Here's a personal challenge I've been trying to complete in my spare time since 0.17 came out, and thought I'd share: fly a spaceplane on Eve. Rules: 1. Plane must be able to fly horisontally in the Even atmosphere for at least a minute. (Edited to clarify: this means powered flight, not gliding. If you’re losing speed or altitude, it doesn't qualify). 2. Plane must have landing gear. You don't actually have to land it, but the plane must be capable of landing on it's wheels. 3. Modded parts are fine, <i>so long as they're fairly balanced</i>. I'll leave it up to you to decide what that means. Achievements: 1. Interplanetary Spaceplane. (success) 2. Touchdown (land your plane on the Even surface) 3. Suborbital (return your spaceplane to a stable Even orbit after entering the atmosphere) 4. Vanilla (stock parts only) 5. Make Jeb Proud (no Mechjeb) 6. Spaceplane Ultima (land on the surface, then return to orbit: maybe impossible) My own attempt, the Everis I, has gone through more than a few iterations: blown up plenty of kerbals getting the interplanetary stages into orbit, and then stranded a few poor Kerbals around the sun with bad ejection and phase angles. Hoping to get there tonight! Will post pictures. (EDIT) Welp, my attempt failed... sorta. Utterly stuffed up the ejection burn and used up most of my cruising fuel fixing that (good thing I brought along an absurdly large cruise stage), but managed a successful insertion into the Even atmosphere after two rounds of aerobraking. Then I hit the same problems other people have been facing. In the upper atmosphere, the Everis I was completely unable to pull up. By the time I was low enough that I had enough control to pull up, the drag on the plane was incredible. It overpowered the planes engines: Jeb could glide it for half a minute or so by putting it into a brief dive to accellerate, but not much more than that. On the bright side, it was rediculously easy to land: I think spaceplane landers are a decent way to go when it comes to landing on Eve. I think a *proper* Eve-capable plane will require a very different design to a Kerbin-capable plane: something with minimum drag and maximum thrust. [b]Leaderboard:[/b] RedDwarfIV - The Kittyhawk - [i]Touchdown[/i]