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Everything posted by RC1062

  1. Welcome to the forums! I believe RCS tanks drain based on their position in the staging. So if you split the RCS tanks and put the lander\'s in a lower stage number the other should drain first. (This might be completely wrong and may have been part of a discussion at some point... :-[)
  2. Gratz to being on the front page!
  3. I\'ll be dropping my nation... I\'m not going to have a huge amount of time (I did before now). Instead I shall start a corp.
  4. I use an unholy mixture of the systems... Centimetres -> Inches -> Feet -> Metres -> Miles Then I use centigrade, pounds, stones, kilograms. Whatever is easier for me to visualise I suppose.
  5. Seeing as how they\'re all based off the Mandalorian armours... As far as the question goes; Yoda. /endthread
  6. Today, I\'ll model the nuclear reactor that will power the VASIMR thruster, as it will need a TON of power. Solar panels will only suffice in large numbers for short periods. The VASIMR thruster will have a thrust of 15-20, and burn Xenon 3 times as fast. Wooo!
  7. Use Jellycubes. Oh wait, that would be cool!
  8. Or have what is essentially two craft but have them bolted together. ;D
  9. I think the main problem is that popeter struggles to spell correctly in his posts. That would be catastrophic...
  10. I added my own backing. Looks very, very interesting... My ships shall be crewed by the crazy descendants of Jeb.
  11. Should they be folded on launch? Also, where do you fix them to? I\'ve been using the ASAS... Actually, I can check the picture.
  12. Thinking about it, these\'ll be great for exploration of other planets.
  13. RC1062

    Just a warning

    Oh? Really?! The biggest thing I\'ve had is detecting a virus, 'TrojanTactic.ai'. Took me a while to realise it was from the DoW steel legion mod.
  14. RC1062

    Just a warning

    Yep. But it is great if you\'re more paranoid than it. :-[
  15. RC1062

    Need math help

    Yep. Sin^2(x) = Sin(x) times Sin(x) Its Sin^2(x) to denote the difference between that and Sin(x^2). Hope that helps.
  16. RC1062

    Just a warning

    That\'s what they prey on. 'I\'m really helpful. Look I\'ve identified all these problems. If you buy I\'ll get rid of them and make sure there aren\'t anymore.'
  17. It only recharges the energy over time. The idea being that you need a small quantity of propellant and energy, but you can get that energy from the sun.
  18. The others may have broken off. Also, that is far too many ASASs. One is sufficient.
  19. RC1062

    Just a warning

    So um... While we\'re discussing this; has anyone heard of Eset and Intego?
  20. But that\'s a perfectly adequate means of transportation and, should therefore, be in game. May I ask what inspired that crazy, genius, contraption?
  21. You realise we overrun the CPU of a web hosting service right? To have a server you\'d need both a fixed IP address and a dedicated machine, along with a load of other stuff.
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