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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. To be honest I don't know. I haven't played with the contract weighting system, which I think controls how and when contracts are offered. There are other ways to get science and funds though, such as MOLE's general science research system, and mining for valuable resources.
  2. That I didn't do. I'll give that a try as soon as I get home. Thanks for the suggestion!
  3. I finished the expansion of Pathfinder's Play Mode so that it now applies to all WBI mods: I also did the final checks for my new "Classic Stock" mode: (Original diagram here) And finished the new crew hatch for DSEV's new Tranquility Mk2 Habitat:
  4. Ahh ok, wasn't aware that Scatterer might be an issue as well. I am using 0.0320-320b if that helps. Thanks again!
  5. Hey all, I've been enjoying SVT for quite awhile now and enjoying the nicer looking textures. I also recently updated SVT to 2.0.6 and Kopernicus to as well as Kerbal Konstructs to 1.2.0. Somewhere in all that, I've run into an issue with my oceans: They've turned black: I'm wondering if anybody has run into this and knows what to do about it, short of reverting to the previous versions. Thanks! Edit: Link to the logs.
  6. You'll definitely get to see my interpretation of their resource plan, I put the finishing touches on the initial version this evening. It's ready for KSP 1.3.1, sooner if I get DSEV's update done before then. The hydroscoop and aeroscoop will be in a later update. Lite Blue has the templates that you are familiar with. I might add more in the future but the idea is to keep things simple. Reduce complexity as much as is reasonable. That means you lose functionality but gain simplicity. But you can always add your own templates... As for the Watney, it already has a variant for CRP. And the name Classic Stock is synonymous with Classic Rock. I like it as is, but thanks for the suggestion.
  7. No worries. Drill switching is a bit wonky of late and I haven't figured out why. But if you can just drill for Ore, then the Pathfinder Geology Lab and the Claimjumper (Ponderosa/Casa and Hacienda, respectively), can automatically process Ore into all the resources that the biome has. I've also done some refactoring of Pathfinder's Play Mode feature over the past few days and have extended it to all WBI mods. Now when you, say, activate Pristine mode, Pathfinder, MOLE, DSEV, Buffalo, and Heisenberg will all ditch their multi-storage ability and their converters so you can just enjoy the pretty models. Similar things happen when you switch to Lite Blue (formerly Simplified mode). Here's a preview: You might notice something called Classic Stock. Here's a teaser: You can see its use here on the wiki.
  8. Static fire tests work just like flights; if the staging event succeeds, you gain experience. If it fails, there's also a chance that the parts will gain experience. You can adjust that chance in the settings menu- check out the KSPedia for details. Thanks, I'll take a look.
  9. Me too, actually, so no worries. I'll get to it when I get more time.
  10. I've had this problem with stock docking ports as well, it's not exclusive to MOLE ports. Try googling "kerbal stuck docking port" for some tips on how to get the port unstuck. I think there's even a software app to do it for you.
  11. Equipment is the official repair resource for BARIS, but if you want to use a different resource, such as RocketParts, you can edit MM_BARIS.cfg to add the desired resource to the entries that add ModuleQualityControl. Consult the wiki entry for ModuleQualityControl to find what field you need.
  12. That's really strange, when I use the OMS Kit in the service bay, my engines run just fine.. I'll have to look when I have more time, going to a friend's wedding this weekend.
  13. Oh my, That's frigging awesome! Love that somebody finally found the post-it notes in the Botany Bay. With all those plants they're growing, I wonder why they keep eating all the snacks...
  14. Have you tried the OMS Kit? I've never had a problem with it when the doors are closed.
  15. Took another break from Kerbal Politics today, and did some more concept design for Sandcastle: Like fuel tanks, I'm considering different size categories. Top to bottom: Build 0 (2.5m), Build 1 (5m), Build 2 (10m), Build 3 (20m). I think if you go larger than 20m the buildings get unwieldy in the VAB/SPH.
  16. The Bision Airlock module also serves as an EL Survey Station. It's the part with a crew hatch on the back.
  17. If this feature from the DLC makes its way into the stock game, then my job of managing BARIS will be much easier. From this week's dev notes: @Geschosskopf I'll take a look, I did notice some oddities regarding the thumbnails.
  18. 1. The integration screen is narrow to avoid taking up real estate. 2. You add workers from the Space Center, which also shows their cost. For more information, please consult the KSPedia or wiki.
  19. Correct. If you only use Pathfinder then you use the original model.
  20. After playing Kerbal Politics today, it's nice to sit down and prototype the new endcap: ... with apologies to @B-STRK for retooling the Mule's RCS thrusters. The new endcap WIP has its RCS ports working. Put a couple of them on a Mule, add a Delta Guidance Unit, and an RCS tank or two, and you can have self-propelled cargo modules.
  21. Not planned at this time, sorry. Perhaps in a future update once my other projects are further along. Saw this video today, very appropriate for BARIS:
  22. At the present time, that's not possible. Explosions are tied to part failures as one possible outcome.
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