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Everything posted by Ippo

  1. Thanks guys, but I'm pretty sure I didn't. I downloaded the zips and both include a "GameData" folder, so it's hard to get it wrong (they both go into the right folder automatically). I installed via CKAN, then did 3 manual installs after seeing the disclaimer about CKAN; I think I should have merged them right at least once? I had to leave town for work for a few days, so I cannot triple-check my actual install. I simulated an install on this PC by downloading the zip and expanding them and I confirm that the folders end up as intended. @Nightside, you can be 100% of the names: those are precisely the paths I'm getting.
  2. Hi everyone, I'm trying to install MKS and USI Life Support together but I can't get them to work. If I install MKS first and then USI LS, I don't see any part from MKS but Life Support seems ok. If I do the opposite, the opposite happens: installing USI LS and then MKS means that I see all the parts from MKS but all the life support parts are missing. I'm doing a manual install, I'm not using CKAN. Is there anything obvious I'm missing? Thanks.
  3. I had all my life support in the service module. I was returning from Minmus, so I was coming in *really* hot (mind you, this was before stock reentry, but of course I also had DRE and it was way less forgiving) and planned to do a couple of passes in the upper atmosphere before completing the reentry. In my final pass, I lowered the periapsis and jettisoned the service module when I entered the atmosphere. Surprise! I didn't drop deep enough and the capsule bounced off the atmosphere for another pass. And then another one. At the third one, I was sure Jeb was done. I didn't try to push until the third pass, because at that point I was getting really desperate. TAC-LS lets you survive for 2 hours without EC. I landed 1:50h after the battery had run out.
  4. I was playing with TAC-LS when it happened to me. Jeb's life literally depended on it. Those were some really scary minutes.
  5. It's not hard to implement... in fact, it already is The failure chance is computed according to the age of the part. The age of the part increases as time passes, and can be modified by usage and temperature. Could it be that you had disabled the batteries you are talking about? IIRC, when you "close" a battery I stopped counting it as in use. As for on rails malfunctions, CoffeeMan and I had a mind to use this other mod to implement them, but we never got around to it. I never looked at it or tested it, but if it works as advertised, it should be fairly minimal coding to implement them.
  6. I was hoping to go scots-free for all the bugs Really, a big THANK YOU to @linuxgurugamer. You rock man!
  7. Thank you so much @linuxgurugamer It's great to know that someone is picking it up again
  8. Well, considering this, I'd say you can go ahead whenever you like. If you'd like to wait a little longer to see if Louis returns that's fine with me too... your call. P.S: if you take, would you please make a separate thread about it? I think it's better.
  9. Fine with me, if @Coffeeman agrees go ahead thanks!
  10. Hello MisterFister, that's correct. I never finished the 1.1 update and 1.2 is coming out today, so I'd say that 1.1 support is coming out never. The mod was handed to @Coffeeman who did a number of updates and a couple releases, but it seems that real life got the best of him too. Once again, I'm sorry I'm not working on this mod anymore but honestly 40+ hours per week of programming at work make it "unappealing" to program for fun... Feel free to contribute, if you like I'm always available for help / questions if you need anything.
  11. I don't actually see the big problem. It shouldn't be too difficult to throw a quick plugin that applies the gravity of an asteroid to all the parts in physics range. You could never be in its SOI, but that would be silly anyway. What would be actually interesting would be to find a way to model the uneven gravity of the asteroids, but that's something I'll leave for @eggrobin and Principia.
  12. Hello, I had made my own custom settings back before KSP 1.1 came out. I have now found out they are not working anymore. This config file was supposed to add more stations around the planet, but when I load my game the KSC is the only base. Can anyone help me to port the settings to the latest RT version? Thanks.
  13. inb4 "elven boots of major thrust" . I guess you were not around at that time, but trust me... bad subject to bring up. Your proposal is very similar to the original pitch by SQUAD, which was flamed to death by the forum (first and foremost, by me). The idea that the crew can change the very physics of the hardware is nonsense and does not fit at all in a game about science and technology.
  14. What I would like to see is an interactive environment, things like: colliders for the terrain scatter (no more landing inside a rock, you need to scout your LZ first); movable terrain scatter (moving rocks, tearing down trees...); weather. Weather is so desperately needed imho; caves.
  15. there's a 1.1 branch on github that builds and works partially. It still has a number of problems though. In the meantime, you could try TestFlight
  16. Thank you @politas. I appreciate your courage in taking a painful decision. I too think it was the right thing to do.
  17. I wasn't around when that happened and I honestly don't know what you are referring to. Where can I find out what happened?
  18. And yet module manager is distributed under a license that waives away your right to control the distribution, like most of the mods on the forum (including mine).
  19. Because they are not redistributing it. Even if you chose ARR, you never had the right to prevent me from teaching someone how to download and install your mods, so you can't reserve that. You never had the right to prevent me from scripting the download and installation, so you can't reserve that. You never had the right to prevent me from sharing that script, so you can't reserve that. The license we chose for our mods do not apply at any level to the work that someone else has done to script the installation. They are not taking your rights away in any form. I believe ckan should delist any mod upon request because it's *nice*. I just feel that it's unfair to treat the ckan team like they are stealing. I also think that if you are not ok with the consequences of open source licenses, you should stick with ARR. I mean this factually, please don't take this as an insult. I just noticed that many people seem to have chosen an open license without considering the full implications, and I see that many are now complaining when their word has been taken literally.
  20. I'd like to point out that CKAN doesn't redistribute anything*. The metadata contains only instructions on where to download the mod and how to install it, and these instructions are machine-readable which allows for automated download and installation. But the download is still taken from the author's hosting choice, therefore there is no redistribution. Imagine you write a post on the forum to explain how you download and install a mod: that would never count as redistribution, and could never be regulated by the mod's license. The same reasoning applies to CKAN's metadata: they are only instructions, and the mod's license does not apply. That being said, I am 100% in favour of allowing authors to opt-out. * although technically ckan keeps a mirror of freely-distributable mods as a backup, the downloads are not served from there.
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