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Everything posted by Ippo

  1. Your choice not to use the site is obviously legitimate: do whatever you want. Anyway, "it looks ugly" is not exactly a valid point to turn it down, especially in the light of what it means for the whole community. If you have a better design idea, I suggest you create a mockup of that and propose it to the author, who's being very open to suggestions so far.
  2. Well... he is kinda right though... in all honestly it would be nicer to "reverse" the steps, especially since all the "customization" stuff like backgrounds and the rest is likely going to change anyway, and one might not have already finished all the images he wants. That's what I did by the way, I just re-used the screenshot for the background because I had still not made the background I have now.
  3. Actually no, I just add some part modules and I never touch the persistent file. In theory, part modules should be safe to delete... apparently, not so much. Mihara suggested that it might be due to the fact that I am inheriting twice from the PartModule class and this somehow screws up the loading mechanism: I seriously hope that's not the case... Also, I tried removing manually the modules from the persistent file and it didn't fix it, but I should test it a lot more and I might have missed some module.
  4. WARNING A new, exciting bug has come up: basically, you can't remove the mod. If you have any ship in flight that was created when this mod was installed, you won't be able to select or fly that ship from the tracking station. Vessels built after removing the mod are safe. Please land any ship before removing the mod. The exact cause is unknown and I'm trying to figure it out. Thanks Airlock for pointing that out. The best part is that apparently no one knows what might be causing it.
  5. I'd like to see also a compact list of all the mods in the browse section. You know, just like the list view in the file explorer: very compact, just the name and the short description with the link to the mod. Also, in this section, the total number of available mods would be nice.
  6. Actually no, it's just a plain part module. Also, I'm storing only floats, bools and in one case a string. All my modules (except for one) are derived from this class. There is also another class that acts as a runtime configuration manager. Well, the silver lining is that I'm not doing something glaringly wrong
  7. I am doing the same: I have some partmodules that are added via the module manager cfg files. I add my modules to a lot of parts, and they all have a quite big state stored in them, but conceptually it seems to be just like your case.
  8. Is there anything I need to do to have a persistent scenario module? I tried making an empty one that just logs when it enters a function, but onload and onsave are never called.
  9. Hello everyone, my testers users notified me of a problematic bug. My mod uses PartModules extensively, and obviously they are saved in the ship's persistent file. If one has a ship in flight and removes my mod, then a long stream of NREs is thrown when the ship is selected in the tracking station, and cannot be flown. I get that basically the game is trying to load the module from the save file, but the module doesn't exist anymore, therefore the failures. My question is: is there a way to design a mod that can be safely removed from crafts that are in-flight?
  10. I have my suspicions about what's happening: could you send me the output log? Basically I suspect that it's due to the way KSP loads / saves crafts: I suspect that it's the same thing that happens when you remove a part that was used in a ship that is still in flight. EDIT: bug confirmed.
  11. Or individual perks, like I intend to do in my main mod Keep in mind that for the moment the persistency is still "broken", in the sense that it does not synch with the main persistent file. In its current state it's good for things that are never going to change during the lifetime of the kerbonaut. By the way, I could also use a little help: I was experimenting with an empty ScenarioModule that only logged whenever it entered a function. It gets instantiated, but OnLoad and OnSave are never called: does anybody know what I am doing wrong?
  12. Good news everyone, I made a new release! I had to drop the pure reflection wrapper that blizzy did, because I'm not him However, I followed the advices I got from codepoet and now there is a loose coupling: the mod that wishes to use this system only has to reference the interface assembly that can be safely redistributed alongside the mod. Still missing: preventing multiple instances of the server (for some reason, I always get NREs all the time when I try to check if there are multiple instances) and then moving the database into the persistence file (as of now it's still external because it's easier to mess with while I'm still debugging: also, I understand that a ScenarioModule cannot load / save at will...) By the way, I could really use some advice for the multiple instances thing
  13. Hey, I was thinking that maybe in the downloads graph you could also have an indicator that highlights the day when you released a new version. Also, downloads per version might be nice (especially with optional downloads like on Nexus)
  14. Gentlement, we have just promoted a bug to a feature!
  15. Oh, thanks. So are you using asteroid cities? Because if that's the case I'll close the bug on github
  16. So, before reading the abomination proposal that I'm about to give, keep in mind that 1) I use FAR and like it as it is and 2) I'm going to give a very noob friendly answer, because as everybody always says this must not be a flight simulator. I would like to see the shape of the wings affecting the drag and lift, and lifting bodies should remain. It pains me to see supersonic craft with swept wings... I have no idea on how to balance the lift/drag ration, but I think that the ship should be much more resistant to aerodynamic forces than it is in FAR: possibly, even removed. And stalling... *almost* removed. Again, we are not shooting for a proper flight simulator, just for a model that is accessible to everyone while being somewhat realistic. In FAR stalling is pretty dangerous: I think that for the stock, noob friendly model we would need a more forgiving (and unrealistic) stall that kicks in at much higher angles of attack. That being said, I'll happily go on with FAR as it is
  17. I think you are being carried away a little: IIRC, almost no one said that FAR should be the default for the game. What we did say, instead, was that the game needs to get a better aerodynamic model because the current one is absolutely insane: did you ever notice what happens to control surfaces when you crash on the ground? Maybe it's me, but I'm pretty sure that they are not supposed to keep flying in a straight line at walking speeds. Imagine this discussion when the atmosphere was still a brick wall: would you vote against a more realistic model (the thinning atmosphere we have now) because the current one is so "fun"?
  18. wut This doesn't make any sense to me, because I don't load the modules dynamically I'll investigate as soon as I can.
  19. Update: I just checked and the Potatoroid (the actual name of the part: no, really) doesn't contain any resource definition, so by definition it can't leak anything.
  20. ... what. Asteroids hold resources!? (Strangely enough, I haven't even tried to grab one yet. For real)
  21. If you have any issue or suggestion for the website, go here and open a clear, well formed issue or design suggestion. If you'd rather be a prat instead, keep up the good work.
  22. GREAT NEWS, EVERYONE: SirCmpwn has finally made the long awaited community repository, aka "replaceport". This is a modding website developed by the community, for the community. At the time of this writing the website has just been launched and is still a little rough, but it is already fully functional and we hope to see it populated by all the mods you like soon! I have therefore changed the main download to kerbalstuff in order to support the project: you should really check it out, and you know why? EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS when a mod updates. Cheers!
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