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Everything posted by RC1062

  1. I have a bet on with a friend... 2012 disaster caused by SOPA...
  2. I was gonna post an apropriate picture... But then I took an arrow- Wait no... Then I realised the site could be taken down for copyright infringment if the picture was copyrighted or claimed to be copyrighted.
  3. Good job you didn\'t post it on megaupload! I now officially... Wait... No, can\'t say that the US government will censor it... Hang on... I\'m European... But they could still censor me?! I heavily disapprove of SOPA!
  4. Just touched down with a small VTOL on the Mun! It was so smooth that Jeb decided to open the door and end his misery.
  5. Hitting stop before the script takes affect also works... : D
  6. A bit too emotional for a stormtrooper?
  7. Um... Dance... Dance... Nope can\'t ever remember doing that...
  8. I used shroud decouplers. Eg 1m to 2m. 8)
  9. Well... It definitely seems Kerbal... That happens to be one beautiful station... I assume you\'ll store the save for 0.14?
  10. I have a crazy suggestion. Why not make the challenge \'Launch, fly to the moon (but don\'t land), return to Kerbin, launch again and repeat.\' Though I suppose this would be easier with docking which is how we would do it in reality...
  11. RC1062

    Moon Rocks!

    Some haven\'t creeped away yet... Anyway that sounds great! Somehow things see more real when they\'re not from NASA\'s cameras...
  12. The island isn\'t in the same place in both those pictures... The circle in the first picture is too high. Anyway once I\'ve made a balanced VTOL I think I\'ll have a go at this.
  13. The picture above looks as if the \'Cyclone\' is transparent...
  14. I love this idea! It really shows the \'slap-dash\' style of KSP. I can imagine several different programs working against each other. One sleek N.A.S.A style craft... My cobbled together lander...
  15. I meant having Kerbals popping out and doing EVAs. I was assuming that was how it was gonna work?
  16. Loving the plywood! A cheaper alternative to having a proper command module! Damn... I hope there is a solution... That is gonna be vital for E.V.As isn\'t it?
  17. Ok... So I read this thread and was a bit skeptical at first. Looking over other designs though I see there is a bit of leeway in the designs. After realising this I decided to have a crack at it myself. The liquid thrusters are used to give me zero weight (I had to find the throttle before hand though) and the RCS modules are used to raise and lower the craft (as well as translation). So far Kerbin test have been successful!
  18. RC1062


    I did think about that... Then I decided to humour him (or her)...
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