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Everything posted by RC1062

  1. Hi... Perhaps the rocket builder sub-forum would be more appropriate?
  2. Any way to have pistons that retract rather than extend initially?
  3. What difference does it really make whether it is released today, tomorrow, the day after? I mean seriously, don't put pressure on the nodders, they do it for fun, they'll release when they release...
  4. It isn't a case of can't do, it's a case of don't need to. Some things can be left out because it will just become a pain for the user, so why bother? For example why not add a non-uniform gravitational field? Because it would be a pain for users and really add very little.
  5. Well it would be a bit extreme to imagine something ten months old to work in the current version...
  6. Heh, very good tutorial. Simple enough to understand, yet complicated enough to be useful. One or two minor things, but they aren't relevant to KSP anyway. (PS love the pictures)
  7. It isn't the sort of thing you'll be taught about unless you specifically get involved in the field. There aren't many places you'd use it outside astrophysics/spacecraft just because drag/friction features elsewhere meaning it loses its worth a little. But yes, change in velocity is dV. Rate of change of dV is acceleration. E.g. I have a constantly accelerating object with an initial velocity 20m/s. Its velocity after 5 seconds is 40m/s. So dV is 40-20 = 20m/s Acceleration is (40-20)/5 = 4m/s^2 Course it is more complicated in rocketry 'cause a significant mass of the rocket is fuel, so acceleration changes rapidly (F/m = a). @benzman dV takes in to account the mass change so the second bit is fine
  8. Nice! I think I'll finally get on with my long term mission now after seeing this!
  9. Just remove all mention of lego and you are fine
  10. Quicktime is free and has a screen recording feature.
  11. Or you can go sub-orbital with the boosters, by triggering the one above to ignite just before the end of the previous so that the spent one explodes.
  12. Any advice on how to fly the <insert suitable adjective> things? I've finally given up my professional pride and am asking for help. Yup, I've never got a SSTO up to orbit since space planes were added... Here's what I got. I figure it should do the trick.
  13. Thank you soooo much! I can finally make the 'Gremlin' how it should be!
  14. Did use this mod because it didn't fit well with the b9 parts. Didn't use b9 parts after this came out because they didn't fit with this wing. Thank you so much!
  15. Erm... Seats are a no... Kerbal went pop... And this happened... Dunno whether one would class it as unusable...
  16. Can confirm the count down timer works in 0.20.2. Going to see whether it works on seats just by chance.
  17. Uh oh... :S How'd you fly it without power? Or was there a powered version?
  18. Nice engine! Would it be possible to download only the new parts? My internet is terribly slow, and if it could be split so I don't have to download everything again that would be great! PS: The last update to your pack took about 45 mins on my connection.
  19. I hit you round the head with a large slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick.
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