Thanks for all the links with the mods. Also, is there an SDK for KSP? Just in case I want to add stuff as well... Actually, I did want to clean up all the space debris orbiting Kerbin. I know I can select the debris and hit Terminate in the tracking screen, but you know, that is no fun, not to mention contributions to the Kessler Syndrome. What I want to do is build a ship that can grab the debris and de-orbit it. I don't know of any grabbers that would let me do that. Meanwhile, I have successfully landed probes on the Mun and Minimus, collected data, and brought them back. Lots of good science that way. To get them there, I had to build the Mark 7 Death Wish booster: The 16 solids on the bottom push the stack up about 6km, then the 8 liquids ignite, which just about get the core booster, Kerbin Departure Stage, and probe into LKO. So, it's overpowered. From there, the core booster becomes the Kerbin Departure Stage, which pushes the stack to either the Mun or to Minimas. The former Kerbin Departure Stage becomes a handy crasher stage, so the probe has plenty of fuel to land with. After touchdown, the probe takes readings and blasts off again. The three outer engines can get the probe back to Kerbin and de-orbit it. Originally I designed the probe's core engine to do that work, but now it just helps slow the probe down during its plunge into Kerbin's atmosphere, and slows the stack enough so that it isn't jolted by the chutes opening. Of course with the new tech tree unlocks, the Death Wish MK 7 is now obsolete...