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Everything posted by PB666

  1. I have to put this little wrench in the machine the double slit experiment, light has no mass, it does not age, in this aspect a quantum spacetime and light are the same, therefore time has no meaning in the resoluion of the where the photon will appear. Because from lights point of view it may have never left the undefinable of quantum spacetime that it arose, but we know nothing of quantum spacetime. if you can imagine a photon pair they split and travel and eventual convert, the pair potentially could be joined in the timeless unit. My point is that we continually talk about physics like it is a fininte body of knowledge. It is s ience, people are still studying to determine tha basics, every now and then, things that people in general thought were true have turned out to be something else. The 'in general thought to be true', were not the fault of physics but of concretization of the mind.
  2. Granted. Oops, too late. I wish _/*\_/*\_/*\_/* .
  3. Banned for posting 24 minutes ago.
  4. Using 2 question marks in the same line is cheating, c h e a t e r.
  5. 46 (-) . You mean a game where everyone conspires to play on the same side?
  6. They have their reasons for not crediting it, I'm not crediting thier opinion. Hawkings had his chance to set his meaning anyway he wanted to and he chose to present the common MWI and that is that. K2 can have his own special MWI that only he uses and not sure what that means either. The planet vulcan is a convinient way to explain how the orbit of Mercury works, it simply does not exist. Convinient or not it leads science down the wrong path. CI may or may not allow FTL, it probably does not. Lets set FTL question separately and quantum entanglement separately from the interpretation issue, joining them together has created here the battle of egos. I favor CI, will continue to favor it like many scientist until better experiments are done, thats that. If Hawkings cant convince me then I doubt any other blankity-blank-blank will.
  7. 45 (-) , not sure whether teddy knows what the name of the game is here.
  8. Katrina, was a realatively large storm with a high integrated kinetic energy scale, this is not only a measure of maximum wind speed but also the energetic breath of the storm and energy in the water column. Satellites did not really protect the city, but satellites told the story of loss of barrier islands that protected the city, msking the lack of upgrades an even more serious problem. The levees were only rated for a low cat three storm with moderated IKE score. We have known since 1900 that high IKe storms can hit anywhere along the gulf coast, one hit houston area in 2008. Maximum wind speed predicts wind damage, IKe is a better predictor of stormsurge. Again climate scoence studies have perdicted since around 1995 that cities between the rainfall levels of New orleans tonthose of about amarillo texas are in for periods of historic drought interrupted by historic fllods, decadal fllod plains will have to be shifted. This is one spect of the climate change models that has withstood the test of time and risk apoears to be increasing. Places that subject to constant rainfall, rainforests and very dry areas and very cold places are not likely to be as affected.
  9. Weight is irrelevant chemistry is about molarity, methane and methanol have four hydrogen atoms per each carbon. Methylene, the fractional moeity of aliphatic amino acids is two hydrigen per each carbon. Organic chemistry is about polymers and heterogeneity, carbon forms graphite and diamond, niether of which are living. You see you are very argumentative, but you are argumentative about facts you have a poor grasp of, you spew gibberrish. When you talk about kamachatka, thats not an open air mine its under 12500 meters of water and sediment pressure, very much different,mwith temperatures close to boiling. When i talk about kamachatka i talk about thickly stacked sedimentary rock. The most active place in the workd in terms of geyser activity, without a doubt is yellowston national park. Dont argue, look it up, I have been to Japan many times, it has many volcanoes, but most of them are inactive most of the time, it does have isolated hot springs, but that is not what Exxon was drilling for, hot springs destroy oild formations, Exxon was after old, cleanly domed oil, just like you would find in East Texas, Except 10 kilometers deeper. Theres nothing special or interesting, if science had eyes to see everywhere, certainly there are many places that are deep, highly pressurized and support life. Stop arguing when you are wrong, just admit it and move on with your discussion.
  10. Banned for having a tiny nose and spooky big eyes.
  11. You can't, this multi world interpretation has that if you destroy one copy there are an infinite number of worlds where the threads are still open. Decoherance will simply put you in one of those other universes. Maybe if you sang a chant, how do you say, an exercism, you'll need a quantum priest, though.
  12. This is the 4th dimension, quantum superposition and all that.
  13. Granted, but look again more carefully, I wish i had a barrel of snack ants.
  14. Not granted, your a cetecean you have no hands. I wish you would reload the game and see that your last entry is in error.
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