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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. That's actually not too bad, I've done that numerous times in the past. :)
  2. My guess is that even with the changes, DSEV's engines would remain not approved, but you could still use the structural and habitat components along with conventional stock engines like the Rhino.
  3. Funny you should ask. The engine was originally designed 2 years ago before KSP had things like part upgrades. Originally you had to spend science and RocketParts to upgrade the engine until KSP 1.2 came along. Now you simply use the stock part upgrade system. Anyway, last couple of days, I have been looking at the engine in terms of a balance pass. My goal is to have just enough delta-v to send the Kerbal Discovery II reference design to Jool. Just like in the NASA paper Realizing 2001: A Space Odyssey, you'd have to send the Discovery's fuel tanks down to a moon where a mining station refuels them. Once I have the remaining parts designed, I plan to re-tune the engine's hydrogen mode to provide the 8-10k delta-v needed to reach Jool and a few of its moons. The more advanced pulsed plasma mode will become somewhat of a prototype "Epstein Drive" that can push the reference design to about 16-20k delta-v. Given that there are other mods with even more powerful fusion engines, I'm comfortable with this approach. To safeguard current craft, only new craft will be affected by the revised engine. Additionally, I'm updating the Compact ISRU, bringing it up to date with KSP 1.2 and adjusting the production formula for making FusionPellets. You're going to need a lot more Ore and slightly less Water per second than the current configuration, and the output of FusionPellets per second will significantly drop as well. I considered going more realistic in terms of requiring LqdDeuterium and LqdHe3 to produce FusionPellets (the NASA design uses deuterium and helium-3), but ultimately I decided that 1) FusionPellets should remain abstracted like the stock LiquidFuel and Oxidizer are, and 2) I didn't want to introduce long fuel production chains in a mod that was centered around deep space exploration vessels, not the infrastructure needed to support them. With these changes, FusionPellets are going to cost a lot more as well.
  4. I've actually considered that, and do have the ability to set up the parts. The downside is that craft out in the field will be adversely affected and need to be recovered. Doable but slightly inconvenient.
  5. Pathfinder 1.6.0 is now available: New Parts - SCP Adapter: Use this to adapt standard crew ports (like the Mineshaft) to 1.25m parts. Thanks for the suggestion, @JustJim! - AKI Power Strip: If you have the Surface Experiment Package (SEP) installed, then you can tack one of these power strips onto the sides of your modules or along the base of the Saddle and gain extra AKI plugs. WheelJack - The top node of the WheelJack now serves as a docking port. Simply bolt the WheelJack to the ground and attach a stock Clamp-O-Tron Jr to the top (in KIS, cycle through the nodes until you select the "top" node). Then, attach a chassis or other part to the docking port, and continue your rover assembly. When finished, do a quicksave and reload, and finally, decouple the Clamp-O-Tron Jr. Thanks for the investigations, @Sudragon! Ponderosa Inflatable Habitat Module - Added a probe core for automated vessel control (both Switchbacks already have them). Pathfinder Geology Lab - The Pathfinder Geology lab can now serve as a SEP Central Station. Thanks for the config file, @Bombaatu! Saddle, Gaslight, Telegraph, & Sombrero - Added additional attachment nodes to make it easier to attach things like KAS ports and AKI plugs. - Adjusted ground attachment nodes to help reduce the chance of parts exploding when bolted to the ground. KIS Attachment - To help with base assembly and correctly orienting inflatable modules, simply press "R" to cycle through the attachment nodes, and find the "KISMount" node. Use "KISMount" when attaching inflatable modules to your base. Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue where CropWorks was using the Snacks version of the CropWorks when USI-LS was installed. Ditto for the Prairie. - Updated Buffalo ASET cockpit to use ASET 1.4: https://spacedock.info/mod/1204/ASET Props - Fixed seating in the Doc Science Lab to prevent kerbals from poking through the seats. - Fixed starter craft file so that it loads properly. Thanks @bmaltby! - Wired up the Switchback and Switchback2 for KerbNet. - Fixed an issue where the Buffalo's multi-biome experiment wasn't working. - WBT update
  6. Buffalo 1.2.0 is now available: New Part - SCP Adapter: Use this to adapt standard crew ports (like the Mineshaft) to 1.25m parts. Thanks for the suggestion, @JustJim! WheelJack - The top node of the WheelJack now serves as a docking port. Simply bolt the WheelJack to the ground and attach a stock Clamp-O-Tron Jr to the top (in KIS, cycle through the nodes until you select the "top" node). Then, attach a chassis or other part to the docking port, and continue your rover assembly. When finished, do a quicksave and reload, and finally, decouple the Clamp-O-Tron Jr. Thanks for the investigations, @Sudragon! Bug Fixes - Updated Buffalo ASET cockpit to use ASET 1.4: https://spacedock.info/mod/1204/ASET Props - Fixed missing seats in the Buffalo command cab's ASET cockpit. - Fixed ModuleManager for Snacks so it'll work properly now.
  7. MOLE 1.4.8 is now available. - Updated Appaloosa and Brumby ASET cockpits to use ASET 1.4: https://spacedock.info/mod/1204/ASET Props - WBT update - CRP update
  8. Known issue that will get fixed next release. Thanks for the temp fix though.
  9. Kerbals can't walk on the deck of an aircraft while it's in motion. You'll have to stop the ship and use AirPark.
  10. Sweet. The WBIGeoScienceExperiment is an easy one: the experiment definition is missing. I fix that, and @Bombaatu and @TheReadPanda should be able to run the multi-biome experiment again.
  11. Much appreciated, thanks! I'll update the craft file and re-upload it. The wiki is a bit out of date at this point but I'm knee-deep in DSEV right now. I definitely could use some help on the wiki. Edit: Well, I just figured out a bear of a problem with my ModuleManager code fu, and figured out why the CropWorks was giving out the Snacks version when it should give out the USI-LS version. Now to go find that WBIGeoScienceExperiment... Fixed in next release.
  12. One more for the evening: The kerbal's expression reflects my excitement that the parts are coming together. You can see the spinning centrifuge in the upper-right corner
  13. For the greenhouse, you just need someone with the ScienceSkill. In the stock game, Scientists have that skill. You can set up and start a greenhouse going- automatic sprinklers will keep the plants watered, and automated life support will keep them happy. A kerbal just enhances the process. Side note. My mods don't really support MKS other than tying into the resource distribution system, adding Supplies to various parts, and replacing Equipment with MaterialKits because RD didn't bother to standardize on the use of Equipment to reconfigure a part, something I've used for over a year (I've had configurable parts for over two years now, but they used to use RocketParts until I realized that I treated the density like it was a 1-liter resource instead of a 5-liter resource). Since my template list is growing, I might just drop the Equipment to MaterialKits conversion altogether as it's not worth the effort to maintain something I don't use. It's easier to simply go into the settings menu and turn off the requirement for Equipment to reconfigure the module. My question is: how many use my mods with MKS, and do they bother with the resource requirements to reconfigure modules or just turn that feature off.
  14. Yup, once you have grown the plants long enough, you can harvest the supplies. It is different than continually producing supplies as USI-LS does, and the resource requirements account for the potential for larger than normal crop yields.
  15. Interesting! Now we know the origin of Wernher's super powers.
  16. Is this the first time anyone found the saucer? Neat!
  17. I recently changed some things in Pathfinder to use the experiment system I built for MOLE; not sure which part uses that definition.
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