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Everything posted by Ippo

  1. Dang It! Is not a realism mod, it is a difficulty mod.
  2. Just stopping by to say that with the new repo re-merge, building ckan is a breeze (in fact, you just run "make" and you are done). OCD-pleasure aside, what this means is that finally it should be super-easy to get CKAN to build into a proper debian-compliant package... which pretty much means that I should be able to finally make our own PPA
  3. Yep! You can find it here KS likes to have a freeform license field for the moment (and I'm guessing for the foreseeable future).
  4. Octopus salad, to anger the Kraken.
  5. Personally I'm more a fan of a more radical approach, original proposed by ferram4. If your mod creates files, then it's not fully ckan-compatible. End of story. It's a little radical, I know, but... I will use this occasion to forward my agenda of seeing an "uninstall" stanza join the spec to allow for the removal of created files
  6. 400K (hardcoded, which I agree is terrible).
  7. Not anymore. Manual installation is deprecated in favour of ckan. Glad we figured it out
  8. Well, the log is always there even if the game does not crash. But judging from the picture, you did not install Community Resource Pack.
  9. We are going to see the log for this. It's long planned, and not trivial. One day
  10. Craft files belong on KerbalX (which is also much more suited for the task).
  11. Unfortunately no: you can only specify one trait and you must set its level. We could implement the second part (i.e, any trait with that level) but as far as I know the stock XP system allows only one trait per kerbal.
  12. It looks like someone has completely forgotten about the wiki and hasn't updated it to reflect the new version...
  13. the same file works on all platforms, including mac. Check the wiki for platform specific instructions (you will need to make sure you have Mono installed)
  14. You absolutely did not A huge factor in the original design of ckan was making our data available for other applications. Sadly, no one has used the opportunity yet, but this would be a great start! All the metadata is public domain, so we encourage every use of it, and we are available for help if you need it
  15. CKAN supports a "conflicts" relationship for incompatible mods, and an optional "supports" relationship that is there exactly to do what the OP wiuld like. It seems few mods use it, though.
  16. There we go, I updated it. Although maybe it would be best if you opened your own thread... this mod is basically yours now, and that's good!
  17. Unlikely. We are breaking stuff, big time.
  18. Hello everyone! It has come to my attention that this mod is a lot more popular than I thought it would be. 85 people like it enough to be bothered by emails about updates and yesterday it had more than 300 downloads. I would have never expected it: thank you, everyone! I really mean it Now, the first iteration was just a quick dirty fix for a problem I had. Now, since you like it so much, I'd like to take it into "proper mod" territory. But I'm not sure how, so it's suggestions time! Let me know what you think I should add, or what is missing. An idea I had is to make the reports periodical: for example, the funds and rep would be unlocked every n days generating a single report instead of the current spam-fest. How does this sound? tl;dr: I want to hear your feature requests.
  19. Poorly I recall that some time ago people were having difficulties making it to Jool. I can't remember if I rebalanced everything yet or not. Not yet. There's a nifty little tool called background processing that will allow it, one day.
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