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Everything posted by Ippo

  1. Wait, isn't it like 4 am where you are? Dude go to sleep
  2. I changed the main download location for DangIt! to our new and shiny kommunity repository Great job man!
  3. Ok, as suggested by codepoet, I am trying to implement a reflection wrapper to avoid a hard dependency. I'm copying the approach that blizzy78 used for the Toolbar wrapper, but I can't get it to work. If some one could help me out a little it would be great. So as far as I can tell, blizzy defines some interfaces in the Toolbar namespace and all classes implement the appropriate interface. Then, there is a copy of all those interfaces inside the ToolbarWrapper file: you need to copy this file to your solution and change the namespace to match yours. I copied this structure (see the dev branch). However, the server class implements CrewFiles.ICrewFilesServer , and when you put the interface file in your namespace you retrieve the instance (this line) and then try to cast it to YourNamespace.ICrewFilesServer, and an exception is thrown. A little help, please?
  4. True that, but it takes like 15 minutes to find out how not to have your rockets torn to shreds. And as we said many times in the thread, FAR shouldn't be the stock model, even though the stock model needs to be closer to FAR.
  5. Personally, I've been playing with the stock atmosphere most of the time. So when I switched to FAR I was amazed to find out that not only you can get to orbit with half the fuel, but also that planes do fly like planes: but yes, I find it much easier for rockets because of the reduced density (in fact, I also need to up the deadly reentry multiplier because it's not even remotely difficult anymore).
  6. It's already compatible with TAC. Also, that mod appears to be dead: but one day we will have some cosmetic effect for leaking tanks (IRnifty already gave me some tips, but I am dumb and cannot into Unity).
  7. I believe that the file you download from the link has a screwed up formatting and therefore KSP can't load it. I'm having your same problem, btw.
  8. Hi, I had posted this thread in the release section: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83755-CrewFiles-persistence-files-for-individual-kerbals But then I re-started working on it and now it's better to move it in the Development section
  9. Hey, can I have a quick advice? I thought that it might be useful to store a node with information about the mod itself. Aside from the version number of the DLL, what might be useful in that node?
  10. ... I didn't even know that it was possible to have a different last name. Thank you
  11. You are absolutely right, but at the moment it's very handy for me to have a separate file that I can mess with, especially in the wake of the strange bug I'm having today (no version of the code, no matter which one, saves the database to file. even the one that worked when I uploaded it). Basically at the moment it's very very handy for me to be able to delete, modify or recreate the file without opening the persistent. I will move it in there as soon as this #!@@=! thing finally starts doing what I want it to.
  12. Thanks, I missed it. I never use git, I use SVN locally, so I never really take a loot at what git is doing when it uploads Well, roverdude is actually right: right now it's a separate file in the save folder, it's not in the persistent file. That's because right now I don't feel comfortable touching the main persistent file: just consider that this morning I re-downloaded the version I put on github (the same one I had tested before posting it) and now it doesn't work for some reason.
  13. Nobody said we need a full on space simulator: but a game about science, technology and space travel needs to be at least remotely believable. Also, about the box plane: if you take out the front and rear panels, then it's not a box anymore. It's more like a biplane, and biplanes do in fact fly.
  14. I'm pretty sure this isn't the right place for this post.
  15. Also, quick progress report. I know I haven't been really active recently, but I have some RL things to handle, plus the release thread seems suspiciously quiet: this can't be good. Anyway, I have been working on the persistence system that you might have seen in my signature. After a substantial help from codepoet, CrewFiles is really starting to look pretty much usable and stable! However, I haven't abandoned DangIt: in fact, CrewFiles has started like a part of it and then realized that it was better off as a separate API, but since DangIt will use it as soon as its ready, in a sense it's still part of the main mod I haven't seen much feedback about the perks, though: what do you think about it? If you don't mind going back to my plans post, I'd like to hear your ideas about that, I'll have to start working on that soon.
  16. People like me basically If I decide for that, I'll make sure to put it in a cfg. Personally, I still don't like that idea though.
  17. I was trying to draw a parallel here: rockets are not intended to wobble, but it was a glitch due to technical limitations in the Unity Engine. So sure, it was comical, but it was in no way intended to be there and therefore it's basically a bug. And the same reasoning absolutely applies to aerodynamics: the aerodynamics were not designed in this way because comedy. It is actually just placeholder code from when the game was still much more primitive than it is right now and there were bigger issues to be dealt with. Sure, it results in comical things (once more, boxplanes), and comicity is good... but it comes a point where you have to draw the line and a broken model must not make it into the final release, no matter how comical its bugs were. Have you seen the article about the QA process, where there is that video of random explosions in the VAB? It surely is fun... but it had to be squashed.
  18. I remember my first launches some months ago. I was trying to get to the Mun and because I was terrible, I needed all the boosters I could get. So I had this central 1.25m stack surrounded by 8 solid boosters, because I was dumb. And that's when I found out that the decouplers are so SOFT that 8 SRBs can literally CRUSH it and destroy my ship. I needed struts not to stop the wobble but to distribute the thrust away from the decoupler, because obviously 30 cms of alloy can be so easily crushed. It is indeed comical, but seriously: just no. The same reasoning applies to the aerodynamic model: it surely is fun to be able to build boxplanes... but no. Because as they said above, the suspension of disbelief can only go so far.
  19. Easy: - RemoteTech - TAC-LS - Alarm Clock. And if I could only choose one, it's going to be Alarm Clock.
  20. This. Wobbling, struts, space-chairs and all the other absurd things you can do are what makes the beta fun... but they need to go for the final release. Any Battlefield player here? I was laughing mine off when these sort of things happened before relase... ... but leave them in the final retail version and I'm going to demand my money back.
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