/Oxidizer and a lot of ElectricCharge. It works best in a vacuum, but it can be used in an atmosphere; Eve's atmosphere is too think for practical use, however.
  19. That will be when 1.3.1 is rolled out, which supposedly will be in a few days. I heard the same thing, but I don't want to take any chances. Every release has required me to recompile plugins.
  20. Figured out why no resources were being consumed or converted when using WBI mods. A fix will be available in the KSP 1.3.1 update.
  21. Sounds like something in OSE Workshop. I'm pretty limited in what I can do. Meanwhile, now that I have DSEV's Odyssey Two release ready to go, I'm turning my attention to a request by @JustJim for a meeting room for Pathfinder. In thinking about it, I came up with this concept: The idea is that you haul a big packing box the size of the Buckboard 6000 to your desired location, and then assemble the Ranch House with 20,000 units of Equipment. Unlike other parts, the Ranch House cannot be disassembled, and has no templates. Instead, the part has the following capabilities: Bonus to production efficiency for all attached parts. The more kerbals you stuff into the Ranch House, the higher the bonus. Generates science data that is added to all attached Doc Science Labs (this data can already be processed into Science, sold for Funds, or published for Reputation). The more kerbals you have in the part, the faster it generates data. It generates Reputation- the more kerbals you have, the more Reputation it generates. Built-in greenhouse that's about twice as productive as the Hacienda's Cropworks. Improves the odds of finding a GoldStrike node. Serves as a hub for Pipelines. I won't have this ready for the 1.3.1 release- I've got some bugs to fix in the plugins- but the Ranch House will be in the release after KSP 1.3.1. It's an intermediary step between the temporary structures and the more permanent konkrete structures coming in Project Sandcastle.
  22. I finished DSEV's new Solar Truss: With inspiration from:
  23. Yup! dual-axis panels, 100 EC/sec, with 18,000 EC battery. These are industrial panels...
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